Shivansh's first enemy in Gurukul

After closing the door, Shivansh went to Pushkar and said, get ready, we have to go to the canteen for food, after that we have to go for the first class which is the class of Chakra Shakti Control.

Okay, I am getting ready - Saying this, Pushkar went to get ready, after Pushkar was ready, Shivansh and Pushkar went towards the canteen, on the other hand, the disciple whom Shivansh refused to join the group, went to his I reached near the group and said to a boy sitting in front of me along with boys and girls, Shani, that new boy Shivansh refused to join his group and closed the door on my face.

The boy standing in front of him was Shani, the leader of the group. He was a five chakradhari yogi. He was one of the most powerful disciples. He was a fifth grade disciple. There were few disciples more powerful than him in the pill department.

Isn't he afraid of our group, doesn't he know what I, Shani, will do to him, Shani said.I think he has no fear of anyone. I even told him your name, still he refused_ said the boy from the group.

Where is he at this time Shani said angrily.

Seeing Shani's anger, the boy in the group became happy and said that perhaps he had just gone to the canteen to have food.

Let's go. Saying this, Shani got up from his place and started going outside, seeing this all the boys and girls started following him, within some time they all reached the canteen, Shivansh had just come to the canteen and was sitting to eat. Just then a group came and stood in front of him.

The group that came in front of Shivansh was Shani's group. Seeing Shani's group in front of Shivansh, all the new and old disciples sitting in the canteen started talking among themselves. Only five new disciples had come to the pill department, out of which four Chosen his group but Shivansh had not yet chosen his group.

Coming in front of Shivansh, Shani looked at Shivansh and said, you are the one Shivansh who has rejected the proposal of joining our group.After listening to Shani, Shivansh said, first introduce yourself, tell me who you are.

Shani got angry after listening to Shivansh but he calmed down his anger and said, My name is Shani and I am the leader of Shani group. Now tell me, you had refused.

Yes, I had refused, so what happened, it was my wish, I don't want to go with your group, Shivansh replied very comfortably.

Okay, don't join my group, one day you yourself will beg to join my group.

Let's see, after saying this Shivansh started eating.

All the old disciples were shocked to see Shivansh being so carefree, all of them were involved in some group or the other, that is why they were not worried about Shani but Shivansh was alone at this time, still Shivansh was not afraid of Shani. .

Shani was a very dangerous boy, if anyone went against his wishes, he would leave no stone unturned to make his life hell. Shani was one of the most talented disciples of the Goli department, that is why no one would even say anything to him.Seeing Shivansh carefree, Shani used to leave from there with his companions. After he left, Pushkar asked Shivansh, "Shivansh, will this Shani not create any trouble?"

He will definitely do it but let's see what he does, let's finish eating, it's time to go to class, Shivaansh said.

After some time, after finishing the meal, both of them left for the class. After reaching the class, Shivansh and Pushkar saw that one disciple was sitting and one was standing next to him, the sitting disciple was the same Gurukul disciple as the one next to him. I was standing there, he had come as a servant.

Shivansh also sat at his place and Pushkar stood next to him, within some time all the new disciples came, after that a lady Acharya came into the class who was very beautiful and young in appearance. She was six years older than Acharya Shivansh. Will be big.

Seeing the beauty of that lady Acharya, all the disciples got lost in her beauty but it had no effect on Shivansh, all of them came to their senses when they heard the sweet voice of the Acharya, the Acharya said, Disciples, all of you are welcome to my first class. Everyone's Acharya Naina, today we will control Chakra Shakti.Before we practice, all of you should introduce yourself to each other.

If we include the servant in that class, there were ten disciples. Everyone introduced themselves to each other. After some time, Acharya Naina called one disciple to him and asked him to take out his Kundalini Chakra power and transform it into a dagger.

As soon as Acharya Naina said, the disciple changed his Chakra Shakti into a dagger. After keeping the dagger in his hand for some time, he sent the Chakra Shakti back to his Chakra, after which Acharya Naina said to the disciple - Now make two daggers. together |

As soon as Acharya Naina said, that disciple again gathered the chakra power in his hands but it started changing into two more daggers, the chakra power of that disciple started changing into daggers in both the hands, the dagger was half ready to be destroyed. Even after trying a few more times, the disciple could not make two daggers together.

Seeing this, Acharya Naina sends the disciple back to sit at his place and then says - It is very important to keep your mind calm while using Chakra Shakti. If the mind is not calm and balanced then Chakra Shakti can harm all of you, hence you AllFirst, close your eyes and meditate for some time and calm your mind, then make two daggers with all the chakra power.

As soon as Acharya Naina's talk ends, all the disciples and the disciples who came along with her in the form of servants, close their eyes and start calming their mind. Shivansh meditates for a few minutes and after calming his mind, he opens his eyes. .

Shivansh was the first disciple who opened his eyes. After opening his eyes, Shivansh started releasing his Chakra Shakti, as soon as Acharya Naina felt Chakra Shakti, she started looking towards Shivansh, the same Shivansh started releasing his Chakra Shakti without looking at Acharya Naina. Started turning into two daggers.

Within no time, Shivansh prepared two daggers, which were hovering over his hands. Seeing this, Acharya Naina went to Shivansh and asked, "What is your name?"

Shivansh Shivansh told his name in one word.

Shivansh is a good name so do one thing, now you two turn this dagger into a sword, said Acharya Naina.

As soon as Acharya Naina said, Shivansh changed the dagger into a sword within a few moments, seeing this Acharya NainaShe was shocked and said - Till date no first class disciple had this much talent. You will definitely become a great yogi in the future.

Thank you Acharya, I will try my best to become the greatest yogi, Shivansh said smilingly.

After listening to Shivansh, Acharya Naina sat at her place smiling, after that slowly the disciples opened their eyes and started preparing the daggers, some were successful and some failed, under the guidance of Shivansh, Pushkar also succeeded in making two daggers simultaneously. Went .

Shivansh was the only three-chakradhari yogi in his class, everyone else was a two- or one-chakradhari yogi, as soon as Acharya Naina saw Shivansh, she understood that Shivansh was a three-chakradhari yogi because Acharya Naina herself was a chakradhari yogi.

There was a rule of the Gurukul that if any yogi awakens his six chakras, he can either become the Acharya of the Gurukul or can leave the Gurukul, under that, some time back, Acharya Naina had become the Acharya of the Gurukul after becoming a seven chakrad yogi. .

After the class was over, Shivansh and Pushkar were coming out of the class and going towards their other class, when Shivansh felt something and his body started shaking.Chakra Shakti started coming out and created a shield around him and Pushkar.

As soon as the armor was ready, Shivansh felt something hitting the armor, then Shivansh felt an explosion behind him, hearing that explosion, Shivansh and Pushkar looked back and saw that there was no one behind them but Shivansh realized where the attack was coming from. It happened but Shivansh did not follow him and went towards his other class.

While going on the way, Pushkar asked Shivansh, was this attack done by Shani or any of his associates.

After listening to Pushkar, Shivansh said, who could it be other than him? It seems that he will have to be taught a lesson, only then he will calm down, otherwise he will keep troubling us like this.

On the other side, where Shivansh was attacked, a boy came and said that this boy is very clever, he saved himself very easily, but let's see how long he can save himself.

Having said this, the boy left from there, on the other hand, Shivansh and Pushkar reached the herb identification class, after that class, Shivansh went to the pill making class, where everyone made pills of rank one and two, whereas Shivansh made pills of rank three. Prepared the pill.Similarly, six months passed since Shivansh came to Gurukul. Meanwhile, Shani attacked Shivansh many times but he could not do any harm to Shivansh, the same Shivansh had become a five-chakradhari yogi in the last six months, due to which everyone was very surprised because It takes at least three years to reach from three chakras to five chakras but Shivansh completed it in six months.

The same Pushkar had become a three-chakradhari yogi, due to which today he was going to be tested to become a disciple of the Gurukul, only the servant who had become a three-chakradhari yogi could give this exam and there were only two who had become three-chakradhari yogis.

The same Shivansh had become a second grade disciple in the last six months, now he was about to take the exam to become a third grade disciple for which he had to make a rank five hell level bullet, Shivansh came to the Gurukul and came to know that every rank The tablet had three levels, the earth level, the underworld level and the heaven level.

The bullets that Shivansh had seen in the green state were all earth level bullets and the bullets that Shivansh had made were hell level bullets, hence Shivansh liked his bullet better, when Shivansh came to know about all this, he started making the bullet. Worked very hard and in a short time managed to make a bullet up to rank five ground level.But today Shivansh had to make a bullet of hell level of rank five.

Shivansh was standing on a stage to make the pill. Herbs and embroidery were kept on a stone table in front of him. Shivansh had made complete preparations to make the pill. There was no one else with him. He was the only one who was going to complete this challenge. Yes, let's see. Many disciples had come for him because within a short time Shivansh had become very famous.