Shivansh's Guidance

After descending from Vaishnav mountain, Shivansh headed straight towards his home where he met his friend Mayank. When Shivansh told Mayank about climbing the Vaishnav mountain, Mayank did not believe him, after which Aryan said with a serious expression on his face, "Do you think I am lying?"



Seeing Shivansh's serious expression, Mayank started believing that Shivansh was speaking the truth. After being convinced, Mayank said, "Did you get a blessing from Lord Vishnu?"



Yes I got it__ after saying this Shivansh let his power come out, Mayank was astonished to see the increased power of Shivansh and said__ Shivansh you have reached the third level of water rank but how so soon?



Now I am completely confident that I have received the blessings, Shivansh said softly.



Yes it is done, now what are you going to do next__ asked Mayank Shivansh.



Hearing Mayank's question, Shivansh got a little sad and said - Mayank, I am going to leave from here now, I will leave today itself.



But where will you go__ Mayank said worriedly.



I don't know but I know what to do__ Shivansh said.



What are you going to do__ Mayank asked.



First, to find my mother's murderer, second, to fulfill the promise made to my mother and third, to meet my father," said Shivansh.



But for that you will have to become more powerful, said Mayank.



Don't worry, I will increase my rank, anyway, I am leaving now, I have to leave in some time, so I am saying goodbye now, you go and do your work, when I get a chance I will definitely come here to meet you, said Shivansh.



After listening to Shivansh, Mayank got tears in his eyes and he hugged Shivansh. After hugging for some time, both of them separated and Mayank went towards his house and Shivansh went inside his house.



After some time Shivansh came out of his house and looked at Mayank's house for a moment and then left towards his destination. After going some distance from his house, Shivansh went to the market and bought a white horse from there. After that Shivansh rode on the horse and chose a path which was going towards the capital of the green state.



After a journey of five hours, Shivansh reached the middle of a forest where even the sunlight could hardly reach. By the time Shivansh reached the forest, it was night and hence there was more darkness in the forest due to which Shivansh was not able to see much.



There were two routes to reach the capital, one route which took you to the capital in six days, and Shivansh could reach the capital in two days through the jungle route, so Shivansh chose the jungle route and due to the fast speed of the horse, he reached the middle of the jungle in five hours only.

After reaching the middle of the forest, Shivansh made arrangements to stay and lit a fire around him and tied the horse and sat down to meditate, as soon as Shivansh went into meditation, the Naag Garuda mark on his forehead started glowing and along with that energy started emanating from Shivansh's body.



Shivansh was meditating on the Das Sahastra Bijli Shakti Mantra given by Lord Vishnu, due to which lightning started flashing in the sky, within no time the lightning started falling on Shivansh, due to which Shivansh's power started increasing.



After meditating the whole night, Shivansh felt that his second chakra had also awakened due to which he felt immense energy inside him, feeling the power inside him, Shivansh stopped meditating on the mantra due to which the lightning attack on Shivansh stopped.



After coming out of meditation, Shivansh said, "Now I have reached the seventh level of Jal Rank, now I should set out for further journey."



After saying this Shivansh got up from his place and rode away on his horse. Shivansh had walked for only a few hours when a rank two magical animal which was a wolf appeared in front of him. That wolf was growling at Shivansh.



Shivansh became happy seeing that magical animal and said, today I will test my power that how powerful I am and by killing it I can get its magical heart and also the magical gem.



Two things of a magical animal were very valuable; one was its magical heart and the other was a magic gem which was very difficult to find. Not all magical animals had a magic gem, so even a rank two magic gem was very valuable.



As soon as Shivansh got down from his horse, the wolf ran towards Shivansh and pounced on him in one jump. Seeing this, Shivansh also gathered power in his punches and attacked the wolf.



As soon as Shivansh's punch hit the wolf, the wolf fell away and started screaming, Shivansh's punch had hurt the wolf badly, seeing this the wolf started running away, seeing this Shivansh closed his eyes.



As soon as Shivansh closed his eyes, a huge five-faced snake with wings appeared behind him. As soon as the five-faced snake appeared, Shivansh slightly waved his hands in the direction of the wolf.



As soon as Shivansh waved his hand, the snake's tail started moving towards the running wolf, and it caught the running wolf in its tail and threw it near Shivansh. After that Shivansh was about to kill that wolf when he heard the wolf's voice. The wolf said to Shivansh __ O God, please forgive me, I could not recognize you.



Shivansh got shocked after hearing the wolf's voice and said to himself, "How is it possible that a rank two animal can speak? Any magical animal can speak only when it reaches rank seven."



Thinking this much Shivansh looked at the wolf for a moment and then released him. As soon as the wolf was freed from Shivansh's clutches, he bowed before Shivansh and said, __ Thank you God, you heard my call, now I am leaving.



After saying this the wolf quickly went away from there leaving Shivansh in shock. After remaining in shock for some time Shivansh took his Panchmukhi Naag Garuda form back into his body and sat in meditation there and said, O divine part within me, guide me, how could I hear the voice of an animal?



As soon as Shivansh said this, the sky started shining with bright light and again the time stopped, after that Shivansh heard a voice __ Open your eyes Shivansh.



Hearing that voice, when Shivansh opened his eyes and looked towards the sky, he felt a bright light in his eyes, looking at that light Shivansh said__ Who are you Dev?



I am Garuda Dev, the vehicle of Lord Vishnu__ I have come from the sky today.



Upon hearing the speaker's introduction, Shivansh folded his hands and said – Our salutations to Lord Garuda.



Shivansh had just bowed to Lord Garuda when he heard another voice __ Shivansh do you want to talk only to Garuda?



Hearing that voice, Shivansh was shocked for a moment but immediately became normal and said while bowing down - Lord Sheshnag, you have also blessed my life, a few days ago Lord Vishnu blessed me and you both came, I bow down to you both.



May you be blessed Shivansh__ Lord Garuda and Lord Sheshnag together blessed Shivansh.



Prabhu, how could I hear the voice of this magical animal even though it did not say anything? Shivansh asked.



Shivansh, you are a part of God, hence all the creatures of the world are equal for you, that is why you heard the voice of that magical animal. We hope that from today you will not kill any innocent animal for your own benefit, nor will you let anyone be killed in front of you_ Lord Garuda said.



I understand Lord Garuda how I heard the voice of that animal, I promise that from today onwards I will not attack any innocent person whether it is a human or an animal, said Shivansh.



Hearing Shivansh's words, Lord Garuda said, I am happy that you understood what we said, now I will give you some mantras with the help of which you can make magical weapons, these are ancient mantras, the knowledge of which got extinct thousands of years ago, after that people started hunting magical animals, now I will give you the mantra.



As soon as Lord Garuda said this, some energy from the sky entered Shivansh's mind, after which Shivansh felt some information in his mind, after which he bowed to Lord Garuda.



Lord Garuda gave all the mantras to Shivansh, after that Lord Sheshnag said__ Shivansh I am also giving you a power mantra, its name is Pralay Agni Shakti Mantra.



As soon as Lord Sheshnag said this, a beam of energy entered Shivansh's mind, after which Shivansh folded his hands and said - Thank you very much to both of you for providing guidance and strength.



Vijay Bhab: Shivansh__ After saying this, the voices of Lord Garuda and Lord Sheshnag stopped and time started moving again, after which Shivansh got up from his place and went to his horse.



Shivansh's horse was an ordinary horse, so its speed was very slow. Shivansh looked at his horse and thought for a few moments, after that Shivansh placed his hand on his horse's head and said in a loud voice - I, Shivansh, the incarnation of Lord Garuda and Lord Sheshnag, awaken the magical power inside my horse.



As soon as Shivansh said this, the energy around started getting absorbed in the horse and a bright light started emanating from the horse. Feeling the energy inside itself, the horse neighed and started running here and there but Shivansh did not let it run away and caught it.




A magical gem and a magical heart were being prepared inside the horse. After about an hour, the horse became calm. Divine light was emanating from the body of the horse. Shivansh's horse had become a magical horse and its height had also increased a bit.



After the magical power inside the horse was awakened, Shivansh checked the rank of the horse and said, "My horse has directly become a rank six magical animal."



Shivansh had just said this when the horse said __ Thank you God for making us a magical horse.



You should call me Shivansh, not Dev. From today we are friends and your name is Toofan__ Shivansh said.



Thanks for the name Shivansh__ Toofan said |



So now let's go to Toofan Rajdhani, today you use your best speed and take me to the capital, said Shivansh while sitting on Toofan.



As soon as Shivansh said this, Storm's wings came out which were made of power. Shivansh was very surprised to see this but he didn't say anything. After the wings appeared, Storm flew in the air with Shivansh and started moving towards the capital.



The storm was moving rapidly towards the capital cutting through the wind. Shivansh's clothes and hair were flying in the air because of the wind. Shivansh was holding the reins of the storm with all his strength. Looking at the storm, it seemed as if it had turned into Garuda horse.




To know what will be Shivansh's plan after reaching the capital, read Divya Naag Garuda Yodha.