Death Merchant Clan

After a journey of about four days, Shivansh and his companions reached the hill on the Mussoorie border, when all three of them reached there, they saw that many powerful people were present on the hill, all of them were waiting for the security guard built at the entrance of the cave to break. Looking at everyone, Kavya said, many powerful people have come here.

You are right, all of them have come to take the necessary things from this cave, today there will be a massacre here, said Tarish.

Shivansh and his friends were talking among themselves when suddenly there started a noise. When Shivansh and his friends looked towards the noise, there was a boy standing there and some powerful people were also standing around him. Looking at him, Shivaansh said, who is this boy around whom so many people are standing, he is also powerful.

This is Jayesh, the crown prince of the green kingdom, he is a ninth level warrior of Pawan rank, Kavya said.

Crown Prince Jayesh Harit was the most talented youth of the kingdom, hence he was highly respected in the kingdom. Crown Prince: Among the people standing around Jayesh, two were nine-coloured warriors and along with him there was a girl and another boy, both of them were warriors of Pawan rank. .

After looking at Yuvraj Jayesh for a few moments, Shivansh and his companions started looking at other people, they saw people from the Bist family along with some other powerful families of the capital, all three were looking around when Kavya noticed something. It affected people who were members of the Kant family.

After seeing all of them, Kavya went to them with Shivansh and Tarish, when they saw Kavya, some people were happy and some people were sad, Kavya started talking to those who were happy, two more from the Kant family. Girls had come who were looking at Shivansh only.

After talking for some time, Shivansh and his companions found a place and pitched their tents and waited for the security cover to weaken, everyone's eyes were on the entrance of the cave from which the power emanating from inside was very powerful.

Looking at the cave and the men, Shivansh said, Kavya, did you find out from your family what is there here?

Those people were telling that in this cave there is the legacy of a warrior of seventh star rank, that warrior of old times, everyone feels that in this cave there is some powerful weapon or some bullet which can increase their power, people can only guess this. Kavya of rank four or five said that there might be some powerful mantras in this cave.

After listening to Kavya, all Shivansh and Tarish started thinking about something, after thinking for some time Tarish said let's see if we get something or not.

Two days passed while everyone waited, after which everyone saw that the armor had become very weak, after which three warriors of Surya Shakti rank came forward and started attacking the armor, that armor had become weak but still easily. Was not going to break.

After making ten consecutive attacks, the armor broke with a bang, as soon as the armor broke, all the warriors started moving forward quickly, as soon as Shivansh and his companions went inside the cave, all three of them saw that the path to the cave was very big.

After walking for some time, all three saw a door inside the cave, outside which many people were standing and looking for a way to open it. Seeing all this, Shivansh took out his Kundalini Chakta Shakti and started investigating what was inside the door. .

After examining for some time, Shivansh said, let's go, there is nothing of use here.

Hearing Shivansh's words, Tarish and Kavya started moving ahead with Shivansh. On the way, all three of them did not see people but they definitely found their dead bodies. After moving ahead for some distance, Shivansh spread his Kundalini Chakra power around.

After investigating for some time, Shivansh felt something from one direction and he along with his companions started walking towards the direction from which he felt the power. After some time, all three were standing in front of a small door which was visible. It seemed quite ordinary.

Looking at that door, Kavya said, Shivansh, I don't feel anything special here.

There is definitely something special here, that is why a wonderful armor has been made here which no one can easily remove.

Can't see. Shivansh said.

Atrap Kavach was such a Kavach which only a Yogi could sense or destroy with his Kundalini Chakra power, hence that Kavach was visible only to Shivansh and not to Tarish and Kavya.

After listening to Shivansh, Tarish said then how will we go inside now?

After listening to Tarish, without saying anything, Shivansh gathered the Kundalini Chakra power in his hands and attacked in the air. As soon as Shivansh attacked in the air, there was an explosion and the wave of power spread all around, due to which Shivansh and his companions were killed. Took steps back but quickly recovered himself.

After controlling themselves, Shivansh, Tarish and Kavya opened the door and went inside, after going inside Shivansh closed the door from inside and went inside, when Teeni went inside, all three of them saw that there were some pamphlets there. I was floating and powers were also coming out from all of them.

Looking at the slips, Kavya said, isn't this a powerful mantra?

Hearing Kalya's words, Shivansh gathered his hand with Shakti and caught hold of a slip of paper. As soon as Shivansh touched a slip, he felt a shock of Shakti but Shivansh did not leave that slip and started looking at it.

Looking at that slip, Shivansh said, it seems that the man who inherited this was a Yogi and after feeling his power, it seems that he was a five-chakradhari yogi, that is why he covered the words written on this slip with Chakra Shakti. so that only a yogi can read it

Then you read what is written. Tarish said.

Listening to Tarish, Shivansh nodded his head in agreement and took out his Chakra Shakti and started reading the words written in the slip, after some time Shivansh said that this is not a mantra but a method of making the pill. I will keep it and look at it carefully when I go home.

Having said this, Shivansh took all the arrows present in that room with himself, then a bang was heard from behind him, hearing which all three started closing the door.

When I looked towards it, some people came inside, in which two boys were of the same age as Shivansh, who was a warrior of the ninth level of water rank and the rest were warriors of wind rank.


When they saw Shivansh and his companions, a man shouted, "Children, leave what you have found here, otherwise you will be killed."

As soon as the man said this, all the warriors in his group took out their weapons, seeing this Shivansh also took out his swords, seeing this both the young warriors moved forward and said, Uncle, leave all this for us.

Having said this, both of them simultaneously attacked Shivansh, but Shivansh stopped both of their attacks with his sword and gathered power in his fist and swiftly attacked both of their chests, as soon as Shivansh's attack hit both of them. He was hit in the chest, dragged both of them backwards, hit the ground and started vomiting blood.

Seeing the condition of the boy in their group, everyone took out their weapons and started moving towards Shivansh, seeing this Kavya and Tarish also took out their weapons.

Took it out and stood next to Shivansh.

Within no time, the sound of metal hitting metal started echoing in the room and along with it, the sound of Shakti colliding was also echoing. There were a total of six people in the second group, two of whom were injured by Shivansh, after which Shivansh injured two Pawans. Tarish and Kavya were fighting one Pawan rank warrior each.

The rivals of Tarish and Kavya were attacking both of them because there was a difference of one rank in their power level but Shivansh was fighting on an equal footing with both the Pawan rank one warriors. After fighting for some time, Shivansh felt that now he will not accept this, he will have to die.

Thinking this, Shivansh absorbed Chakra Shakti in his sword and attacked both the Pawan rank warriors with it. As soon as Shivansh attacked, a sword made of Chakra Shakti came out from Shivansh's sword and started moving towards both of them.

When the two Pawan Rank warriors saw two Shakti Swords coming towards them, they both attacked with their weapons, followed by a Shakti Beam.

He came out and got hit by Shivansh's attack but Shivansh's sword destroyed both the power rays and both the swords pierced the chest of both the Pawan rank warriors.

As soon as Shivansh's attack hit both of them, both of them got badly injured and fell on the ground. Seeing their partner injured, the remaining Pawan rank warriors Tarish and Kavya left the fight and went to fight but Shivansh killed both of them. Was badly injured.

Seeing their comrades injured, both the warriors of water rank got badly scared and started saying to Shivansh, let us go, let us go.

I am letting you go, but if I do anything stupid again, I will kill you. Saying this, Shivansh started moving forward with his friends, then Shivansh felt something and when he looked back, there were three attacks towards them.

Seeing that attack, Shivansh got angry and said that it seems you all do not love your life.

Saying this, Shivansh made three attacks which destroyed all the three coming towards him, after that Shivansh made four attacks which killed all four wind rank warriors as soon as they collided, after killing all four, Shivansh killed both the water rank warriors. Said to the warriors: Get out of this cave now, if you see me here again, I will definitely kill you.

Saying this, Shivansh left from there with his companions, after Shivansh left, both the surviving warriors heaved a sigh of relief and along with their group, kept the dead bodies of the warriors in storage and left from there, fear was clear on the faces of both of them. It was visible.

On the other hand, Shivansh was moving ahead with his companions, then he saw some warriors in front whose swords were bathed in blood and there were many dead bodies lying around them. As soon as they all looked at Shivansh and his companions, they were all smiling. Started looking at Shivansh and his friends.

There were some strange marks on the clothes of all of them, seeing which Kavya said that these people seem to be from a clan of merchants of death, they do not think a moment before killing people.

Kavya was telling about the death merchant clan when a member of the death merchant clan said, whatever you all have, hand it over to me and that girl along with you and go away.

Will Shivansh let the members of the death merchant clan go or will he kill them too by awakening the Divyansh within him,