Journey to the Naga Kshetra

Shivansh was standing on the stage to make the pill and four Acharyas were sitting in front of him. Shivansh was looking at all four, then one Acharya said, Shivansh, you will be given three chances, so now you start making the pill.

As soon as Acharya's order was received, Shivansh took out his Chakra Shakti and put it in the cauldron, after that Shivansh started purifying all the herbs, Shivansh was going to make Jal Shakti Pill which was a pill of Patal rank of rank five. To make this pill, Shivansh needed a water power gem, which Shivansh created with his mantras.

It took one hour for Shivansh to purify all the herbs, after that Shivansh started making powder of all the herbs one by one, in which Shivansh took two hours, after making the powder, he started mixing the powder of all the herbs. Before all the powders were mixed, Shivansh put the Jal Shakti Mani in the pan, which in no time transformed into energy and mixed with the powder.After getting the powder of Jal Shakti Mani, Shivansh started mixing all the powders with the help of his Chakra Shakti, it took about two hours to get all the powders mixed, after which Shivansh started converting the mixed powder into a pill.

Shivansh was making the pill with such care that he came close to success in the first attempt due to which all the Acharyas as well as all the disciples were in shock because no yogi is capable of making any pill of rank five or above. He used to fail at least once but Shivansh came close to success in the first attempt itself.

It took an hour for the pill to be completely prepared after which everyone saw that there was a white colored pill in the cauldron from which cold energy was emanating, Shivansh made only one pill but he purified all the herbs which were He had water power for the pill.

Shivansh kept the remaining powder in a bottle, after which Shivansh took the pill, all four Acharyas approached him, all four Acharyas saw Shivansh's pill, after that everyone praised Shivansh, Shivansh became happy after hearing his praise.

After examining the pills, the Acharyas gave the pills to Shivansh, after that he took out a batch from himself and gave it to Shivansh, that batch was for the third grade disciple.It was familiar, Shivaansh happily went towards his room after taking the batch.

Vio, who met Shivansh while going on the way, congratulated Shivansh, when Shivansh reached his room, Pushkar was already present. Seeing Pushkar, Shivansh said, Pushkar, what happened to you, did you become the disciple of Gurukul?

Yes Shivansh, I became a disciple and that too of a second class, now I can keep two servants, so I have sent a message to my father that if he wants to send any yogi to us, he can send it and now I have got my own house too but Shivansh. I wanted to ask you something, Pushkar said everything in one breath.

Yes, tell me what you want to ask, ask, Shivansh said.

That Shivansh met me Keshav, he has asked me to join his group and I also wish to join that group, Pushkar said.

Keshav's group was another group of Goli department, Shivansh had a good relationship with that group, Shivansh had a good friendship with Keshav because Keshav was a good person, whenever Shivansh had a fight with Shani's group, Keshab Had helped Shivansh.Listening to Pushkar, Shivansh laughed and said, what is the need to ask about this? Anyway, I will not stay in the Gurukul for long, so if you need a group, then join it, otherwise that Shani will keep troubling you.

After Shivaansh agreed, Pushkar became happy and hugged Shivaansh. Seeing this, Shivaansh separated Pushkar and said, By the way, where have you got the house.

Five houses from your house on the right side, now I am leaving. I have to tell Keshav that I am joining his group. Saying this, Pushkar left Shivansh's house. After Pushkar left, Shivansh said, he has become a disciple, he has become Mayank. That I have not even met her for the last six months and at what level has this Tarish and Kavya reached, anyway now I have reached the fifth level of Naugraha rank, now the time has come to fulfill the promise given to mother.

Apart from Pushkar, Shivansh had not kept anyone as his servant because he was not going to stay in the Gurukul for a long time because he knew that staying here for a long time would not benefit him much. Shivansh, after thinking for some time and for some time, went to rest. Because he was very tired in making the pill.

In the last six months, Toofan had also become a magical animal of the seventh rank, due to which he now behaves like a human.Could talk and his speed had become faster than before, earlier only Shivansh could talk to Toofan but now everyone could talk to Toofan.

Shivansh was resting in his house when there was a knock on his door. Hearing this, Shivansh opened the door and there was a soldier of Gurukul in front of him. As soon as the soldier saw Shivansh, he said, Shivansh, do you know any Tarish and Kavya? ?

Hearing the names of Tarish and Kavya from the soldier, Shivansh was shocked and said - Yes, I know, has something happened?

No, nothing has happened, they have come to meet you. The soldier had just said this when Tarish and Kavya came out from behind the soldier. Shivansh became happy after seeing both of them and said, what is the matter with you two in the pill department?

You didn't come to meet me, so we came, Tarish said.

When the soldier saw that Shivansh knew both of them well, the soldier left from there, after the soldier left, Shivansh called Tarish and Kavya inside, then another shadow came out from the side, seeing which Shivansh became even more happy because It was Mayank. Mayank was hiding next to the door.Mayank, if you also come, please come inside, Shivansh said happily.

After coming inside, Shivansh checked the power level of all three and Shivansh came to know that Tarish had reached the eighth level of Pawan rank, Kavya had reached the fifth level of Pawan rank and Mayank had reached the seventh level of Jal rank.

After checking the power level of all of them, Shivansh said that you all have progressed a lot, Mayank, did you become a disciple of Gurukul or not?

When Shivansh asked, Mayank happily said, yes, I have become one and I have sent a message to my home that they can send any two people to get education in Gurukul.

Oh wow, congratulations Mayank and if you work hard, I am going to go out of Gurukul in a few days - Shivansh said.

All three were shocked after hearing Shivaansh's words, after that Tarish said where are you going Shivaansh.

I don't know, but to fulfill the promise given to my mother, I have to leave from here, Shivansh said.If you have to go, then wait for some time, after that we will go to the capital of Nag region, there the Golden Snake royal family organizes a competition every year in which the successful one gets a place in the royal army, anyway the resources there are better than other places. It is to increase power, Tarish said.

How do you know all this, Kavya said to Tarish.

After going there you will know how I know all this – Tarish said.

On one side Tarish and Kavya were talking amongst themselves, on the other side Shivansh said in his mind that I had to go there, now I have got the opportunity to go there.

Thinking this, Shivansh said to Tarish, okay we will go, when is this competition.

After one month, hence now we will leave after twenty days but Mayank cannot go there because only warriors above Pawan rank can participate in that competition and Mayank cannot go above Pawan rank in twenty days, Tarish said.

Mayank became sad after listening to Tarish. Seeing this, Shivansh said, what if he can't run away this year?Hua can take it next year, by the way, both of you Tarish and Kavya have not yet gone above Pawan rank.

Yes, we know, I am going there because my house is there, Tarish said.

Mayank and Kavya got shocked after hearing Tarish's words but Shivansh was not shocked because Shivansh had already expected that Tarish was not from a weak family, there was a peace in Shivansh's house, breaking which Shivansh said, then it's okay. See you a day later.

All four talked like this for some more time, after which Tarish, Kavya and Mayank left, after those three left, Shivansh went to the meditation room and started meditating, in the last six months Shivansh made a lot of bullets and weapons.

Shivansh also converted the mace he had bought into a magical weapon, Shivansh also meditated on many mantras which he felt were necessary, Shivansh also got some mantras in the Gurukul, the power of which Shivansh attained.

Time passed quickly and the time came for Shivansh and his companions to go to the capital of Nag Kshetra, Shivansh left the bullet department and went to the warrior department where he met Tarish and Kavya and left for the capital.After a few days, three horses were running fast through a hilly area. Shivansh, Tarish and Kavya were riding on that horse, their hair was flying in the wind, then Shivansh saw a river, seeing which Shivansh said, we should stop here. So that the horses can drink water, anyway it is going to be night so it would be better to stop here.

After listening to Shivansh, Tarish and Kavya agreed and stopped the horse and gave it water, Shivansh's horse went to drink water on its own, Shivansh and his companions lit a fire and had food and also gave their food to the horses.

After eating food, Shivansh sat in meditation, after which Tarish and Kavya also sat in meditation, both of them also needed to increase their power. As soon as Shivansh sat in meditation, power came out of his body and turned into a five-faced snake on which There were five gems, this was proof that Shivansh had awakened his five chakras.

Shivansh was meditating on the Pralay Agni Shakti received from Lord Sheshnag, due to which a ray of fire came out of the fire lit by Shivansh and his companions and got absorbed in Shivansh's body.

After the fire ray got absorbed in Shivansh's body, the sky turned red, after that the fire power came out from the sky and this fire started getting absorbed in Shivansh's body.The rays were in the form of snake Garuda, now time had not stopped like before, like the first time, time had stopped because Lord Sheshnag wanted to provide power to Shivansh himself for the first time.

The fire coming from the sky did not go anywhere other than Shivansh's body. If it had gone, then everything in that place would have been destroyed which no one could have stopped. The destructive fire power would have come from the sky in the form of the serpent Garuda and would have been absorbed directly into Shivansh's body. Was .

After all, what is the secret of Tarish's family which Tarish is not telling,