Mysterious Cave

To defeat the formidable Shivansh, he revealed the power of the tenth arrow. Seeing that power, Shivansh said in his mind - Shakti Gada Shakti.

As soon as Shivansh said this, a circle was formed in front of him, in the middle of which a powerful mace was visible in which Shivansh started absorbing his power, the power that Shivansh was using was the power mantra of rank three, the same power that Durjay used. What he was doing was a rank two power spell, but the power of Durjay's power spell was a rank two power spell of extreme level.

There were three levels in all rank mantras which were lower level, middle level and extreme level. The power that Shivansh was using was the middle level power mantra of rank three, the power that Shivansh was using was the same. It was a mantra which was given to Shivansh by Yogi Pushpendra.

Within a short time, both of their attacks were ready. The people watching the fight were able to feel the power of both the warriors. Shivansh's attack was very dangerous, which Durjay also felt and he incorporated even more power in his tenth arrow power. done.

When Durjay believed that now his attack was strong enough to match Shivansh's attack, he attacked, seeing Durjay's attack coming towards him, Shivansh also attacked, as soon as Shivansh signaled, Shakti Mace Shakti which was blue in color. I was shining.

The ten arrows of Durjay's attack came together and merged into each other, after which those arrows became as thick as an arm, after which the power of that attack increased, after which both the attacks collided, as soon as both the attacks collided, one There was an explosion and the wave of power spread everywhere.

When people saw the wave of Shakti coming towards them, everyone quickly prepared their armor in front of them, as soon as the wave of Shakti hit the armor, there was an explosion, there was a crack in the Shakti armor but it did not break, on the other hand Durjay was Felt that he had destroyed Shivansh's power but then Shakti's power was destroyed.

A force emerged from the middle of the wave and started moving rapidly towards Durjay.

Seeing a terrible power moving towards him, Durjay got scared and started making a shield in front of him but it was too late, the power that emerged from the middle of the wave of power collided with Durjay, breaking the shield.

As soon as Durjay was hit by the attack, he went flying away and started vomiting blood. Durjay had hit the stage in such a dangerous manner that there was a crack in the stage, seeing which people were very surprised and everyone started talking to each other. The outcome of the duel was clearly visible.

On the other hand, Durjay was vomiting blood. After vomiting blood for some time, Durjay became unconscious on the stage. Seeing Durjay unconscious, the Bist family quickly came to Durjay and picked him up and took him for treatment. Went.

After Durjay's departure, Shivansh had won the duel due to which the Bist family left from there, they wanted him to attack Shivansh on the same stage but due to the presence of state officials, they could not do everything so they Suppressing the desire to kill Shivansh, they all went away from the stage.

After the departure of the Bist family, all three judges announced the victory of Shivansh, hearing this, Tarish and Kavya quickly came to Shivansh and hugged each other, while the head of the Kant family hugged Kavya to Shivansh in this way. When he saw them meeting, he got angry but he did nothing and went away from there.

Within some time, the stage became completely empty after which Shivansh also started leaving with his friends, then all three judges went in front of Shivansh, seeing whom Kavya introduced them to Shivansh, after which Shivansh saluted all three.

All three smiled after seeing Shivansh saluting, after which officer Pravesh said, Shivansh, would you like to join the state army.

No, I do not want to join, some time ago Yogi Pushpendra had also said to join the royal family but I do not have time for responsibilities right now, Shivansh said.

All three were shocked after hearing Shivansh's words and started looking at Shivansh, then Kavya said that the power with which Shivansh had attacked with mace was given to Shivansh by Yogi Pushpendra.

Hearing Kavya's words, all three officers became even more shocked and started looking at each other, after which Officer Rajendra said, since Yogi Pushpendra has your hand on you, then you can become any officer of the royal family whenever you want, so now I am leaving.

Saying this, Teeni quickly left from there, after which Shivansh also left with Kavya and Tarish, within some time Shivansh reached home with both of them, as soon as he reached home, Shivansh went to rest, on the other hand the news of Shivansh's victory was spread all over. It spread in the capital and even Yogi Pushpendra heard about it.

Yogi Pushpendra was meditating at a place when a boy came to him and informed him about Shivansh, actually as soon as Yogi Pushpendra got the news of the duel between Shivansh and Durjay, he sent one of his men to bring the news of the duel. Was.

When he got the news of Shivansh's victory, he said that this Bist family should not have enmity with Shivansh, otherwise this boy will destroy the entire Bist family and no one will be able to stop him.

Saying this, Yogi Pushpendra started meditating again, while on the other hand, Shivansh, after resting for some time, got up from his bed and joined Tarish and Kavya.

He went near and then said to Kavya, what's the matter, you don't have to go to your house, now the matter has been settled.

Can't I stay here? Kavya spoke with artificial anger.

Hey, don't be angry, you can stay, Shivansh said smilingly.

Kavya and Shivansh were talking amongst themselves when Tarish came there and said Shivansh, we have got four mantras from Kalu's ring, which is of rank two, are you guys?

Yes, definitely show it to me, anyway I am short of mantras, Shivansh said.

After listening to Shivansh, Tarish gave all the four mantras to Shivansh, when Shivansh saw that mantra, the names of those mantras were Prithvi Sword Shakti Mantra, Panchbaan Shakti Mantra and Poisonous Saber Shakti Mantra, these three mantras are the mantras of the middle session of rank two. Were.

After going through all those mantras, he kept one mantra with himself which was the poisonous Kripan Shakti mantra, after that he gave the remaining two mantras to Kavya and Tarish and asked them to meditate. After taking the mantra from Bolark, Shivansh, both of them Went to meditate. After he left, Shivansh also sat down to meditate and started meditating the mantras.

On one side, Shivansh was meditating, while on the other side, there was movement on a hill about a hundred kilometers away from the capital. The whole mountain was trembling. In the midst of that vibration, rocks started falling from the mountain, a rock came from the upper part of the mountain and a rock fell on it. struck

As soon as the rock falling from above hit that rock, the rock falling from above shattered into pieces, after which the rock placed below also turned into pieces, after which a cave appeared there from which a terrible power came out and spread all around. Went.

After that power came out, it was seen that there was a powerful shield on the entrance of that cave which was gradually becoming weak, which showed that there was something special in that cave, within a short time a mysterious cave appeared. The news of the incident spread throughout the green kingdom.

The mountain on which the mysterious cave appeared was the border of Harit State, due to which the spread of Harit State also spread to the neighboring state of Mussoorie, after which the warriors of both the states left for the cave of the mountain.

Hearing the news of that cave, the talented warriors of the royal families of Harit State and Mussoorie State also set out to see it.

All the warriors were hopeful that they would definitely get something special from this cave which would be special for them and their family, on the other hand, Shivansh, unaware of all this, was in meditation for about five hours, then Tarish and Kavya came there and both Shivansh Started looking at them, both of them had just come out of meditation.

After looking at Shivansh for a few moments, Tarish said, let us go out and get something to eat, by then Shivansh will also come out of meditation.

Okay, let's go, after saying this, Kavya went outside. Seeing this, Tarish also followed her. After coming out of the building of the house, Tarish said to Kavya, now you have got rid of Durjay, now what have you thought about the future? .

Nothing much, I want to become powerful so that I can protect myself in future, Kavya said smilingly.

Then you should get out of this state within some time, Tarish said.

Why did she say while looking at Kavya Tarish?

My family members say that the more powerful people you have around you, the more you will be inspired to become as powerful as them, Tarish said.

Then why did you come to the green state, Kavya said.

Because at that time I was very weak and I hoped that my journey of becoming strong would start from here, Tarish said.

While talking like this, Tarish and Kavya reached the market. When they reached the market, there was a lot of movement there. Many warriors were going in one direction. Seeing this, Kavya said, what is happening, where are the powerful people of the capital going?

Let's go and ask someone. Having said this, Tarish went to a shop owner and said, "Brother, where are all these people going?"

After listening to Tarish, the shopkeeper looked at Tarish for a moment and said, don't you know that a mysterious cave has appeared on the hill located on the border of Mussoorie state and Harit state.

After listening to the shopkeeper, Tarish and Kavya looked at each other, after which Kavya asked, is there anything special in that cave?

I don't know if they were there but people guess that many rare treasures will be found there, the shopkeeper said.

Thank you for your information. Having said this, Tarish left for home with Kavya. They did not buy anything, because both of them considered it necessary to give this information to Shivansh.

When both of them returned home, they saw that Shivansh had come out of meditation. Seeing Shivansh out of meditation, Tarish said, Shivansh, we have got some information.

Seeing Tarish excited, Shivansh also said excitedly.

Shivansh A mysterious cave has appeared on the border of Mussoorie state. People hope that rare things can be found there. Kavya said happily.

Shivaansh became happy after listening to Kavya and said that we should leave, maybe we will get something special.

Having said this, Shivansh left his house with Tarish and Kavya, all three rode their horses and went towards the border of Mussoorie state, all three quickly left towards the cave, if Shivansh had wanted, he could have flown away with the storm but he The companions' horses could not fly, so all three were traveling comfortably.

To know what is the secret of the mysterious cave,