Unknown girls

After a journey of around half an hour, Shivansh along with Toofan reached a small town situated on the border of the forest, where he and Toofan had food. The city in which Shivansh was staying was very beautiful. Shivansh roamed around the city for some time, after that both of them again left towards the capital at a fast speed.

After a journey of about two hours, Shivansh had reached the capital and was roaming in the capital. Shivansh's horse, with the help of Shivansh, had hidden its powers and was roaming with Shivansh as a normal horse. Shivansh was roaming in the market when a girl passed by him running very fast. Shivansh saw that some people were following that girl.



For a few moments, Shivansh looked in the direction in which the girls had gone and then Shivansh also started off in the same direction. Shivansh wanted to see whether the girls were in any trouble because to Shivansh, the people who were running after the girls did not look like soldiers.



While chasing the girl, Shivansh came out of the market to a deserted place where the girl was surrounded by the people following him, Shivansh did not go to the girl immediately and thought of watching everything for some time and hid at a place and started watching, that girl was very beautiful in appearance and seemed to be from a rich family because that girl was wearing expensive clothes.



Shivansh was secretly watching and listening to everything. The girl was surrounded by a total of five people, one of them said, "Our brother wants to marry you and you are running away. You know how proud it is to get married in our Best White Snake family."


I might die before I marry the devil brother of your family__ the girl said.



After listening to the conversation between the girls and the man, Shivansh understood everything that what was going on, after which Shivansh thought of helping the girls and came out and said - let the girls go.



Hearing Shivansh's voice the girls and the five men looked towards Shivansh, seeing Shivansh one of the five men said, "Hey kids go away, this is a matter of the white snake family."



After listening to that man Shivansh said, "It doesn't matter to me which family you belong to, what matters to me is that you are forcing yourself on a girl."



Hearing Shivansh's words, one of the men got angry and he took out his sword and started moving fast towards Shivansh. The man was about to attack Shivansh after coming close to him when Toofan came from behind and made a dangerous attack on the man's chest with his front leg due to which the man went flying away and started vomiting blood.



Seeing this scene the four remaining people along with the girls were surprised and seeing the opportunity they came close to Shivansh and hiding behind him said __ thank you for saving me, now let's go from here, this family is very dangerous.



After listening to the girl, Shivansh looked at the girl for a moment and then said – Don't worry, nothing will happen.



Shivansh had just said this when all four men started moving towards Shivansh with their weapons, some had a sword, some had an axe and some had a mace, but every weapon had the mark of a white snake.



Seeing them coming towards him, Shivansh also took out the sword left by his mother and moved forward to fight them. Using his speed, Shivansh reached the four men in an instant and attacked them.



As soon as the four of them saw Shivansh's attack, they all started trying to escape by using their powers. Shivansh was currently only using the power of his magic sword, which was a rank nine magic sword while the warriors of the Bist family had rank four or five weapons.



In the Green Kingdom, people had never seen weapons above rank six, so the warriors of the Bist family did not recognize Shivansh's sword. They thought that the sword in Shivansh's hand must be of rank six. Shivansh's sword attacks were so powerful that the warriors of the Bist family had to use their power.



In a fight of few moments Shivansh injured all of them but they were still attacking Shivansh. Seeing this Shivansh made a dangerous attack on all four of them. As soon as Shivansh's attack hit them, all four of them fell away and started vomiting blood.



After groaning in pain for some time, all four of them fell unconscious, after that Shivansh kept his sword in the storage ring and looking at the girls said, now tell me who you are.



The girl was looking at Shivansh in surprise then she heard Shivansh's voice after which she came to her senses and said - How powerful are you? Do you know what rank of warriors these four were?



After listening to the girl, Shivansh looked at the unconscious men and said – These four are Pawan rank warriors.



You defeated four Pawan rank warriors at once, this means you are a warrior above Pawan rank__ the girl said.



There is no need to know my rank, just tell me why these people were after you, Shivansh said looking into the girl's eyes.



ok, let me tell you, my name is Kavya, all these things were written behind my back because a bastard from Bist family wanted to marry me but I did not want to marry him, said Kavya taking a deep breath.



Is there no one in your family who can help you? Shivansh said.



It is my family that wants this marriage to happen so that they can get help from the Bist family__ Kavya said.


What kind of help and which family do you belong to__ Shivansh asked.



I will tell you all this later, first get out of here__ saying this Kavya started pulling Shivansh away, seeing this Toofan also started following Shivansh and Kavya.



After walking some distance, Shivansh freed his hand from Kavya and said, leave my hand and give me your complete introduction first.



I am Kant from the white snake family, my full name is Kavya Kant__ Kavya said.



In this world, certain families had certain kinds of powers, like the Bist family had the power of the white snake, similarly the Kant family also had the power of the white snake, only the golden snake power was a rare power which was possessed by very few families, one of them was Shivansh's mother's family who had the golden snake power.



Only two or three people from the family with the golden snake power were left in the entire Nag Shakti area, one of them was Shivansh's maternal grandfather, who ruled the entire Nag Shakti area. Among all the Nag Shakti, the golden snake power was the most powerful Nag Shakti, no warrior could know about the power of any other warrior until the warrior reveals his snake form.



After knowing the complete introduction of Kavya, Shivansh said, so where are you going now?



You have got to know my introduction, now tell me your introduction too__ Kavya said to Shivaansh.



I do not have any introduction, I am an orphan, my name is Shivansh, my mother was killed some time ago, to take revenge from her I have set out to increase my strength, said Shivansh.



I am sorry I did not know who were the people who killed your mother. If you tell me then maybe I can help you, said Kavya.



I don't know anything. I have nothing except their locket with which I can find the murderers. Shivansh said sadly.



Show me the locket, maybe I can help you identify it, said Kavya.



After listening to Kavya, Shivansh thought that he should show the locket to her, maybe he would get to know something, thinking so Shivansh took out the locket and gave it to Kavya, as soon as Kavya saw the locket she got shocked and said__ Shivansh this is the symbol of the two-faced Naag clan, this is a kind of killer gang which kills people for money.



Shivansh got shocked after listening to Kavya and said, what enmity did my mother have with these people that they killed my mother.



No Shivansh these people don't have any enmity with anyone, they kill only for money, your mother must have enmity with someone else__ Kavya said.



After listening to Kavya, Shivansh said, "These people must know who told them to kill my mother."



Yes you will definitely know it but these people will not tell you anything easily, if you want to know something from them then you will have to become more powerful than them, said Kavya.



By the way, how powerful is the head of this tribe? Shivansh asked.



I don't know much about the leader of this clan, but I have heard that its leader is probably a sixth level warrior of Surya Shakti rank, said Kavya.



So now I have to become more powerful than this then maybe I will be able to reach the real murderer of my mother,__ Shivansh said.



But this will not be easy__ Kavya said.



No problem, I will take care of it, now I am leaving, you go to your home__ saying this Shivansh started leaving with the storm, seeing this Kavya stopped Shivansh and said__ hey wait, if I go home then they will again try to get me married, that's why from now on I will stay with you.



I don't have my own place to live so where will I keep you__ Shivansh said.



It doesn't matter, I will stay wherever you stay. Anyway I had taken some gold coins with me which will suffice for some time. In the meanwhile we both will find some work like hunting magical animals, said Kavya.



As soon as Kavya finished speaking, Shivansh said in a loud voice - No, I do not hunt magical animals. I have promised someone that I will not hunt magical animals for my own selfish purposes. If you have any other work, then tell me.



Hearing Shivansh's words, Kavya looked at Shivansh in surprise and said, "Which world have you come from? If you don't hunt magical animals, then how will you make weapons?"



I am not concerned about that. You tell me some other work in which I do not have to kill any innocent person for my selfish interests, said Shivansh.



ok there is a similar job but in that you will have to hunt humans and not animals, said Kavya.



What do you mean we have to hunt humans__ Shivansh said.



You have to catch such people who are criminals dead or alive, these are the criminals who are running away from the state forces,_Kavya said.



Yes this will be fine, let's go, where do we have to go for this__ Shivansh said.



Okay let's go__ saying this Kavya started walking with Shivansh, the storm was moving quietly behind them, in no time both of them reached in front of a building on which was written in big letters "Shikari Dal Group".