Tarish Shivansh's Brother

Shivansh and his companions were meditating. Shivansh was meditating on the power of Pralaya fire, due to which the fire power was coming from the sky in the form of snake Garuda and getting absorbed in the body of Shivansh, due to which the brightness of Shivansh's body was increasing and Along with this, the power of Panchmukhi Naag created by the power present behind Shivansh was also increasing.

On the other hand, Kavya and Tarish were also meditating on high level mantras of rank three, due to which there was a commotion in the nature and the energy from the surrounding was coming and getting absorbed into the bodies of Kavya and Tarish, due to which both of them were The intensity of the body was also increasing.

After meditating the whole night, Shivansh opened his eyes before the sun rose, after which the Panchmukhi snake behind him transformed into Shakti and got absorbed into Shivansh's body, Shivansh had now reached the sixth level of Naugraha rank. After opening his eyes, Shivansh looked towards Tarish and Kavya, both were still in meditation. Seeing them both in meditation, Shivansh went to Toofan and talked to him for some time, after which Kavya and Tarish also came out of meditation, All three of them left for their journey again.

After traveling for four more days, Shivansh, Tarish and Kavya reached the capital of Nag region, three days before the start of the competition. After reaching the capital, when Shivansh and Kavya saw the capital, they were shocked because the capital was very big and beautiful and had shops. It was very big and no shop was less than five storeys.

Seeing the shops, Kavya said, there are so many tall shops here, it seems that there is nothing here which cannot be found.

Right where everything is found here, even the rarest things are found here, that is why the yogis and warriors here are very powerful. Many seven chakradhari yogis and heaven rank warriors will be found here, Tarish said.

Now tell me where are we going to go, Shivansh said to Tarish.We will stay here in my house, let's go now. Saying this, Tarish quickly left the market with Shivansh and Kavya, within no time all three of them reached the main gate of a very big palace, there were many soldiers at the main gate, they all had the shape of a five-faced snake on their armor. Was.

Seeing that palace, Shivansh said to Tarish, you are from the royal family, tell me what is your relation with the emperor.

He is my grandfather, my father's name is Maheshwar, my father is the only son of Shapat and is going to become the emperor very soon, Tarish said.

Are you also the only one or do you have any siblings? Shirvash said.

I have a brother and a sister, elder brother and younger sister, their names are Tarendra and Mahi Tarish said.

After knowing about Tarish, Shivansh said in his mind, I had wondered how I would reach here but I knew that God had already made arrangements for me to reach here.After looking at the palace for a few more moments, Shivansh walked towards the palace with Tarish and Kavya, as soon as the soldiers saw Tarish, they all bowed and paid respect to Tarish, after which the soldiers opened the big door.

As soon as the door opened, Tarish went inside the door along with Shivansh and Kavya, within no time the news of Tarish's return spread, Tarish was moving towards the main palace in a hurry with Shivansh and Kavya, inside the main gate there were many people. Palaces were built in which the main palace was for the emperor's family.

Tarish was moving ahead with Shivansh and Kavya, when Tarish saw that a woman in royal clothes and a young girl were coming quickly from inside the palace, seeing both of them, Tarish became happy and came quickly and met that woman. Tarish touched his feet and said, seeing this the woman blessed Tarish.

After blessing Tarish, the woman asked where he had gone without telling us, do you know how worried we were.

Mom, we are absolutely fine, you meet our friends Shivansh and Kavya, these two are my new and best friends, Tarish said.

The woman with whom Tarish was talking was his mother and Tarish's mother was accompanied by his sister Mahi. After knowing the introduction of the people who came with him from Tarish, Tarish's mother looked towards Shivansh and Kavya smilingly, then Shivansh and Kavya smiled and saluted with folded hands.

After the introduction, looking at Shivansh, Tarish said, Mother Shivansh is a yogi who has cured me and now I am able to increase my power level.

Are you really able to increase your power level? Having said this, Tarish's mother checked Tarish's power level and said that you have reached Pawan rank in the last seven-eight months and now you will soon cross Surya Shakti rank. .

Having said this to Tarish, Tarish's mother folded her hands in front of Shivansh and said, Yogi Shivansh, thank you very much, you freed my son from his biggest trouble.

There is no need for gratitude, we have just fulfilled our duty of friendship. Shivaansh said smilingly.Everyone was talking then Mahi said Tarish Bhai, won't you meet us?

Hearing Mahi's voice, Tarish looked at Mahi and said why won't I meet my beloved sister, tell me how are you?

I was definitely angry with you because you didn't even tell me that you were going. Mahi lied and said angrily.

Seeing Mahi's anger, Tarish was about to say something, then Tarish's mother said, both brothers and sisters, talk later, first go and meet grandfather and father, they are in the meeting, your brother is also there.

Okay, let's go to Shivansh Kavya's meeting. Saying this, Tarish started towards the meeting with Shivansh and Kavya, Shivansh also wanted to see his maternal grandfather.

Within no time, Tarish reached outside the meeting with Shivansh and Kavya. Seeing Tarish, the soldier standing outside the meeting bowed his head and said, Prince, I will immediately inform the emperor about your arrival.Saying this, the soldier went inside the meeting, after some time the soldier returned and said that the emperor is calling all three of you.

After getting permission, Tarish went to the meeting with Shivansh and Kavya. After going to the meeting, Shivansh saw that an elderly man was sitting on a big golden throne. Terrible power was emanating from him. That man was Shivansh's maternal grandfather and the emperor of the Naga region. Sureshwar was there, Shivansh's maternal uncle Maheshwar was sitting next to him, ministers and generals of Nag region along with many young warriors of the royal family were sitting around him.

After reaching the meeting, Tarish, Shivansh and Kavya folded hands and saluted Emperor Sureshwar, after that Emperor Sureshwar looked at Tarish and said, Tarish, when you went, you were a warrior of the first level of Dhara rank but now you have reached Pawan rank. How in just one month?

Dada Samrat, all this has happened because of my friend Shivansh, he is a yogi, Tarish said pointing towards Shivansh.

It is good that you have made friendship with a Yogi and that too a Five Chakradhari Yogi. This boy has become a Five Chakradhari Yogi in a very short time. Who is your Guru? Shivansh Samrat Sureshwar said.I don't have any guru, I got all this by the grace of God. Shivansh said.

Meaning, God has blessed you, now all three of you go and rest, there should be no lack of hospitality in welcoming the honored guests, said the Emperor.

Yes Dada Samrat, saying this, Tarish bowed his head and left the meeting with Shivansh and Kavya. After leaving the meeting, Tarish went towards the guest room with Shivansh and Kavya. Within some time, all three reached near the guest room. Where Tarish's mother was already present and getting the room ready.

Seeing Tarish, Shivansh and Kavya, Tarish's mother said, we have got two rooms ready, you all take rest, we will call you when it is time to eat.

Yes mother, we will take care, you just show Kavya her room, we will show Shivansh his room, Tarish said.

Okay, come on Kavya, let us show you our room. Having said this, Tarish's mother went towards his room with Kavya, along with them some slaves and maids also went, after both of them left, Tarish told Shivansh.Showed him his room, after which Tarish went towards his room, leaving Shivansh to rest.

After resting for a few hours, Shivansh woke up to a sound, someone was knocking on the door, hearing which Shivansh got up and said, come inside.

As soon as Shivansh said this, the door opened and Tarish came inside. Seeing Tarish, Shivansh said, why do you need to knock the door.

This is a rule of the royal family; if you go to someone's room, even if he is younger than you, it is necessary to take permission. Tarish said.

Come on, tell me what is your work, Shivansh asked.

Let's take you and Kavya around the palace so that both of you do not face any problem, said Tarish.

Okay, you call Kavya, by then I will get ready. Shivansh said.

She is getting ready, you get ready, we are waiting, Tarish said.Ok. Saying this, Shivansh got down from the level and went inside the bathroom, after some time Shivansh came out in a sad mood and left the room with Tarish, first both of them went to Kavya's room and took her with them on a tour of the palace.

All three soldiers passing by would bow their heads in front of them. Pawan rank warriors in the royal army were ordinary soldiers. Seeing this, Kavya said that in Harit kingdom, Pawan rank warriors are considered powerful and here Pawan rank warriors are ordinary soldiers.

Here, warriors up to Surya Shakti rank are considered weak, Tarish said.

While talking like this, Tarish, along with Shivansh and Kavya, reached the practice place in the palace where the prince of the royal family was practicing, when they all saw Tarish, Shivansh and Kavya, a boy said, Tarish, are you friends too? Weak like you.

Nakul, it doesn't matter to you whether my friend is weak or not, he has just come to visit at this time. Tarish said.The name of the person who had just made fun of Tarish was Nakul. Nakul was the son of Tarish's Papaya's cousin. Nakul seemed to be Tarish's brother. He was of the age of Tarish's elder brother. Nakul was a first level warrior of Sapta Tara rank. .

After listening to Tarish, Nakul said, it seems that like you, your friend is also weak, that is why you are afraid that he might be in a bad condition.

After listening to Nakul, Kavya said, Shivansh, what are you looking at, go ahead and break the pride of this arrogant person.

After listening to Kavya, Shivansh said - Kavya, this Nakul is the brother of Tarish and we cannot fight without the wish of the guest Tarish here, it would be unfair.

After listening to Shivansh, Tarish looked at Shivansh and said, go and show the warriors of Nag area that you are no less than anyone.