Shivansh vs Jagtap

After reaching in front of the building of the hunter group, Shivansh and Kavya looked at the building for a moment and then both of them started going inside. Then Shivansh saw a boy at the door of the building who was crying and was talking to the guards standing in front of the building. That boy was asking the guards to let him go inside but the guards were not letting him go.


Seeing this, Shivansh asked Kavya__ is any permission required to go inside?


No, there is nothing like that__ Kavya said.



Then why are these people not letting that boy go inside__ Shivansh said.


I don't know, leave all this and come inside, said Kavya.



Shivansh obeying Kavya went inside the hunter group. As soon as he went inside, Shivansh's eyes fell on the girl sitting at the reception in front, who was very beautiful. Many people were sitting and talking in the reception area and some people were looking at the list on the wall next to the reception in which information about hunting was written.



Shivansh and Kavya went straight to the reception. Upon reaching the reception, Kavya said, "We want to become members of the hunter group."



After listening to Kavya, the girls sitting at the reception looked at Shivansh and Kavya from top to bottom and then said - in this hunting group, children below eighteen years of age cannot become hunters.



The girl sitting at the reception had just said this when a man came there and said laughingly, "Has Mohini come again to become a child hunter?"



The name of the girl sitting at the reception was Mohini and the man who had just come was a hunter. After listening to the hunter, Mohini said __ not one but two.



On hearing Mohini's words, the hunter's eyes fell on Kavya and seeing Kavya's beauty, the hunter said - Mohini, let this boy go and keep this girl for our entertainment.



After listening to the hunter, Kavya and Shivansh got angry after which Shivansh said to Mohini - Mohini ji, if I defeat this man, can I become a part of the hunter group?



Mohini was shocked to hear Shivansh's words and all the hunters present there started laughing loudly after hearing Shivansh's words. Then the hunter who had cast an evil eye on Kavya said, "I am ready to fight with him."



Hearing the words of that hunter, Mohini said - Hunter Jagtaap, these are all children, why are you listening to children?




The name of the hunter whom Shivansh challenged was Jagatap. After listening to Mohini, Jagatap said, "It is these children who have given the challenge."



On hearing Jagtap's words, Shivansh said - You are right, I have given you this challenge, so now I will fight, but if I win, then both of us will be part of this hunting party.



Okay, we accept it, said Jagtap.



What does it matter if you say so, call the manager from here, if he agrees then it is okay, said Shivansh.



Call Mohini manager, I will talk to him, said Jagtap.



After listening to Jagatap, Mohini called an employee and asked him to call the manager. As soon as Mohini gave the order, the employee left from there. After some time, another beautiful girl came there. That girl was more beautiful than Mohini but was very powerful in appearance. That girl was Maya, the manager of the hunter group.



After coming to the reception area, Maya asked Mohini, "Why have you called me?"



Before Maya could finish speaking, Jagtap said, "Manager Maya, I have called you."



Manager Maya had a crazy hunting group but because of her power no one misbehaved with her, Maya was a first level warrior of Surya Shakti rank due to which no one had the courage to fight with Maya, along with this Maya also had the support of powerful people.



Hearing Jagatap's words, Maya asked, why have you called me?



Maya, these two kids are saying that if these two defeat me then can they be made a part of the hunter group, hearing this I said that if these two defeat me then these two can become a part of the group__ Jagtap said.



After listening to Jagatap, Maya looked at Shivansh and Kavya. After looking at them for a few moments, Maya said to Shivansh, what is your name?



My name is Shivansh and her name is Kavya__ Shivansh said.



Do you both really want to fight__ Maya said.



Not both of us, only I will fight. If I win then can I become a part of the group? Shivansh said looking into Maya's eyes.



Till date no one had looked into Maya's eyes without being afraid but today for the first time Shivansh did something which surprised Maya a lot and she said - you are very courageous, well if you defeat Jagtap then you will become a part of the group.



Where do you want to fight__ Shivansh said.




Come with me Jagtap you also come__ saying this Maya went in one direction, seeing this many hunters along with Shivansh, Kavya and Jagtap started going to see the fight, in no time everyone reached the ground which is built behind the building of the hunter group for the practice of the hunters.



After reaching the ground, Shivansh and Jagtap reached the middle of the ground and the rest went to the sitting place, Maya sat on a chair made on a big stage, after Maya sat, she signaled with her hands to start the fight, on getting Maya's signal Shivansh took out his mother's sword and Jagtap took out an axe.



After both of them took out their weapons, they started absorbing power in their weapons due to which both the weapons started shining, after which Shivansh looked at Jagtap and said, "You attack first."




No, you are younger so you should start first, said Jagtap.



Okay__ after saying this Shivansh attacked with his sword, as soon as Shivansh attacked, a powerful sword power came out of his sword and started going towards Jagtap.



Seeing Shivansh's attack coming towards him, Jagtap attacked with his axe, as soon as Jagtap attacked, a power came out of Jagtap's axe and collided with Shivansh's sword power, as soon as the attacks of both collided there was an explosion and the power spread all around.



Before the wave of power could calm down, Jagtap attacked Shivansh with his axe. As soon as Shivansh realized that the attack was coming towards him, he quickly moved his sword forward. As soon as Shivansh moved his sword forward, Jagtap's axe collided with Shivansh's sword.



As soon as the sword and axe collided, the sound of metal clashing echoed all around, Jagtap was shocked to see his attack fail, Jagtap had attacked Shivansh with great speed but Shivansh stopped him easily.



After stopping Jagtap's axe, Shivansh pushed Jagtap back, due to which Jagtap moved back about ten steps, everyone was shocked to see Jagtap moving back from his place.



Jagtap was a level 5 Nine Planet rank warrior who was forced to step back by Aryan who was a Water rank warrior. Seeing his steps back Jagtap quickly stopped himself and looked angrily at Shivansh.



Looking at Shivansh, Jagatap made five attacks simultaneously with his axe, with which an axe made of five energy powers from Jagatap's axe started going towards Shivansh, seeing the five attacks coming towards him, Shivansh made five attacks with his sword which directly collided with Jagtap's attacks. 



As soon as Shivansh and Jagtap's attacks collided, all the attacks got destroyed with an explosion, seeing this Jagtap and the others were very surprised, Jagtap was twice the age of Shivansh yet he was not facing any problem in facing Jagtap.



Seeing Shivansh's war skills, everyone present in the practice ground was praising Shivansh. Hearing Shivansh's praise, Jagtap got angry and started reciting a mantra and his axe started shining with bright light.




Seeing this Shivansh said, now the time has come to end this conflict.



Saying this, Shivansh pointed his sword towards the sky and started reciting mantras due to which lightning started falling on Shivansh's sword from the sky. Seeing this, Jagtap got scared for a moment but controlling his fear, he attacked Shivansh with his axe.



As soon as Jagatap attacked, power came out of his axe which was in the form of a snake; the length of that snake was around five feet; it started moving rapidly towards Shivansh hissing, on the other hand Shivansh was still meditating on the mantras due to which lightning was coming from the sky and getting absorbed in Shivansh's sword due to which Shivansh's magical sword had turned into a lightning sword. 



There was lightning power hovering around Shivansh's sword, when Kavya saw that Jagtap's attack was moving towards Shivansh then Kavya shouted and said - Shivansh the attack was moving towards you.



Kavya had just finished speaking when Shivansh opened his eyes. When Shivansh opened his eyes, there was a golden glow in his eyes which no one saw. In a short while, that glow disappeared and Shivansh's eyes fell on a snake made of Shakti which was moving rapidly towards him.



Seeing the snake made of that power, Shivansh smiled and attacked it with his sword; as Shivansh attacked, a powerful wave of electricity came out of his sword and hit the snake, causing an explosion and the snake made of power was destroyed in one stroke.



After destroying Jagtap's attack, Shivansh's lightning attack moved towards Jagtap, seeing which Jagtap got scared and started chanting mantras hurriedly but by then it was too late and Shivansh's lightning attack hit Jagtap.



As soon as Shivansh's attack hit Jagtap, Jagtap went flying away and hit the wall surrounding the practice ground. Due to Shivansh's attack, Jagtap started vomiting blood. He was badly injured.




All the hunters were looking at Shivansh with fear and surprise. Jagatap was one of the best and most powerful hunters in the hunter group. Shivansh had made his condition worse, then what was the status of the others. The attack which Shivansh had used was the same power mantra which Lord Vishnu had given to Shivansh.



If Shivansh wanted, he could have ended Jagtap with his attack but Shivansh's aim was to injure Jagtap, so Shivansh used only five percent of his electrical power. If Shivansh had used even ten percent of his power, Jagtap would have come close to death. 



On seeing Jagtap injured, Kavya was happy on one side whereas Maya was in shock. She sometimes looked at Shivansh and sometimes at Jagtap. Shivansh, in the eyes of everyone, started walking towards Jagtap with slow steps.




Seeing this all the hunters started worrying about Jagtap, they were afraid that Shivansh might kill Jagtap. Contrary to everyone's expectations Shivansh went to Jagtap and keeping his sword on his neck said, "Do you accept defeat?"