Ain’t got a clue

Shen Wu walked purposefully toward the grand pagoda at the heart of the courtyard, each step echoing his resolve. The structure was imposing, its large door carved with intricate designs and framed by sturdy pillars. Taking a deep breath, Shen grasped the handle and pushed. The door creaked open, revealing a tall old man with long silver hair standing just inside, his presence commanding and formidable.

Shen instantly recognized him—his memories reminded him that this man was his new body's grandfather. Smiling, Shen tried to diffuse the tension. "Hi, Grandpa. You look a little mad."

The old man's expression was stern, and without a word, he placed a hand on Shen's shoulder. Instantly, Shen felt a crushing pressure, as if an immense weight had descended upon him, wringing through every muscle and bone. It was as if a mountain rested on his shoulders, and Shen grunted in pain, his mouth unable to form words.

"Boy! Do you know what you've done?" the old man thundered, his voice resonating with authority and anger.

Through the haze of pain, Shen's new memories flooded back. He recalled that the previous owner of his body had severely beaten the young lady of the Silver Rank Demon Blade Clan, an act that had likely precipitated this confrontation.

Summoning all his strength, Shen managed to bow his head and, despite the immense pressure, he forced out, "I'm sorry... I'll go and apologize."

The words seemed to hang in the air. Suddenly, the oppressive weight lifted, and Shen collapsed to the floor, his legs unable to support him. He looked up to see his grandfather's expression change from anger to shock.

"You'll do what?" the old man asked, his voice softened by disbelief.

Still panting from the ordeal, Shen gathered his resolve and repeated, "I mean I'll apologize to the young lady of the Demon Blade Clan... I've done something wrong, so it's on me to make it right."

His grandfather stared at him, the stern lines of his face slowly softening into something more complex—an amalgam of surprise, hope, and a glimmer of pride. Shen tried to stand, but his legs gave out again. This time, his grandfather caught him, enveloping him in a surprisingly gentle hug.

"Looks like you finally have grown up a little, you brat," the old man said, his voice now filled with a warmth that Shen hadn't expected. "Your grandpa always knew you could do it."

Shen, still recovering from the pressure and the shock of the embrace, managed a weak smile. The hug felt alien yet comforting, a stark contrast to the cold distance he remembered from his past life. The memories of this body's family—their kindness, their hopes—blended with his resolve to honor their care and expectations.

"Thank you, Grandpa," Shen whispered, the words carrying a weight of their own. "I promise I'll make things right and prove that I'm worthy of our family's name."

The old man pulled back, looking Shen in the eyes, his gaze intense but filled with a newfound respect. "Good," he said firmly. "But know that apologies alone won't be enough. You must work hard to change, to grow, and to become stronger. Our clan depends on it."

Shen nodded, feeling a surge of determination. "I understand. I'll make amends and strive to become stronger, not just for myself but for our clan."

With his grandfather's support, Shen rose to his feet.

Shen Wu, standing tall despite the lingering effects of the earlier pressure, turned to his grandfather with a determined look. "I'll go now, but before I forget, could you teach me how to cultivate later?"

The old man's stern demeanor softened into a genuine smile. "You truly have changed… Your grandpa will teach you when you come back. Make sure you're safe out there."

Shen nodded appreciatively. "Thanks, Grandpa."

With a final glance at his grandfather, Shen turned and made his way out of the pagoda. As he walked away, his thoughts were already planning his next steps. Meanwhile, behind him, his grandfather snapped his fingers, summoning three men in black robes who appeared instantly and knelt before him.

"We greet the Ancestor," they intoned in unison, their voices reverberating with respect.

The old man, Shen Ming, looked at them with a stern gaze. "Ensure the kid's safety. If anyone from the Silver Clan tries anything, destroy their entire clan. No exceptions."

The men bowed deeply. "It shall be done, Ancestor." Then, as quickly as they had appeared, they vanished into the shadows, ready to execute their orders.


As Shen walked towards the outskirts of the village, he took in the serene beauty around him, the weight of his new mission clear in his mind. He had a long road ahead, both in mending relationships and in strengthening his new body.

"System, you there?" Shen asked, breaking the silence of his walk.

The system's face materialized in front of him, its expression as animated as a series of pixels could be. "Yup, what do you need?"

Shen, curious about his grandfather's formidable presence and the power he had just witnessed, asked, "What's my grandfather's cultivation level?"

In response, the system displayed a detailed panel before Shen, illuminating the air with a holographic interface.

Name: Shen Ming

Age: 169/10,000

Cultivation: Initial stage Sacred Emperor

Body Cultivation: Spatial Body

Cultivation Techniques:

Shen Family's Myriad Qi Technique (Lower Heavenly Grade - Upgradeable)Shen Family's Ten Dragon Spear Technique (Peak Earth Grade - Upgradeable)

Divine Artifacts:

Nightmare Dragon Spear

Favorability: ★★★★★★★★★★ (10 stars)

Shen read the details with widened eyes. "Sacred Emperor at the Initial stage… No wonder I felt like a mountain was crushing me. And Spatial Body cultivation? That's incredible."

The system's face beamed with a sense of pride. "Your grandfather is one of the most powerful figures in this realm. His techniques are among the best, and his artifacts are legendary. You've got quite the lineage to live up to."

Shen nodded, his determination solidifying even further. "I'll need to get a lot stronger to even come close to his level. But first, I need to fix the mess this body's previous owner made."

"Indeed," the system agreed. "It's crucial to start building relationships and gaining strength. Your mission to apologize is a good first step."

As Shen continued his walk, the system's panel flickered back into view, displaying a new set of options for him to consider:

Mission Choices:

Mission 1 - Apologize to the Blade Demon Clan's young lady and establish positive relations.Reward: Rainbow Silk Robe (Low Earth Grade), Blade Demon Clan's young lady's favorability.Mission 2 - Destroy the Blade Demon Clan with the help of the three experts Shen Ming has sent to accompany you.Reward: Demon God's Spear (Mid Saint Grade).

The system's face reappeared, hovering beside Shen. "Please choose a mission."

Shen didn't hesitate. "I'll choose Mission 1."

The system seemed momentarily puzzled. "Why has the host decided to go for a mission with an infinitely worse reward?"

Still walking, Shen reached out and caught a falling plum blossom, examining its delicate petals. "The reward for destroying the clan seems too good for such an easy task. There must be a catch. Besides, I don't want the headache of dealing with the aftermath of wiping out an entire clan. Peaceful resolution feels right, and it aligns with my plan to build better relations here."

The system nodded thoughtfully, its pixelated face reflecting a mixture of understanding and curiosity. "A wise choice, Host. However, remember that even peaceful paths can be fraught with unexpected challenges."

Shen nodded, tucking the blossom into his pocket as a small reminder of his new life and the choices he was making. He continued his journey, moving with purpose through the picturesque landscape.

After another thirty minutes of steady walking, he found himself standing before a tunnel carved into the side of a mountain. The entrance was shadowed and foreboding, with rough-hewn walls leading into darkness.

"I think this is the way," Shen mused aloud, glancing at the system for confirmation. "What do you think, System?"

The system materialized in front of him, looking as puzzled as its digital features could convey. "Ain't got a clue. But go through anyway. I wonder if you'll be attacked by bandits?"

Shen flicked the system's face, his expression half amused, half exasperated. "Like hell there'd be bandits in the territory of the Sun and Moon Sect. They're way too strict for that kind of nonsense."

"True," the system conceded. "But it never hurts to be cautious. Plus, I'd really like to see how you handle yourself in a fight."

Shen rolled his eyes but couldn't help a small smile. "Well, let's hope it doesn't come to that. I'd prefer a peaceful journey, but I'll be ready for anything."

With that, Shen stepped into the tunnel, the cool air inside a stark contrast to the warmth outside. The path was narrow but manageable, with faint light filtering in from hidden sources along the walls, casting eerie shadows that danced as he walked.

The tunnel twisted and turned, and Shen kept his senses alert for any sign of danger. The system floated beside him, providing occasional commentary or information about the structural integrity of the tunnel and the likelihood of encountering obstacles or surprises.

As they walked, Shen's thoughts drifted back to the young lady of the Blade Demon Clan. He tried to recall everything he could from the memories of his body's previous owner. She was proud and strong-willed, a fitting leader for her clan. His offense against her had been severe, and he would need to show genuine remorse and offer a sincere apology.

"I wonder how she'll react," Shen said quietly to himself, his voice echoing slightly in the confined space.

"She'll probably be skeptical at first," the system responded, picking up on his thoughts. "But if you show sincerity and respect, you might earn her favor. Just remember, words are just the beginning. Your actions will speak louder."

Shen nodded in agreement. Emerging from the darkness, Shen found himself at the edge of a vast, open valley. In the distance, he could see the imposing walls and towers of the Blade Demon Clan's stronghold.