Second Step

Shivansh was gaining the power of the divine tortoise sacred symbol on the tenth floor of the building due to which Shivansh was experiencing terrible pain, yet he was not going to give up and was rapidly gaining the divine tortoise power.

On the other hand, the participants started coming out of the building, taking tokens from them and the Gurukul were asking them to wait. The disciples coming out were feeling very tired but their strength was feeling a little increased. .

Within some time almost all the participants had come out, now only a few participants were left in the building who were on the seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth floors, after some time the participants of these floors started coming out, after some time Kavya and Tarish also came out. Came out and deposited his token.

After depositing the token, Tarish and Kavya started waiting for Shivansh, they were sure that Shivansh would come late, so both of them sat comfortably in their places.And started waiting, on the other hand, Shivansh, who was sitting in meditation, unaware of the outside noise, was gaining the power of the sacred symbol, now the pain in his bones and muscles started reducing.

The people standing outside were feeling that one of them Kamesh and Shreya must have reached the tenth floor, that is why everyone was praising both of them, even the Acharyas of Gurukul were feeling that one of them was on the tenth floor. Must have reached the top.

Everyone was talking about Kamesh and Shreya when two shadows came out of the door of the building, one of which was a boy and the other a girl, everyone got shocked after seeing them and started looking towards the tenth floor where the light was still on. Was burning.

Everyone was in shock because the boy and girl who had come from the building were Shreya and Kamesh. Seeing them, everyone started talking among themselves. Hey brother, if none of Kamesh and Shreya has gone to the tenth floor, then who has? .

Now this was the question on the lips. Acharya Arjun, sitting on the stage, said to a disciple - Look which token has not been deposited yet.As soon as Acharya Arjun said this, all the disciples started checking the token, within some time they came to know that there was no token number five hundred and one, after which Acharya took out the name of the participant of that token, within some time Acharya Arjun and the rest Acharya came to know that Shivansh was on the tenth floor.

On hearing the name of Shivansh, a disciple said, Acharya, isn't this the same Shivansh who had defeated Kamesh some time ago in front of the entire market?

He could be the same lady Acharya said.

On one side there was commotion while on the other side Shivansh had absorbed ninety percent of the power within himself due to which he felt that his body had become very hard, due to which Shivansh became very happy inside.

The sun had set, still people were sitting in the ground. They wanted to see who was on the tenth floor. Hundred participants were selected for the next stage, in which Shivansh and his two companions were also included, that is why Kamesh and the rest of the royal family. The members left from there because they already knew who was on the tenth floor.The other Acharyas of the Gurukul had also got the news of someone's arrival on the tenth floor, that is why they all came to see that disciple, all the Acharyas reached the stage and started waiting for Shivansh to come out.

An Acharya said that this participant is very talented, that is why he was meditating on the tenth floor for so long. He wanted to take full advantage of the power of the tenth floor so that he does not have to work too hard in the next stage.

You are right Acharya, this participant is amazing. Another Acharya said.

Some more time passed and it became night, then everyone saw that the light on the tenth floor had gone out and then the lights on the ninth floor and after a few moments on the eighth floor had started burning, due to which everyone came to know that the person they were waiting for had come down. Used to be.

After some time, a shadow came out of the building, to see which everyone got up from their place and started looking at the participant who came out, when people saw the face of the participant, a man from the crowd of spectators said, 'Hey brother, this is the same boy.' Who had defeated Kamesh.

After listening to that man, gradually everyone started recognizing Shivansh and started talking about Shivansh, everyoneWhile they were praising Shivansh, Shivansh deposited the token after which he came to know that he had already been selected for the next stage.

Acharyas talked to Shivansh for some time, after that Shivansh left the field with Tarish and Kavya, after a few Shivansh started being discussed again in the capital, Kamesh was angry and started practicing swordsmanship at the practice place of his mansion. Kamesh was feeling angry at himself after losing to Shivansh again.

While practicing sword fighting, Kamesh said in his mind, I will not leave this Shivansh, he has insulted me a lot, now I will kill him.

So much anger was visible in Kamesh's eyes. Looking at the red eyes of Kamesh, it seemed that if Shivansh had come in front of him at this time, he would have chewed Shivansh raw. On the other hand, Princess Shreya, lying on her bed, said, this boy is It's amazing, I have never seen a boy as powerful as him, but where did he come from? He calls himself the emperor of the strange world, what courage.

Shreya was lost in the thoughts of Shivansh, then a girl came into her room, who when she saw that Shreya did not even know that she had come into the room, she shook Shreya and said where are you lost, Princess Shreya.Shreya came to her senses when the girl shook her and looking at the girl she said Muskaan, when did you come here.

Muskaan was Shreya's childhood friend and was the daughter of a minister of the empire. Muskaan did not live with Kamesh and his group because Muskaan did not like the activities of this group, hence she used to stop Shreya from going with them. For.

When Muskaan talked about Shreya, she laughingly said, 'You were lost in someone's thoughts. Who is that person in whose thoughts you were lost?'

It's nothing like that, tell me, you had some work, Shreya said.

Yes, I came to know that that Shivansh had once again ruined the intelligence of that arrogant Kamesh. Muskaan said to Shreya.

Yes, that boy Shivansh is different from everyone, he is not afraid of anyone, it doesn't even matter to him that we are from the royal family, when Kamesh tried to scare him by using the power of the royal family, do you know what he said, Shreya said.After listening to Shreya, Muskaan got curious and asked what Shivansh had said.

He said that he is the emperor of the entire strange world - Shreya said smiling.

What's the matter princess, you are talking about that boy, you are looking very happy, have you fallen in love with him? Muskaan said teasingly to Shreya.

What nonsense are you talking, I don't even know anything about him then how can I love him - Shreya said looking at the other side.

On one side, Shreya and Muskaan were talking about Shivansh and on the other side, since it was night, Shivansh was talking with his friends. Shivansh also told Tarish and Kavya about the holy symbol, hearing which Tarish said yes like this. Regarding symbols, I have heard that my grandfather was telling that there are fifteen sacred symbols in this world which are more powerful than any mantra power.

It seems you belong to a very powerful family, Shivansh said.

I will tell you when the time comes, Tarish said.After talking for some more time, both of them slept, the second phase of the competition was going to be held the next day, hence both of them started to rest, because all three did not know what was going to happen in the second phase but Shivansh had an idea that something big would happen. Going to do.

After waking up the next morning, all three went for the competition again. This time everyone was taken straight to the Gurukul. There were many platforms built in the grounds of the Gurukul and seating areas were made around them and a lot of stones were placed on a high platform. There was a chair built in which there was a very big chair which was the chair of the main Acharya of the Gurukul but no one was sitting on that chair but Acharyas were sitting on the other chairs, one of whom was Acharya Arjun.

After everyone left, Acharya Arjun got up from his place and said - Congratulations to all of you for entering the second phase. In this phase you all will have to fight and only those fifty successful participants will become the disciples of the Gurukul, all of you. You will be given a number, and after your number is called, the contestant with that number will come on stage and duel with their opponent.

As soon as Acharya Arjun's talk ended, some disciples came and everyone was given a token on which a number from one to hundred was given, Shivansh was given twenty.The token of number was the same as Tarish's was twenty-five and Kavya's was fifteen.

Within some time, all the participants got their tokens, after that an Acharya stood up from his place and said that the first duel would be between number 100 and number 1, so the participants of number 100 and number 1 should quickly reach the stage.

As soon as Acharya called, a boy and a girl came on the stage, the girl had the token of number one hundred and the boy had the token of number one, as soon as both of them arrived, Acharya saw the order to start the duel and went to sit in his place. .

As soon as Acharya's order was received, both of them took out their weapons, the boys took out a sword and the boy took out an axe, as soon as both of them took out their weapons, the fight started, as soon as both their attacks collided, there were explosions and the wave of power started spreading everywhere.

After some time, the duel ended and that duel was won by the girl, after which the second duel started again, in the same way some more duels took place after which the time for Kavya's duel came, Kavya duel number eighty-five. The token was to be from the participant who was a boy.Within no time both of them reached the stage, after which Kavya took out her spiritual bow, the same boy took out a mace which was a rank two spiritual weapon, as soon as both the weapons were taken out, the fight started.

Shivansh and Tarish were watching Kavya very attentively. Both wanted to see how Kavya used her soul weapon. Shivansh had never seen Kavya using Dhunash, due to which Shivansh did not know that Kavya used Dhunash. How does it?