Entry into Gurukul

Kavya was having a fight with a boy. The boy attacked with his mace. While attacking, power came out of the boy's mace, it turned into a rock and started spinning rapidly towards Kavya. Seeing him, Kavya shot an arrow from her bow.

As soon as the arrow was released from Kavya's bow, it hit the rock shining with bright light, as soon as Kavya's arrow hit the rock, there was an explosion and the rock turned into dust and its dust spread all around, when the dust was removed the boy Saw that an arrow was coming towards him.

Seeing Kavya's arrow, the boy quickly attacked with great fear, as soon as the boy attacked, with a bang Kavya's arrow and the boy's power were destroyed after which the boy attacked again.

As soon as the boy attacked, he took out a mace made of Shakti from his mace and started moving rapidly towards Kavya, seeing which Kavya meditated on a mantra whichAfter Kavya released the arrow, as soon as Kavya released the arrow, it changed one arrow into two and moved ahead.

One of Kavya's arrows hit the mace and the other one went faster and hit the boy, as soon as the arrow hit the boy, he went flying away and started vomiting blood, because of Kavya's arrow the boy got badly injured. Due to which he became unconscious and Kavya won that duel.

After winning the duel, Kavya happily sat next to Shivansh and Tarish, after Kavya there were two more duels after which it was Shreya's turn, Shreya was facing a girl whom she defeated very easily, after Shreya's duel Another fight took place and then it was Shivansh's turn.

Shivansh was about to have a duel with a boy. As soon as the order was given to start the duel, Shivansh's opponent attacked, which Shivansh destroyed very easily and Shivansh attacked with his sword, due to which the boy got injured. Done and became unconscious.

Everyone was surprised to see that Shivansh finished the duel in less than a minute and sat down at his place because any duel lasts for at least five minutes.It took a minute but Shivansh ended the fight in less than a minute.

Some time after Shivansh finished the duel, the time came for Tarish's duel, which he finished in less than five minutes, after which some more duels took place, after about two hours of duel, the second phase of the competition ended.

As soon as the second phase ended, Acharya Arjun got up from his place and said that the participant who has won in this phase will be the disciple of Shahi Gurukul from today and those who have lost can try next time, so now you all can go. And those who are now disciples of Gurukul should reach Gurukul tomorrow morning, after which their department will be selected.

There were three departments in the Shahi Gurukul, Warrior Department, Bullet Department, Artisan Department, before selection in these three departments, the disciples were asked about their interest in which department they wanted to go, accordingly they were sent to the department of their choice. .

After the end of Acharya's talk, all the participants left the Gurukul, within a short time the news of the results of the Royal Gurukul reached the entire empire, it was a matter of pride for some families that someone from their house was from the Royal Gurukul.There is a disciple, when the disciples of the royal Gurukul of Kavya, Tarish and Shivansh spread in Harit Rajya, everyone became happy.

For the past many years, no one had become a disciple of the royal gurukul from Harit state, but today when three became one, Kavya's family became very happy, the respect of the Kant family had increased a lot in Harit state, due to which Kavya's father Those who were still angry with Kavya, their anger went away.

Shivansh and Tarish had not given the address of their family, hence no one came to their family to congratulate them, but when Shivansh's friend Mayank came to know that Shivansh had become a disciple of Shahi Gurukul, he became happy.

On the other hand, after coming back to their hotel room, all three rested, after that the next morning Shivansh reached Gurukul with his friends, after reaching Gurukul, all three saw that many disciples had already arrived, after some time some Acharyas also came. Reached near the stage with some disciples and disciples, all of them had plates in their hands.

There were batches of new disciples in those plates, on the orders of the Acharya, the first grade batch was given to the new disciples, after everyone got the batch, an Acharya came forward and said, everyone come one by one and tell us this.In which department do you want to go, there are three departments in Gurukul, warrior department, bullet department and artisan department.

As soon as Acharya's talk ended, all the disciples came one by one and started telling the name of the department of their new interest, Tarish and Kavya chose the warrior department while Shivansh chose the bullet department, Shivansh wanted to get better in making bullets, so Shivansh chose the bullet department. Chose.

Among the disciples, most of them went to the warrior department, only a few went to the bullet department and the artisan department, after everyone had chosen their departments, another Acharya came forward and said, you all have thirty days, if you want, hire someone as a servant for yourself. You can also take a warrior to take education in a Gurukul, but whatever department you are in, your servant can take education in your own department. Now all of you go and think who you want to bring with you.

After listening to the Acharya, everyone left the Gurukul. While going on the way, Kavya said, I will bring someone from my family, Tarish and Shivansh, whom will you two bring?

I don't know any yogi, I have a friend Mayank, if he wants to become a yogi then it is fine otherwise Tarish will keep him with him, what do you say Tarish or do you have someone else, Shivansh said.No, I don't have anyone, I will keep him, don't worry, Tarish said.

So let's go to the hotel and leave for Harit Rajya, then from there I will go towards my city, Shivansh said.

Talking in the same manner, Shivansh and his companions left the hotel, after vacating the room they left for the Green State, after a long journey, all three reached the Green State, after reaching the capital of the Green State, Shivansh and Tarish did not stop for a moment. Didn't stop and Shivansh left for his city with Tarish.

When Shivansh reached his city with Tarish, Mayank was happy to see him. After meeting Mayank, Shivansh introduced him to Tarish and said to him, Mayank, come with me to the Gurukul. From now on, you will study in the Shahi Gurukul with Tarish.

Mayank said why not with you along with Tarish.

You are a warrior and I am a yogi, then how will you live with me, Shivansh said.

Mayank was shocked after listening to Shivansh and said when did you become a yogi and why didn't you tell me.Now that you have told, let's get ready and we are leaving, Shivansh said.

When Mayank's parents came to know that Shivansh has come to take Mayank to the royal gurukul, they all became happy and thanked Shivansh, after that Shivansh Tarish and Mayank left for the capital of Harit Kingdom.

When Shivansh reached near Kavya's house, he saw that Yogi Pushpendra was already present there. Seeing him, Shivansh saluted him and said, do you have any work here with the Kant family.

No Shivansh, I was waiting for you, I had a task for you, Yogi Pushpendra said.

Yes, tell me what is the matter, Shivansh said.

When Shivansh asked, Yogi Pushpendra said, I have a son, his name is Pushkar, who is of the same age as all of you and he is also a two wheeler yogi, I want you to take him with you to Shahi Gurukul, I heard from Kavya that You can take a yogi with you.

After listening to Yogi Pushpendra, Shivansh said without hesitation, please call him, we are about to leave.As soon as Shivansh agreed, Yogi Pushpendra became happy and called Pushkar's name. At this time Pushkar was at the Kant family's house and was talking to Kavya. As soon as he heard his father's voice, he came in a hurry and came to know about it. When Shivaansh agreed to take him along, he became happy and thanked Shivaansh.

After some time, six people left for Shahi Gurukul with six horses, along with Kavya, a girl from her family who was related to her was going, her name was Manika, all of them were moving fast on the way. While leaving, Pushkar came to know that Shivansh does not hunt magical animals, he was very surprised, Mayank was also surprised, so Mayank asked Shivansh, when did you make this promise.

Shivansh said since I have come from Vaishnav mountain.

While talking and resting like this, Shivansh and all his companions reached Shahi Gurukul, after reaching Gurukul, everyone went to the head Acharya of their respective department and introduced themselves to him and got their and Pushkar's names registered, Acharya of Goli department one He was a yogi of great yogi level.

Goli Department was on a mountain where there was greenery all around and the aroma of Jadu herbs was coming due to which Shivansh and Pushkar felt a freshness, from the Chief AcharyaAfter meeting, Shivansh and Pushkar were taken to the hostel in-charge by a student who was a third grade student.

The hostel in-charge gave Shivansh the key of a room, after that Shivansh went to his room, Shivansh's room was not a room, it was a small house which had three rooms along with a bathroom and a meditation room, Shivansh and Pushkar were given room in Kimar. Liked it very much.

After coming home, Shivansh and Pushkar went to their respective rooms to rest, after resting for a few hours, Shivansh woke up to a knock on the door and Shivansh went to open the door, when Shivansh reached the door, there was a disciple there. was standing.

Seeing that disciple, Shivansh said, what's the matter brother, there was some work.

In return of Shivansh's question, are you a new disciple, the disciple standing at the door asked a question.

Yes, tell me what is the matter, Shivansh said.

Look, there are four groups in the pill department and the name of our group is Shani's group, and we have to join this group, this is the order of the group leader Shani, said the disciple standing at the door.Shivansh laughed a little after listening to that boy and said, I will not join any group, now you can go.

Look boy, obey me otherwise you will be in trouble, said the disciple standing at the door.

Now you go, don't spoil your mind, anyway today is my first day, I have to know a lot, saying this Shivansh closed his door, seeing this the disciple standing at the door left angrily.