Wait, how do I know that?

As Shen Wu continued his journey down the path to the Blade Demon Clan's stronghold, the serene surroundings were abruptly interrupted by the sound of jeering children. Curiosity piqued, he veered off the main road towards the noise.

He soon spotted a group of kids encircling a young girl with striking red hair. They were hurling cruel taunts at her, their voices filled with malice.

"Haha, your father left you!"

"Talentless trash!"

The girl's eyes were downcast, her small frame trembling with fear and sadness. Shen's brows furrowed as he watched this cruel spectacle unfold. He let out a sigh, his face hardening as he strode over to the group.

The children looked up as he approached, their expressions shifting from arrogance to uncertainty. One of the braver boys, slightly older and taller than the others, sneered and stepped forward, puffing out his chest. "What do you want?" he demanded, trying to mask his fear with bravado.

Shen didn't reply immediately. He simply fixed the boy with a cold, penetrating gaze. "Scram," he said, his voice low and filled with a chilling authority. The air around them seemed to grow heavier, suffused with an aura of palpable killing intent that made the children shiver involuntarily.

The boy, perhaps thinking he could still assert his dominance, swung a fist at Shen's stomach. The punch landed, but it was like hitting a wall; Shen didn't even flinch. Without breaking eye contact, Shen grabbed the boy by the collar and lifted him effortlessly off the ground.

"Fuck off, you piece of shit," Shen growled, his voice steady and menacing.

He dropped the boy, who stumbled backward before scrambling to his feet. The entire group of children, now thoroughly terrified, turned and fled, their bravado completely shattered.

Shen turned his attention to the little girl, who was still sitting on the ground. Her wide, frightened eyes watched him warily, as if expecting another wave of torment.

Kneeling beside her, Shen softened his expression into a gentle smile. "Are you okay?" he asked, his voice calm and reassuring.

The girl flinched, her gaze darting to the cut on her hand that was now bleeding steadily. Shen noticed the injury and quickly tore off his left sleeve.

"Do you mind giving me your arm?" he asked, extending his hand. The girl hesitated, but then nodded slightly and offered her injured hand.

With a deft touch, Shen wrapped his sleeve around her hand, creating a makeshift bandage. As he worked, he kept his tone light and conversational. "So, what's your name?"

She looked up at him through tear-streaked lashes and murmured, "Xuan Ling... What about you, sir?"

Shen chuckled softly. "No need to call me sir. I'm Shen Wu, but you can call me big bro." He finished tying the bandage and looked at her with a warm, encouraging smile.

Xuan Ling's eyes widened slightly, and then she looked down, her tears flowing again. "Okay, big bro," she whispered.

She tried to stand, but her legs wobbled and gave out beneath her. Shen caught her before she fell and lifted her gently into his arms. "Guess I'll have to carry you then," he said, his voice kind and comforting.

As he started walking back towards the path, Shen's mind wandered. He was surprised at the surge of anger he felt when he saw Xuan Ling being bullied.

"Why was I so mad when I saw this girl getting bullied?" he wondered silently.

The system, seemingly picking up on his thoughts, materialized beside him with a contemplative expression. "Perhaps it's because, deep down, you've always detested bullies. Or maybe, this new world and body are awakening parts of you that were buried before."

Shen considered this. The memories and emotions of his new body certainly played a role, but he couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more profound at work.

"Maybe," he replied quietly. "Or maybe I'm just tired of seeing the weak get trampled on."

The system didn't respond, letting Shen's words hang in the air. As they neared the main path again, Shen focused on the task ahead.


After walking for a while, Shen noticed Xuan Ling had fallen asleep in his arms, her head resting against his shoulder. He couldn't help but feel a pang of protectiveness for the girl who had been through so much.

As they approached the imposing gates of the Blade Demon Clan's stronghold, Shen took a deep breath, mentally preparing himself for the confrontation. The massive gates loomed before him, guarded by stern-looking warriors clad in black and red armor, their eyes narrowing as they saw him approach.

One of the guards stepped forward, a hand on the hilt of his sword. "State your business," he demanded, his voice firm and commanding.

Shen adjusted his hold on Xuan Ling and looked the guard straight in the eyes. "I'm here to see the young lady of the Blade Demon Clan," he said, his tone steady. "I've come to apologize."

The guard's eyes flicked to the sleeping girl in Shen's arms, and his expression softened slightly. "Wait here," he instructed, before turning and disappearing through a smaller door set into the gate.

Shen stood quietly, waiting, his thoughts focused on the upcoming meeting. He knew that the path to redemption wouldn't be easy, but he was determined to take it one step at a time.

The door creaked open again, and the guard re-emerged, nodding slightly. "You may enter," he said, stepping aside to allow Shen to pass. 

Shen Wu steadied himself, focusing on Mei Ling'er as she approached. Her presence was commanding, her long black hair with a single silver stripe flowing gracefully over her shoulders, enhancing her ethereal appearance in her fairy-like clothes.

"So, you came to apologize to me, huh?" Mei Ling'er's voice was sharp and laced with skepticism. Her eyes, cold and assessing, bore into him as if trying to pierce through to his very soul.

Shen took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the previous Shen Wu's actions hanging over him. He bowed slightly, maintaining eye contact, and said earnestly, "Yes, I'd like to apologize for hurting you, Lady Mei Ling'er. My past behavior was unacceptable."

Ling'er's gaze remained venomous, her lips curling into a bitter smile. "That's odd. Normally, you'd be calling me a vixen and a whore by now."

Shen inwardly cursed the previous owner of this body for his despicable conduct. He took a moment to collect himself before responding. "I sincerely apologize for my past behavior," he repeated, his tone firm and genuine.

Mei Ling'er studied him silently for a long moment, her expression unreadable. Then, finally, she spoke. "I'll accept your apology—on one condition. You must win against me in a fair fight, not like last time."

Shen sighed internally. Fighting wasn't his first choice for resolving matters, but he understood the importance of demonstrating his sincerity through action. "That's fine," he agreed. "But first, I need to find a safe place for little Ling and collect her after our fight."

Mei Ling'er seemed taken aback by his request but nodded. "I'll provide a room for her. Follow me."

They walked through the serene pathways of the Blade Demon Clan's compound until they reached a small, cozy room. Mei Ling'er opened the door, and Shen gently set Xuan Ling down on a soft cushion inside. He smiled reassuringly at the young girl. "Wait here for a bit, alright? I'll be back soon."

Xuan Ling nodded, still holding the makeshift bandage around her hand. "Okay, big bro."

After ensuring that Xuan Ling was settled, Shen followed Mei Ling'er back to the sparring arena. Though not grand, the arena had a warm and welcoming atmosphere. Wooden stands lined the sides, and a few spectators, mostly clan members, had already gathered to watch the match. The sunlight filtered through the windows, casting a golden hue over the smooth, polished floor.

Mei Ling'er stepped onto the arena floor and turned to face him. "I, Mei Ling'er of the Demon Blade Clan, challenge you, Shen Wu of the Shen Clan, to an official spar. Do you accept?"

Shen stretched his arms, feeling the anticipation building. "I thought we established that I agreed to this at your clan's gate," he said, trying to keep the mood light. Ling'er ignored his comment, her eyes focused and determined.

"What weapon will you use?" she asked, her voice steady and serious.

Shen glanced around and spotted a rack of practice weapons. He reached for a wooden spear, its smooth surface familiar yet foreign in his grip. "A spear, I guess," he replied casually.

As soon as his fingers touched the spear, Shen was transported into the surreal realm of the Spear Dao Tunnel. The red, water-like tunnel stretched out before him, pulsating with a mystical energy. A ghostly figure materialized beside him once more, looking equally puzzled and intrigued.

"What are you doing back here?" the apparition asked.

Shen smiled, feeling a sense of familiarity. "I'm here to learn the spear dao. Each step I take, I gain more understanding of the spear, right? Wait, how do I know that?"

The ghostly figure nodded. "Yes, but be careful. The insights can be overwhelming."

Shen nodded in acknowledgment and began walking deeper into the tunnel again. Each step filled him with profound knowledge, the essence of the spear becoming clearer and more powerful. By the fourth step, the energy was almost too much to bear, and he was abruptly pulled back into the arena.

Blinking, Shen found himself back in the sparring arena, the wooden spear still in his hand. Mei Ling'er stood across from him, ready and poised, unaware of the brief yet intense journey he had just experienced.

"Ready?" she asked, her voice cutting through the haze of Shen's thoughts.

Shen shook off the lingering effects of the tunnel and nodded. "Ready."

The atmosphere in the sparring arena grew tense as Shen Wu and Mei Ling'er faced each other, their weapons poised for combat. Mei Ling'er's eyes were sharp, her expression a mix of determination and underlying hostility. Shen, feeling the weight of the moment, gripped his wooden spear, his muscles coiling in readiness.

Mei Ling'er was the first to move. She launched forward with astonishing speed, her wooden sword slicing through the air with precision. It was immediately clear that she was employing the Demon Blade Technique, a style renowned for its agility and lethal strikes. Her blade came at Shen in a rapid arc, aiming for his midsection.

Shen parried with his spear, the wood clashing with a resonant crack. The knowledge from the Spear Dao Tunnel flowed through him, guiding his movements with newfound clarity. He spun the spear in a defensive arc, absorbing the force of Mei Ling'er's blow and redirecting it to the side.

Mei Ling'er didn't relent. She shifted seamlessly into another attack, her movements a blur of speed and grace. Her sword danced in her hands, each strike infused with the power and ferocity characteristic of the Demon Blade Technique. She aimed a flurry of strikes at Shen's torso and legs, forcing him to stay on the defensive.

Shen countered her assault with deft precision. Each thrust and swing of his spear was calculated, a perfect blend of offense and defense. He sidestepped her attacks, using the length of his weapon to keep her at bay. With a swift twist, he managed to catch her blade and deflect it away, opening up a brief window for a counterattack.

He lunged forward, his spear aimed for her shoulder. Mei Ling'er reacted instinctively, her sword sweeping up to parry. The weapons collided with a thunderous crack, and the force of the impact sent vibrations up Shen's arms. They locked eyes for a moment, the intensity of their duel reflected in their determined gazes.

Mei Ling'er disengaged with a quick leap back, her breath coming in controlled bursts. She shifted her stance, her sword now glowing faintly with a demonic aura—a sign of her mastery over the Demon Blade Qi. She surged forward again, this time her blade leaving faint trails of dark energy in its wake.

Shen's eyes narrowed. He could feel the shift in her technique and knew he had to adapt. Drawing on his insights from the Spear Dao Tunnel, he began to weave his own weapon in a series of intricate patterns. The spear became an extension of his will, moving with fluidity and purpose. He executed a series of defensive sweeps and thrusts, countering Mei Ling'er's every move.

The arena echoed with the rapid succession of their clashes. Mei Ling'er spun and struck with blinding speed, her sword like a whirlwind. Shen responded with equal agility, his spear a whirling barrier of defense. Their battle was a dance of power and precision, each move met with an equally skillful counter.

Mei Ling'er executed a low sweep with her sword, aiming to trip Shen. He leaped over the blade and retaliated with a downward strike, which she narrowly evaded. She pivoted on her heel and launched a quick thrust at his side. Shen twisted, deflecting the blow with the butt of his spear, and swung the spear's shaft in a broad arc toward her midsection.

She barely managed to block the strike, the force of it sending her stumbling back a few steps. Her eyes flashed with a mix of frustration and admiration. Shen seized the moment, pressing his advantage. He advanced with a series of rapid jabs and sweeps, each one pushing her further on the defensive.

But Mei Ling'er was not easily subdued. She gathered her strength and launched into a spinning attack, her sword slicing through the air with a dark, spectral energy. Shen braced himself, his spear meeting her blade in a powerful collision. The impact sent shockwaves through their weapons, and for a brief moment, they were locked in a struggle of sheer will.

Their eyes met again, and Shen saw the depth of her resolve and the fire in her spirit. He pushed back with a surge of strength, breaking the deadlock and forcing her to retreat. Mei Ling'er, now breathing heavily, regained her footing and readied herself for another assault.

The intensity of the duel took its toll on both of them. Sweat dripped from Shen's brow, and his arms ached from the relentless exchange. Mei Ling'er's breath was ragged, her movements slower but no less determined. Despite the exhaustion, Shen could feel a strange sense of exhilaration, the thrill of the fight invigorating him.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of relentless combat, Mei Ling'er stumbled. Her sword wavered in her grip, and her legs trembled with fatigue. Shen, equally drained, took a step back and lowered his spear, his chest heaving.

"I yield," Mei Ling'er said, her voice strained but steady. Her eyes, though weary, held a glimmer of respect. "You've proven yourself today."

Shen lowered his weapon and extended a hand to her, a gesture of peace and reconciliation. "Thank you, Mei Ling'er. I hope we can move past this and start anew."

Mei Ling'er hesitated, her eyes searching his for any sign of deceit. Then, slowly, she took his hand, her grip firm and warm. A tentative smile touched her lips. "Perhaps," she said softly. "Perhaps we can."

The sparring arena erupted in cheers and applause from the onlookers. Shen felt a wave of relief and accomplishment wash over him. It was a small step towards redemption, but it was a step nonetheless.