Naga Garuda Warrior

Shivansh was chanting mantras while looking at the idol of Lord Vishnu, his eyes were completely red, then suddenly blood started coming out of Shivansh's eyes but Shivansh did not stop chanting the mantras and continued chanting, after blood started coming out of his eyes, Shivansh's vision started getting blurred but Shivansh did not stop chanting the mantras.



After chanting the mantras for about one more day, suddenly lightning started flashing in the sky above the mountain, but the sky was completely clear yet the lightning was flashing. Suddenly the lightning started falling on the temple. Lightning was falling on the entire mountain but Shivansh did not stop chanting the mantras.



Seeing the movement in nature, it seemed as if all this was happening due to the chanting of Shivansh's mantras. The lightning that was falling on the temple was not causing any harm to the temple. People standing around the mountain saw that lightning was striking the mountain, that too without any clouds. This was no less than a miracle.



Shivansh was chanting mantras when the sky above the temple started flashing with lightning and everything stopped, even the lightning stopped between the sky and the earth, animals and birds stopped where they were, humans froze, it seemed as if time had stopped, then a beam of energy fell on the temple from the sky and entered the idol but due to that beam of energy there was no damage to the temple.



After the energy beam fell on the idol, the idol started shining with bright light, the glow of the idol was so bright that the entire temple was shining with bright light, as soon as the light coming out of the idol fell on Shivansh, the blood coming out of his eyes got cleaned and his eyes became normal, now his eyes were not red, Shivansh was now able to see everything clearly.



As soon as Shivansh saw the light coming out from the idol, he was shocked but Shivansh did not stop chanting the mantra, it seemed as if the mantra of Lord Vishnu was imprinted on Shivansh's tongue, then a voice came from the idol - Shivansh you can stop chanting the mantra, I have come to fulfill your wish.



On hearing that voice Shivansh stopped chanting the mantra and was looking at the idol in surprise. After looking at the idol for a few moments Shivansh stammered and said – Lord Vishnu, have you really come for this devotee of yours?



Yes Shivansh, it is me. Your devotion is incomparable, that is why I had to come to guide you. A voice came from the idol.



Shivansh was feeling affection and compassion in that voice, which made Shivansh feel relaxed, feeling that relaxation Aryan was feeling a different energy inside him, after feeling relaxed for some moments Shivansh said, Prabhu, why am I not able to see you?



Upon hearing Shivansh's question a voice came from the idol - Shivansh, at this moment you don't have the power to see me, now tell me why did you start my sadhana.



Prabhu, you are the one who can see the past, the present and the future, yet you are asking me why I am doing this sadhna, said Shivansh.



I know Shivansh you want the power to get justice for your mother but Shivansh you already have that power__ Lord Vishnu said through the idol.



Prabhu, I am not even able to raise my level, then where will I get the strength from? Shivansh said.



Shivansh, you are not able to increase your power level, there is a reason behind this which is related to your birth, said Lord Vishnu.



What is that related to birth, Prabhu__ Shivansh asked.



Shivansh, in this strange world everyone has one kind of power, but inside you there are two opposite powers, one is golden serpent and the other is golden eagle, these two powers are fighting with each other inside you, that is why you are not able to achieve success, said Lord Vishnu.



Shivansh was shocked after listening to Lord Vishnu's words, he was not able to understand what to say, thousands of questions were running in his mind, then he heard Lord Vishnu's voice again __ Shivansh I know what question is going on in your mind, you are just thinking that why did this happen to you.



Yes Prabhu, please tell me why this happened to me__ Shivansh said with folded hands.



Shivansh you are not an ordinary warrior, you are an incarnation who was born for a purpose, Shivansh there is the essence of two gods in you, Sheshnag, the god of snakes and Garuda, the god of birds, said Lord Vishnu.



Shivansh got more shocked than before after hearing Lord Vishnu's words, earlier he was having trouble digesting the fact that he had the power of both Nag and Garuda and now he got the bigger truth that he is a part of Lord Sheshnag and Lord Garuda.



After thinking for a few moments Shivansh said, "Lord, if I am a part of the gods, then please tell me the purpose of my birth."



Shivansh, why you were born, it will be known only when the time comes, for now, combine both your powers and become a Naag Garuda warrior who has the powers of both Naag and Garuda and for this I am giving you a mantra. As soon as Lord Vishnu said this, a beam of energy came out of the idol and got absorbed in Shivansh's mind.



After that energy got absorbed in Shivansh's mind, Lord Vishnu said - Shivansh, I have given you two mantras and all the information about them, now you go and sit on this mountain and unite both your energies, after that, by meditating on the second mantra, get a special power.



On hearing Lord Vishnu's words, Shivansh said – Lord, before going into meditation, there is a question in my mind, if you permit, I will ask.



Ask what you want to ask __ Lord Vishnu said.



Lord, if I ever want, I can use either of these two powers, said Shivansh.



Yes you can do it. Now go and meditate and awaken the divine part within you and become Naag Garuda. As soon as Lord Vishnu said this, the light slowly disappeared from the temple and time also started moving.



After the light disappeared, Shivansh got up from his place and after paying obeisance to the idol of Lord Vishnu, he came out of the temple and after finding a place, he sat down and closed his eyes and started chanting the mantra given by Lord Vishnu.



As soon as Shivansh started reciting the mantra, there was a stir inside Shivansh due to which Shivansh's whole body started shaking, Shivansh felt as if a war was going on inside him, after feeling the stir inside him, Shivansh did not stop chanting the mantra and started chanting the mantra in a louder voice but due to this the war between the two powers inside Shivansh became more intense due to which Shivansh's body was getting injured internally.



After being in meditation for three days, the war inside Shivansh calmed down and now both the energies started merging with each other but due to this Shivansh was feeling more pain than before, Shivansh felt that some great power was taking birth inside him, at the time when the energies were merging inside Shivansh, at the same time a mark was slowly emerging on Shivansh's forehead.



After chanting the mantra for seven more days, suddenly there was a movement in the sky and then from the right side of Shivansh, a golden Garuda made of energy started flying towards Shivansh and on the left side of Shivansh, a golden Panchmukhi Naag started coming down from the sky.



In a short while, Garuda and the Panchmukhi Nag collided with each other which produced a terrible light which illuminated the whole mountain, after some time the light dimmed and a Panchmukhi Nag appeared in front who had the wings of Garuda, that Panchmukhi Nag was holding an umbrella over Shivansh's head, at the same time both the inner energies inside Shivansh got combined and the mark that was forming on Shivansh's forehead also became the mark of Garuda Nag.



Shivansh was still in meditation. He felt that there was a lot of energy inside him. When Shivansh examined his inner energy, he found that there were many snakes moving inside him, which had wings. Shivansh was observing his inner energy when he saw that the snakes inside him turned into Garuda, which had snake's skin on its body.



Seeing this scene, Shivansh was surprised and happy at the same time. When Shivansh saw that both his powers had become one, he stopped chanting the first mantra and with that, the serpent Garuda behind him turned into energy and got absorbed inside Shivansh.



Leaving the chanting of the first mantra, Shivansh thought of meditating on the second mantra, the name of that mantra was Das Sahastra Bijli Shakti Mantra, after memorizing that mantra, Shivansh started meditating on the mantra, as soon as Shivansh meditated on the mantra, clouds covered the sky and lightning started flashing.



One day, after meditating on the mantra, suddenly lightning started striking Shivansh from the sky, due to which Shivansh got many wounds on his body, but the wounds started healing immediately. Due to lightning striking his body, Shivansh felt that his inner energy was increasing, along with this Shivansh also felt that there was a movement in his Mooladhar Chakra.



After meditating for about two hours, Shivansh saw that his Mooladhar Chakra had awakened due to which there was an increase in internal energy. After the Mooladhar Chakra was awakened, Shivansh stopped meditating on the mantra, after which the lightning also stopped falling from the sky. After that, Shivansh opened his eyes and said: I have got ten thousand lightning power, this power has been given to me by Lord Vishnu himself, this power will make me invincible in every battle.



Saying this, Shivansh went inside the temple and bowed to Lord Vishnu, after that he jumped from the mountain and flew in the air and after seeing a deserted place he landed and went towards his house.



As soon as Shivansh reached near his house, he saw that his friend Mayank was roaming outside his house in distress, when Mayank saw Shivansh, he went to him and said in anger - Shivansh, where had you gone, I have been searching for you from last many days, where had you gone?



Seeing Mayank angry, Shivansh tried to calm him down and said, "Hey, I had gone to that Vaishnav mountain to do meditation, it took some time."



Mayank was shocked to hear Shivansh's words and said, "You climbed Vaishnav, the mountain which no one has been able to climb. You are not joking, are you?"



Looking at me you think that I am joking, Shivansh said smiling.



After listening to Shivansh's words, Mayank started looking at Shivansh but he did not feel that Shivansh was joking. After looking into Shivansh's eyes for some time, Mayank said, "We cannot see that."