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Chapter 55 

Su Fengge declined the requests of her close maids and confidants to follow her, and walked alone on the long steps at the back of the mountain. Under the dense bamboo forest and the shade of the trees, the sunlight shone through the bamboo leaves and trees onto the marble steps, and the mottled shadows and reflections seemed particularly distorted. 

Today's sun was scorching, and the early summer air was slightly damp and sultry. The other concubines and palace maids began to wear light gauze clothes, but Su Fengge was still wearing a heavy and gorgeous phoenix robe. The bizarre reflection was surrounded by gusts of black wind, and the shadow under her feet was shadowy, like a dark monster with fangs and claws. 

"Girl, are you letting me out just like that?" 

Su Fengge's long skirt made her reflection a little long. The twisted shadow gradually revealed a mature and charming face. Her narrow eye shadow was like the tongue of a poisonous snake, and her black lips were like poison. Her dark red eyes looked at the queen who was walking gracefully, and the corners of her mouth raised a charming arc: "Aren't you afraid that I will kill your husband?" 

"Grandma Feng is joking." Empress Su said as she walked, her expression still calm and composed, "Although I don't know what grudge you have with the late emperor, I also know your temper..." 


Granny Feng narrowed her long and beautiful eyes, and her words were almost vicious: "It's a good thing that Jiang Mingkong is dead. He is a beast, unkind and unjust, a fatherless and motherless bastard! He is mean and ungrateful, with a beastly face. To call him a human being is a compliment. He is simply a dead beast..." 

"But you didn't kill the late emperor in the end, did you?" 

Su Fengge's words made Grandma Feng's face, which was cursing viciously, freeze. Then she said dissatisfiedly: "Don't interrupt, girl. I only need one sword to kill him. If it weren't for..." 

"Calm down." 

Empress Su interrupted Granny Feng's defense, and her noble and elegant phoenix eyes looked up: "I can't say much about the affairs of you elders. I don't care about Granny and the late emperor's mortal feud. It's all over. The late emperor has passed away, and Your Majesty is the new emperor... I let you out because I have something to ask for." 


Mentioning the matter that Su Fengge had just entrusted to her, and no longer mentioning the past of the late emperor, Granny Feng suddenly became lazy and calm, and her tone became nonchalant: "Tell me...what do you want from me? In my impression, little Su girl, you are not the kind of person who asks for help from others, not to mention that you are already the Queen of Dahua, the mother of the country, why do you still need my help?" 

"I..." Su Fengge was suddenly at a loss for words when asked why. She suddenly fell silent and didn't know how to answer: "I...I want you to use your secret method to block the consciousness and formation of a cultivator and block my breath." 

"That's it?" 

"But that's true, this is the only skill I have left as an old woman." Granny Feng sneered. 

Back then, she used the shadow method to bypass the palace formation, and even deceived the suppression of the dragon energy. In front of everyone, she almost completed a shocking beheading, blood splattered on the dragon platform, stabbed the dragon on the seat, and almost killed Jiang Mingkong, causing the new Dahua Dynasty to wither. 

"I thought it was a big deal. With your current status and position, no one would dare to say anything if you robbed Jiang Mingkong's treasure house. Wouldn't it be easy to take some secret treasures?" 

"Even if you don't have the royal treasure, the spells will only weaken you greatly, but they are still useful. After all, you are not the emperor. As the queen, you can command a few servants... I think the boy who guards the gate for me is not bad. He is dull, but he is a spirit after all. If he is placed outside, he is at the level of a sect leader. Why don't you let him come?" 

"Mother-in-law is right." 

Su Fengge nodded, and then said: "How can we hide it from a land immortal?" 

"Human immortal...what?" 

The Wind Granny who was hiding in her shadow suddenly poked her head out from the dark shadows, and her tone was no longer so lazy, but rather a bit serious: "Su girl? Are you kidding?" 

"You heard it right. I deceived a human immortal from the land immortal realm." Su Fengge repeated it again. 

"Is there a land immortal in the palace?" Granny Feng frowned, and waves of black mist spread out from between her brows. They disappeared in an instant and flowed to the surroundings, but her consciousness could not be released in the palace at all. The dragon energy that permeated everywhere seriously affected her. 

She couldn't even see the surroundings clearly. She could only vaguely sense that there was a bright light on the top of the mountain behind her, as dazzling as the moon, enough to burn her consciousness and tear it apart. The vast power was like facing a galaxy... 

This kind of pressure, just by feeling it, can give you waves of awe-inspiring pressure. 

"It really is!" 

Granny Feng's charming and seductive face showed a trace of surprise. She was not surprised by the existence of a human immortal. Although she was defeated, she was able to escape unscathed: "Is your Xiao Si crazy? How dare he let a human immortal stay in his back garden? Isn't he afraid of death?" 

She was shocked that the emperor actually dared to allow a human immortal to appear in the palace. This was too bold. If this person had evil intentions, even if he was protected by the human dragon energy, he would have suffered a severe shortening of his lifespan. 

"Who is this headmaster?" Granny Feng narrowed her eyes. "The aura is so fierce. Is the hermaphrodite from Xuanxian Palace here?" 

This familiar aura of immortal magic, the cold and noble one that had been passed down from generation to generation... But why did she feel that the vast bright moon that almost pierced her consciousness seemed to be trembling slightly, intermittently, the aura fluctuated up and down, and the rich Taiyin aura was actually overflowing, and the Taiyin that was as quiet as death, the dark and desolate underworld, was actually faintly filled with Yang aura that was no less than the Sun aura, which was constantly intertwined with it and lingered endlessly. 

It's probably the interference of dragon energy. 

Thinking of the hermaphrodite in Xuanxian Palace, her expression turned a little ugly. 


Su Fengge answered calmly, with a gloomy tone. 

"It's my daughter..." 


"Your daughter?" 

Granny Feng finally couldn't hide the shock on her face: "Your daughter has become an immortal? Su girl, don't be ridiculous!" 

"No, the next generation of the Xuanxian Palace's Venerable, the princess of Dahua, my biological daughter - Jiang Qingxi." 

Su Fengge's tone was calm, but it revealed a hint of pride: "An eighteen-year-old human immortal." 

"Are human immortals so worthless now?" 

The corner of Grandma Feng's mouth twitched, but then her expression became playful again: "Then why do you want to avoid her perception?" 

Su Fengge took a deep breath: "I want to see, I want to know! Is she, Qingxi..." 

"What are you hiding from me?" 

Granny Feng found this interesting, but she said jokingly, "Girl Su, this is wrong! As a parent, you shouldn't have this desire to control her. What's more...she is already a human immortal, and you still want to explore your daughter's private affairs?" 

But when the beautiful mature woman mentioned "parents", her expression became a little depressed, and her tone became a little lower. It was unknown what she was thinking. 


The Queen's expression was particularly firm, and she did not notice the unnaturalness of the shadow behind her: "I let Qingxi do whatever she wants, except this matter, this matter! I must know!" 

"Grandma Wind, you must help me." 

Seeing the determination on Su Fengge's beautiful face, Granny Feng put away her gossiping and teasing expression and said, "It's difficult, but not impossible... It's interesting to hide it from a human immortal. Of course, you are also interesting!" 

A wicked smile appeared on her face. She was not a fairy back then, but a witch who gave both good and evil people headaches and made them turn pale at the mention of her. She was a poisonous rose that was neither good nor evil, and a black snake hidden in the shadows... 




"Are you there?" 

Suddenly, a distant shout came, the sound was far and hazy, as if it was separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, but it was like a gradual thunder, each sound trampled on the hearts of the man and woman who were making peace with each other, making this lewd intercourse that had just begun become cold and thrilling. 

The mother's voice was soft and gentle, still full of love and virtue, but the fairy had never felt that Su Fengge's words were so terrible, as if a cone of ice pierced the fairy's blurred and hot heart and turned it into a bone-chilling cold. 


Jiang Qingxi's blurred and dazed eyes instantly regained clarity, and her beautiful face, which had been flushed by the insemination, instantly turned extremely pale, and her cute face, which was slightly messy due to the repeated climaxes, revealed an unconcealable panic. 

He realized that his mother was looking for him in the palace, and gradually moved towards this side. 

"Hurry, hurry up..." 

Realizing that something was wrong, the fairy loosened her legs that were clamped around the man's waist and quickly pushed the old man's chest, trying to get him off her body. 

"Fairy, what's wrong?" 

But the old eunuch didn't have the powerful spiritual sense of the fairy, and he could sense someone coming even from a long distance. He looked at her confusedly, and saw the pretty face of the beautiful woman under him turn from red to white at a very fast speed, and he was confused. 


Before he finished speaking, the old man felt the fairy's tender vagina suddenly tightened, and the whole cavity was like a hydraulic press, almost crushing his big penis, and the thick penis was even squeezed to become smaller, and the uterus deep in the flower heart contracted, as if a small mouth sucked a few times, squeezing out the remaining sperm in the urethra, and the plump and plump hairless labia suddenly became extremely contracted, squeezing the base of his penis slightly painful, as if even the blood stagnated a little. 

"Mother is coming, get up quickly!" 

Hearing the fairy's flustered and anxious words, the slightly slow-witted old eunuch finally reacted. When he heard that the queen was coming, the old eunuch was panicked. 

The lowly, cowardly and incompetent old eunuchs had an incomparable fear of the queen who was in charge of the six palaces. 

After hearing Jiang Qingxi's slightly anxious voice, the old eunuch quickly stood up, supported himself with his hands on the railing, stepped on the ground with his two skinny hairy legs, lifted his hips that were tightly pressed against the fairy's honey buttocks and pubic mound, and moved his skinny and dry buttocks backwards, trying to pull this thick, long and strong big cock out of Jiang Qingxi's tender and tender vagina. 

However, the opposite happened. 



The next moment, both of them groaned at the same time. The fairy's buttocks were lifted more than ten centimeters away from the chair, and the outline of her round and straight buttocks became more beautiful. The bone-eroding pleasure made Jiang Qingxi frown slightly, and a groan came out of her nose, and her voice became a little trembling: "You...you pull it out quickly!" 

As the old eunuch raised his waist, the meat stick that was deeply inserted into Jiang Qingxi's white tiger's tender hole disappeared without a trace, not a single bit appeared in the air, but directly pulled the fairy's perky buttocks off the chair. 

It looked as if their hips were glued together tightly, like conjoined twins. 

Although the old eunuch had ejaculated, his huge glans still hooked the small cervix after ejaculation. The whole thick and strong penis did not weaken at all, and was still thick, long and hard as iron, filling Jiang Qingxi's flower cavity. 

Hearing Jiang Qingxi's words, the old eunuch hurriedly tried to thrust his waist a few more times, but still had little effect. He replied with sweat all over his forehead: "Fairy, fairy! This old slave can't pull it out! You're too tight inside... You've sucked this old slave so hard that I can't move...hiss..." 

The fairy's vagina became more and more tight, with layers of honey meat tightly clamping the big cock, making his entire penis feel like it was trapped in a swamp and difficult to move. The layers of tightness were like meat hoops wrapped around the entire penis, and the narrow and tender vaginal flesh was like countless collar springs tightly binding the penis. 

Jiang Qingxi, whose spiritual sense sensed that Empress Su was getting closer and closer, was extremely anxious. Her tone became more and more anxious, and her vagina became tighter and tighter: "Pull it out quickly!" 

Seeing the visible panic on the fairy's pretty face and the mist in the corners of her eyes, the old eunuch took a deep breath, pressed down on the fairy's slender, straight, white and smooth legs with both hands, and raised his waist to pull out his penis while panting: "Hmph! Hmph!" 

However, this action, like pulling a carrot, could not pull it out at all. The huge glans was inserted into the holy flower palace, and the tiny cervix and the indentation behind the glans seemed to fit perfectly and clamped the glans, unable to move for a moment. The two of them were like a male and a female dog mating together, and the glans that penetrated into the uterus was like the butterfly bone of a dog. 

The fairy's extremely tense vagina contracted incomparably, squeezing his penis so hard that it hurt, but at the same time, the vaginal flesh that kept squirming and tightly clamped around his penis brought him indescribable pleasure, which in turn stimulated the old eunuch's big penis to become even harder. 

The combination of the two made their genitals more and more difficult to separate, as if they were completely inseparable. They could breathe and feel each other's most sensitive body, and even the flow of blood was so clear. 

"I can't pull it out!!" 

The old eunuch was sweating profusely. 

The fairy's pussy was so tight that it seemed as if blood was blocked, and it was always contracting and wriggling like an orgasm. If it had just now made him excited and ejaculate, he would have done it. But at this moment, he was so anxious that his fingers were sweating. While trying to forget the pleasure, he pressed his hands on the fairy's white legs, pressed down the fairy's pubic mound and hips, and raised his waist and hips with all his strength, saying: "Fairy, please relax! You are too tight. If you don't relax, this old slave can't pull it out..." 

Jiang Qingxi also noticed the pleasure coming from her lower body and the tender vagina that had tightened more than ten times due to tension. She quickly adjusted her rapid breathing and silently used the supreme immortal method of Xuanxian Palace in her heart. The infinite magic power instantly turned into pieces of cold snow falling to the ground and falling into her sea of ​​consciousness. The boundless immortal power washed over her jade body like rolling waves. An extremely cold feeling seemed to suppress her seven emotions and six desires as before, making her mood cold and calm. 

It seemed that even the dampness in the lower body and the constant lust during arousal were suppressed. 

The snow-white belly that was stretched by the scorching hot and thick Yang essence and looked like a woman who was pregnant for several months gradually melted with the practice of the technique, turning into extremely refined magic power, which made her lower abdomen slowly become flat and smooth. 


The old eunuch suddenly felt the fairy's hot and moist vaginal flesh, which was tight and soft, exuding a bit of coldness, pouring on the hot penis, and a different kind of pleasure of ice and fire, almost made him shiver. 

Looking at Jiang Qingxi's pretty face gradually becoming indifferent, even her rapid breathing became calm, he suddenly felt as untouchable as when he first saw a fairy. He was frightened by her cold and noble temperament. The old man was stiff all over and dared not move, for fear of disturbing the cold and arrogant exiled fairy. 

"Pull it out quickly." 

The fairy's tone was somewhat indifferent, but there was a hint of breath disorder and trembling in her indifferent tone. 

The fairy's words brought the old man back to his senses, and he hurriedly tried to pull himself away, but he suddenly felt that the fairy's hot and slightly cool pussy not only did not relax, but became much tighter. 

Jiang Qingxi silently used the secret technique, and waves of coolness continued to wash over her consciousness, gradually calming her down. Even her fiery and limp body gradually calmed down, and the ignited fire of desire seemed to be extinguished and slowly subsided. 

The old eunuch who was trying to pull the glans out of the fairy's tender flower palace also gradually felt the fairy's flower palace gradually contracting. Not only the soft and elastic holy uterus, but even the entire honey channel and tender hole began to contract suddenly. 

The degree of contraction made him feel even tighter than when he was tense just now. Not to mention whether he could pull it out, even his penis felt a slight sting. The two plump flesh lips gradually closed, clamping the old eunuch's penis an inch inward. The blood-filled penis was clamped like this, and the old man felt obvious pain. 

The tender hole of the white tiger's bun slowly closed, like a cold steel door closing irresistibly, almost as if it was going to crush the intruder mercilessly. 

Fortunately, the old eunuch's cock was the best in the world. At this moment, the fairy's pussy became tighter and tighter, gradually returning to the tightness before arousal, as if not even a piece of paper could pass through it. If it were an ordinary man, I'm afraid the whole cock would have been crushed into rotten meat. 

He quickly held his breath, blushing as he said, "Fairy...you...why are you getting tighter..." 

Looking down, Jiang Qingxi's toes curled up like silkworms, her whole body trembling with tension, her smooth white belly slightly tensed, the curves of her buttocks and legs becoming more prominent, her plump and hairless pussy becoming tighter and tighter, the old eunuch trembling all over like a sieve, his shriveled and skinny buttocks tightening again and again, his tense and blood-losing body shaking like a seizure, but all the blood in his body abnormally poured into his lower body, making the cock under his crotch thicker and harder. 

Jiang Qingxi also realized something was wrong. After the lust suppressed by the Xuanxian Heart Technique subsided, his body began to conflict. 

The Xuanxian Forget Love method will gradually weaken the seven emotions and six desires of the practitioner, slowly becoming a selfless state of forgetfulness and desire, which is also the legendary natural way of heaven and man, which will cool her desires and gradually turn from passion to indifference. However, Jiang Qingxi has an extraordinary physique. If she does not get emotional, the hairless and tender pussy of the best buns in her lower body cannot be opened, and eventually even air cannot enter, so she grinds the old eunuch's inserted big cock. 

However, the genitals and body that were almost completely compatible with the old man, as well as the lust in her heart, could not be completely extinguished, and the pleasure came intermittently like the waves of the sea. 

The old eunuch felt that the fairy's delicate body was getting hot and cold, especially the calming uterus, which was as cold as ice and snow in the last moment, and hot and moist in the next second, like the warm summer sun... 

Under the double stimulation, the penis was now as hard as iron with veins bulging, filling up the extremely sensitive vaginal path, and the vaginal flesh was extremely tight, biting tightly like a meat grinder. It was supposed to be a very comfortable moment for the two of them, but they had no time to care about the pleasure of the friction between their genitals. 

The thick and long penis and the hairless white tiger's tender cunt seemed to grow together, without the slightest separation. The two thick bun-shaped labia clamped the penis root like a clamp. The fairy's extremely tense body was simply beyond his control. He couldn't even stretch the tightly wrapped plump vulva open with all his strength, let alone pull out the vaginal flesh. 

The fairy finally realized that something was wrong, but it seemed too late! 

In this kind of stimulation that seemed like ice and fire, the tightness of the tender hole made the old eunuch's scalp numb, and he finally couldn't help but shiver. The root of the penis, which had already ejaculated but had not yet calmed down, suddenly felt the urge to ejaculate, and his waist felt itchy. The two huge testicles that had just ejaculated thick semen began to wriggle irregularly again, and the sperm gate that had not yet closed could not hold back again. 

The two hairy legs trembled, and the root of the hard, thick meat stick suddenly became thicker, stretching the slowly closing white tiger buns and the best tender pussy again, and the big glans deep in the uterus suddenly became a little bigger. 

The old eunuch groaned, his dry buttocks tightened, and the two large testicles in his lower body instinctively pressed against Jiang Qingxi's plump white buttocks. His urethra bulged, and countless sperm instantly spurted out like a volcanic eruption, bulging along the top of the glans, continuously spurting out thick, smelly, white, turbid semen. 

Puff, puff, puff! Puff, puff, puff! 

Countless thick sperms flooded like a flood, pouring directly into the fairy's delicate uterus which had just been absorbed and had not yet contracted. 


With a soft moan, the boiling hot semen seemed to be able to corrode people's will, and Jiang Qingxi's pretty face, which had been calmed by the secret method, became red again. The dam built by her heart seemed vulnerable under the hot and scorching, thick and smelly white turbidity, which instantly broke the fairy's tense facial features and emotions. The incomparable pleasure came again, and her delicate body subconsciously raised her full and plump chest, and her whole body instantly stretched into a bow. The sudden internal ejaculation brought her intense pleasure, which made her involuntarily tilt her head back, and her long black hair fell on the railing like a waterfall. 


Amid the suppressed groans, the big glans that was tightly attached to the uterine wall spit out smelly, sticky, hot semen. The hot and sticky semen invaded every corner of the tender flesh wall all the time, dyeing the pink uterus into white turbidity. The glans also blocked the cervix, leaving no space in the uterus. 

The semen, which had nowhere to go, was completely blocked in the uterus by the big glans. Jiang Qingxi's snowy belly, which had just calmed down for a few minutes, swelled up again at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if it was filled with water. 


"Qingxi, are you here?" 

Su Fengge searched the palace and the side halls but couldn't find anyone. It was as if she heard Jiang Qingxi's low moan. She wandered around the palace and turned around, heading in the direction of the sound, and finally walked towards this side. 

However, the man and woman who were ejaculating and fertilizing did not move, their bodies pressed tightly together, their genitals intertwined, lingering in agony, letting streams of thick semen shoot into the holy womb of the noble and supreme fairy. 

The distance was barely three hundred steps, and Su Fengge's mature and plump figure slowly approached as if stepping on the heart of a fairy. 


Until Jiang Qingxi's belly bulged again as if she was two or three months pregnant, it was Jiang Qingxi who reacted first. She looked at her gradually bulging belly, raised her head and looked at the old eunuch who was indulging in the internal ejaculation, feeling the pleasure of gnawing at her bones and souls washing away her limited rationality bit by bit, the swollen glans sprayed hot white thick sperm, the veins on the whole penis bulged, as if the blood vessels burst, stretching the plump vagina together, she gritted her teeth with a dazed face, and finally raised her body with all her strength, pushing the old eunuch who was spitting out the remaining sperm away from her jade body. 

The old eunuch was at the critical moment of ejaculation, wishing to stuff both sperm vesicles into the tight and tender white tiger's tender vagina. Even though Jiang Qingxi pushed him away and stood up, his two black hands still held her plump buttocks tightly. Jiang Qingxi had no choice but to follow him and fell to the ground with her legs. 

The fairy was trembling with excitement as she was filled with thick semen. She gritted her teeth. The white semen seemed to be as hot as boiling water, and it made her tender and tender uterus tremble. While she still had strength, Jiang Qingxi pushed the old eunuch and walked to the flat table where he was playing the zither: "Go, go there..." 


Su Fengge's footsteps were light, and she landed on the reflection of the sun, but it seemed as if there was no sound. The dazzling light shone on her body, as if turning a corner, which made her whole elegant and noble temperament have a ghostly ghostly look... 

At this time, the fairy and the old man were on all fours, staggering. The old eunuch's lower body was naked, revealing two shriveled but gray-haired old legs. Jiang Qingxi's skirt drooped, covering her sweet buttocks and long legs. The slender and straight hairy legs could be vaguely seen through the gap of the skirt. The plump buttocks without underwear could be seen through the skirt that was pulled open. 

Su Fengge was three hundred steps away, crossing the side hall—— 

——The two men's hips were facing each other, like conjoined babies. The thick cock made the fairy's smooth, white, thick pubic mound more prominent and plump. The two fleshy lips seemed to be swollen and opened wide, holding the cock inside. The fairy's pubic mound and the old man's hips were tightly pressed together, without even a trace of the penis. There were only two dark, round, and huge testicles that looked like coconuts, shaking constantly, shaking and contracting with the rhythm of ejaculation, and streams of white, old sperm shot into the vibrant and charming palace... 

Su Fengge gradually walked up the corridor of the pavilion, and at 250 steps away—— 

——The fairy's straight long legs were bent along with the old man's posture. The old eunuch's waist was weak, and all his strength was used to spray semen on the cock. His scalp was numb, and he had no mind to care about other things. The fairy was shot with semen, and her delicate uterine sac was pressed by the glans. The thick semen was shot on the wall of the uterus, burning her calves straight, and the tips of her jade feet could not help curling up. 

The distance of just a few steps made them feel like a year. 

Su Fengge turned two corners and was less than 200 steps away from the two of them. 


——The sound of thick, almost solid semen hitting the palace chambers seemed to be an auditory hallucination in the ears of the two. The sound was so small that it seemed to make people suspect that it was an illusion, but the fairy's gradually bulging belly proved that it was not an illusion. 

The tight and thick vaginal flesh flowed out like honey juice, and the remaining fairy fluid flowed along the plump and tender lips like a little girl's mouth to the two shaking and shrinking testicles of the old man, hanging on them shakily, like honey dripping from the furry black sac, dripping all the way along the path of the two people. 

Su Fengge was 150 steps away from the two men, and vaguely saw the pavilions behind the corners. The pavilions were covered with white gauze on all four sides, making it hard to tell what was going on. 

——The two tremblingly finally walked to the piano table. The fairy and the old eunuch finally exhausted all their strength in the climax and ejaculation, and fell down helplessly. 

Su Fengge was a hundred steps away, and he could already see the figures around the pavilion... 

——When they fell, their genitals were still tightly connected. The fairy's body suddenly became the master, and she changed from being pressed by the old eunuch to being pressed on top of him, with the woman on top and the man on the bottom, and her plump and perky pink buttocks pressed on the two swollen and contracted testicles. 

Su Fengge's footsteps became lighter and lighter, and the sound of them hitting the ground became thinner and thinner, but his figure moved faster and faster, like a ghostly shadow... 

The whole pavilion was inexplicably filled with a bone-chilling cold wind, making people shiver uncontrollably in the hot summer sun. It was as if the sad wind in the distant valley was howling, blowing the white gauze on both sides of the pavilion into fluttering waves. 

The faint sound of the piano seems to rise from the ground, harmoniously coexisting, just right, like the beautiful melody of the calm wind. 


The next moment, a tall and elegant figure appeared in the pavilion almost instantly. It was so fast, like a shadow on a rainy night. Su Fengge's figure instantly walked into the pavilion like a ghost. 

The wind died down, and the white veil that blocked the sunlight suddenly calmed down. 

The piano sounded for a while. 

Queen Su suddenly raised her eyes and saw the center of this ancient pavilion. 

A girl as white as jade and bright as the moon sat quietly in front of the zither table. She was dressed in elegant white, with long black hair cascading down like a waterfall and the Milky Way. Her slender jade fingers were like green jade, gently plucking the strings of the zither. The moment Su Fengge came over, her jade fingers paused. 


A seemingly light-hearted question came from those cherry-like lips. 

Su Fengge suddenly felt dazed. 

Chapter 56 


The girl's cold voice seemed to carry a hint of confusion, and it fell into the beautiful woman's ears. Looking at the noble girl with a calm and cold face and a light figure sitting on the piano table, Su Fengge's eyes flashed with a trance. 

This moment of trance made her fail to notice that a trace of relief flashed across Jiang Qingxi's beautiful eyes, as if she had survived a disaster. 


"Why are you here?" 

The cold but not arrogant fairy's voice was as calm as water, but with a hint of confusion, which reached Su Fengge's ears, who was just a little confused. Then her expression instantly returned to its calmness. Queen Su's pretty face showed a little loving smile, as if the sudden realization just now was just an illusion. In the struggle of the royal court, she had already mastered the ability to change her expression at any time: "I heard that you want to return to the sect? I want to come to see you and ask about this matter." 

This is not a secret. Xuanxian Palace recently held a "grand sect ceremony" suddenly, but it was not a time to select disciples or celebrate major festivals, so the news that came out was enough for people to guess. 

"So that's what it is." 

Jiang Qingxi and her mother exchanged a glance. The two of them, each with their own thoughts, did not notice the abnormality in the other's eyes. She then lowered her eyes a little, as if focusing on the strings in front of her. Her tone remained calm: "I have reached the top of the world, and it is indeed time for me to return to the sect and advertise to all the sects in the world." 

The news that she had broken through the realm of earthly immortals had actually spread throughout the entire world of immortal cultivation. Everyone in the world knew that a human immortal with a lifespan of a thousand years had appeared this year, but she still needed to go back to speak for the sect and officially tell all the cultivators in the world where this new world's strongest person came from... 

"It also puts to rest the plans of some unscrupulous people who are trying to take advantage of the situation." She added. 

Su Fengge listened and revealed a look of sudden enlightenment: "So that's it." 

But this was not the first time she had heard this... Just now on the road, Grandma Feng, who was hiding in the shadows, had already discussed with her what to pay attention to later, and also told her why Jiang Qingxi had to go back. As the most outstanding disciple of the next generation in Xuanxian Palace, she had already heard that Jiang Qingxi was the next Xuanxian Lord, but she had not confirmed it. 

"Did my mother disturb you?" 

Even though Su Fengge was now a phoenix-like noble who was second only to one person and above ten thousand people, and Jiang Qingxi was no longer the petite and delicate little girl who ran away from home, she was still used to using intimate names in front of her daughters instead of honorific titles. 

This may be one of the few things that violated and showed maternal love in Empress Su, who was recognized by the six palaces as the most "rigid and solemn, respecting the law and observing etiquette". 

The fairy paused as she stroked the strings of the zither with her white and slender jade fingers, which were as delicate as jade chopsticks. A hint of unnaturalness flashed across her cold and elegant face. 

Disturbing... should be considered... disturbing, right? 

Feeling the touch in his body, Jiang Qingxi's pair of black and white eyes, which were usually as bright and cold as autumn water and bright moon, had a hint of disorder in them, but his tone remained calm. 


Su Fengge heard Jiang Qingxi's answer and asked with a smile, "Then do you mind chatting with your mother?" 

This seemingly casual question had actually been rehearsed several times in her mind. Su Fengge breathed a sigh of relief when she got the answer. She tried not to reveal any flaws in front of her daughter, but she didn't notice... 

Although her daughter's lips parted slightly, she spoke calmly, but Jiang Qingxi's cold and bright eyes gradually drooped as she spoke, and her eyelids drooped slightly after brushing past her. However, in the depths of her clear and bright black and white eyes, which seemed as black as the pearly night, there suddenly flashed a touch of unconcealable love and panic after surviving a disaster, as well as a trace of lingering charm that she had never seen on her daughter, like three thousand soft waters entwined endlessly, deep and obscure. 

Jiang Qingxi breathed a sigh of relief. She placed her jade hand under the piano table. Her green jade fingers were clenched tightly, and her index and middle fingers were straightened. At this moment, the two fingers were glowing with spiritual light, silently releasing powerful magic power, driving the "cleansing spell" and "reviving spell". 

The magic power turned into breezes, which wiped away the messy marks on her body caused by the intense intercourse. During the passionate intercourse between men and women, the old eunuch's rough and powerful fucking had already made her hair and collar messy, and her sweat dripped down her black hair, which was as black as a waterfall and stuck to her beautiful face. 


At the critical moment. 

Jiang Qingxi was extremely anxious and could not help but let her soul leave her body. Her supreme spiritual cultivation made her mind extremely agile. She released the power of the immortal god without any disguise, and she completed everything in almost one breath. 

Two breezes swept across her face and upper body in an instant, restoring the originally messy hair between her eyebrows and the slightly torn collar that revealed her delicate collarbone. 

Another breeze instantly absorbed the air that was emitting the fragrance of honey and the smell of semen and sweat, and turned it into a ball of strong smelly wind, which was directly thrown out of the entire pavilion. It even straightened the guqin in an instant, and without even touching the strings with fingers, it urged the magic power to play the guqin sound that was intended to cover up the old eunuch's figure. 

She completed this series of actions almost a second before Su Fengge arrived. 

This is the realm of "human immortal", a great power that transcends the mundane world... However, what makes Jiang Qingxi feel ashamed is that the first time she used this power, she used it to have an affair and deceive her mother. 

The summer breeze blew gently, dispelling the fishy wind mixed with the strong body odor of men and women, blowing up the white gauze that blocked the sunlight, and a little bit of water mist remained on the gauze. If you smell it closely, you can smell a little water stain on the gauze, which emits a faint fishy smell. 

The guqin table is relatively wide. The red lacquer wood, carved from the finest royal tribute wood, reflects the hot summer sun, with a slightly shiny and clear luster. The slightly wider square table has flat legs. In order to facilitate the player to play, it is less than half a meter high. A soft cloth blanket is laid underneath, so that the player can kneel in front of the guqin and play the music. 

The upper body of the fairy is dignified and elegant, seemingly calm and at ease. One of her jade hands gently strokes the strings of the zither, occasionally tapping a line, producing pleasant and melodious music. She kneels down, her dark black silk hair flowing like a waterfall behind her jade head, falling on her jade back wrapped in white clothes, and her long skirt spreads to both sides, covering the area of ​​the blanket. 

What a beautiful scene of a fairy playing the zither and hearing beautiful music. 

But if you look at it from the side, you will find that Jiang Qingxi's body is very straight, her back is arched like a crescent moon, and the waist and back are very straight, like an apprentice who is listening carefully in class. She does not have the calmness and elegance that should be there when playing the piano gracefully. Because she is using too much force, she looks a little unnatural. 

Jiang Qingxi knew that her behavior was a little deliberate at the moment, but she had no choice and couldn't express her feelings. 

If the piano table is removed to reveal the fairy's body under her chest, anyone would be shocked. She would see her tall and plump breasts wrapped in white clothes, which were still very erect and perfect, like water drops, standing still. 

'So thick... so... long...' 

Jiang Qingxi's waist, which should have been light and graceful, flat and slender like willow branches and leaves, and her smooth and snowy belly, had an extremely incongruous bulge. 

The fairy's slim-fitting plain dress just showed the bulge completely. The bulge was shaped like a cylinder, which was very obvious and inconsistent in the center of her flat and silky belly, as if it was stuffed in there. It stretched from between her legs all the way up, and the length was extremely long. Jiang Qingxi's body was not petite, but extremely tall. The golden ratio formed by her slender waist and long and straight legs made her even taller than many men. However, this cylinder actually penetrated Jiang Qingxi's entire abdomen, passed the belly button in the center of her abdomen, and rushed straight to the fairy's chest. This strange cylinder almost reached the lower side of her snow-white jade breasts. It looked to be nearly 40 centimeters long, and was only a little bit away from the fairy's armpits. 

Fortunately, the piano table was built spaciously, and in order to be able to enjoy the view and tea, it had some Japanese style, which was enough to accommodate Jiang Qingxi's pair of jade hands that had nowhere to go under the table and her two slender jade legs that were bent but straight, revealing beautiful curves. It also covered her skirt and the spacious low piano table, completely hiding her naked lower body, making it impossible for people to see it carefully. 

Otherwise, you can clearly see that under the fairy's cold and indifferent appearance, the lower body is empty. There is not even a pair of underwear under the skirt to cover the spring scenery. Large areas of snow-white and tender skin as white as milk are exposed. The two round and plump buttocks like marbles are naked like flesh-colored snowballs. There is no cloth between the buttocks. The deep white buttocks like a ravine tightly wrap the pink and tender chrysanthemum buds below. The pink and fragrant anus is completely covered by the slightly tightened buttocks that look more round like a roulette wheel, but it reveals a bit of temptation, which makes people want to explore what is between the deep buttocks of the fairy. 

In a corner that Su Fengge couldn't see, under the blanket covered by the white skirt, the fairy's neat upper body and lower body were exposed. 

If someone could lift up the fairy's skirt from behind, they would find that Jiang Qingxi was not kneeling on the blanket, but her two legs were flat under the table. 

But the whole person was a bit taller than usual, with two naked, snow-white, plump buttocks exposed to the air, more than ten centimeters off the ground, as if floating in the air. However, the plump buttocks that were full and full like the moon and as plump as white jade dough were not the kind of round and full without any collision, nor the kind of perfect round shape. The buttocks above the buttocks seemed slightly deformed, and looked particularly abrupt in the empty air. Even part of the skirt seemed to be lifted up a few centimeters. The slightly flat bottom of the buttocks looked like there was some kind of unclear object in the void. 

Fortunately, the piano table was built spaciously, and in order to be able to enjoy the view and tea, it had a Japanese style, which was enough to accommodate Jiang Qingxi's pair of jade hands that had nowhere to go under the table, and her two slender jade legs that were bent but straight, revealing beautiful curves. The hem of her skirt and the spacious low piano table completely concealed her naked lower body, making it invisible to others. 

Otherwise, you can clearly see that under the fairy's cold and indifferent appearance, the lower body is empty. There is not even a pair of underwear under the skirt to cover the spring scenery. Large areas of snow-white and tender skin as white as milk are exposed. The two round and plump buttocks like marbles are naked like flesh-colored snowballs. There is no cloth between the buttocks. The deep white buttocks like a ravine tightly wrap the pink and tender chrysanthemum buds below. The pink and fragrant anus is completely covered by the slightly tightened buttocks that look more round like a roulette wheel, but it reveals a bit of temptation, which makes people want to explore what is between the deep buttocks of the fairy. 

The fair buttocks that seemed to be sitting in the air occasionally trembled slightly, the ten toes of the jade feet curled up slightly, the outer sides of the beautiful legs tightened from time to time, and the two round and white buttocks like moonlight shrank inwards from time to time, showing the girl's youthful and energetic soft buttocks, and also showing the restlessness and tension deep in her heart under the fairy's plain and elegant appearance. 

In the most important private part of the buttocks, the fairy's tightly closed, smooth, clean, plump and plump white tiger buns did not completely cover the pink and tender vaginal path. The two white and plump white tiger lips, like steamed buns in a steamer, seemed to be invaded by something invisible, making the precious pubic mound open wide, completely exposing the peerless white tiger tender hole that everyone in the world can only dream of and dare not even imagine!!! 

The two white tiger bun labia seemed to have lost two broken gates, exposing the tender vaginal flesh in Jiang Qingxi's beautiful vagina. The tender vaginal flesh, as pink and tender as cherry blossom petals, was splashing with water. The slippery and sticky honey was like an unstoppable lubricant that moistened the extremely tender vaginal cavity flesh, stretching it into an almost complete circle, stretching the fairy's extremely tight vagina, which was so tight that not even a trace of pink could be seen, and even air could not enter! 

The hairless pussy, which was already plump and soft like a young girl's bud, had two thick and juicy labia stretched far outward, making it look even thicker and fuller. The honey channel stretched to a complete "O" shape was as outrageous as if it had been forcibly expanded. The arc was so exaggerated that it was enough to fit a strong man's strong arm. The pink and tender vaginal flesh, like a water lotus, contracted from time to time, as if sucking and clamping something. 

This "O" shape extends from the fairy's hairless white tiger pubic mound all the way to her pelvic hips, and fits perfectly with the unreasonable bulge in Jiang Qingxi's lower abdomen. It is obvious that this unknown thing has violated the noble and cold fairy princess, and even made her lower abdomen unable to accommodate it. The shape of the bulge is high, and the top circle is much thicker than the bottom. 

Just like a man's penis, it violated this extremely beautiful woman from bottom to top...but it was unbelievable, how could there be such a big cock in the world? 

If this invisible cylinder is really a man's penis, then this penis is really no different from those of horses and donkeys. 

But the fact is, this invisible but tangible invisible object is indeed the man's penis, and the fairy's pink buttocks are not in the air, but sitting directly on the man's crotch, not only are the two soft and round, elastic and tender buttocks pressed against the man's dry and old belly, but they completely swallowed the big cock that went deep into her uterus and stirred her internal organs to restlessness, and her beautiful white and tender fleshy lips clamped the root of the big penis, and the hairless white tiger bun-shaped tender pussy was tightly pressed against the round, wrinkled and extremely hairy huge sperm vesicle. 

If Su Fengge were to get a little closer, and the sound of the wind on the mountaintop and the chirping of the summer cicadas died down a little, she would be able to hear the voice of the newly promoted human immortal, the noble princess of Dahua. 

There were two breathing sounds... In fact, behind Jiang Qingxi, there was actually another one that was even stronger and more powerful, and was obviously a male's breathing sound. 

In a cloud of air that Su Fengge could not see, an old, ugly, wretched old man was naked, holding the fairy's perky white buttocks with a panicked look on his face. His shrunken crotch covered with gray pubic hair was tightly pressed against the soft and elastic snow-white buttocks. His thick, long and huge penis was inserted into the fairy's smooth and hairless white pussy without leaving any residue, completely defiling the fairy's most holy and flawless womb. 

Looking from the bottom, one can see the fairy's fleshy vagina, which is as plump as a little girl's teeth but thicker. The thick fleshy stem makes the fairy's round two half-moon buttocks look like a hole in the pubic mound, and one can see the beautiful scenery at the end of the fairy's vagina, which is pushed up like a cave. 

The fairy's pistil should have been small, not much bigger than the nipple of a lactating nipple, and the pistil was so thin that a needle could not pass through it. However, the cervix was stretched extremely wide at this moment, and it could even be said to be a little scary, almost the same thickness as the old eunuch's penis. Fortunately, the concave part of the old man's coronal groove was slightly thinner than the big penis covered with blue veins, and Jiang Qingxi's cervix was not weak. With the natural rise and fall of her delicate body, the pistil that was roughly pushed open tightly bit the coronal groove, like the lips of a fish biting a fishhook. The degree of contraction was even no less than that of the iron ring's sperm lock ring. Jiang Qingxi's cervix tightly imprisoned the old eunuch's glans, not allowing it to enter or exit even a little bit, and not even a drop of semen leaked out. 

Jiang Qingxi's womb was wide open, and the transparent big cock also exposed the most delicate, mysterious and sacred womb in the fairy's body. The inner membrane on the womb wall was even more pink and smooth than the delicate vaginal flesh on the flower path. You could also see a layer of thick sperm that was not absorbed by the fairy attached to the delicate womb wall. The dirty thick sperm with white turbidity and fishy smell was smeared in the holy womb. Countless sperms swam freely in the sacred place where the fairy gave birth to life... 

Legend has it that there is a famous instrument called Nine Curves Linked Together, which is not inferior to the famous instrument "Double-Layered Honey Core" owned by the unruly and coquettish Jiang Qingli. Layers of vaginal flesh form nine ultimate flower paths that are like barriers... 

The old eunuch's penis was very big and long, and the huge glans completely filled the delicate and tender flower palace, even deforming the entire uterus, especially when the whole penis was inserted, it was even more displaced, and the tender uterus was pushed far away from the normal position. In front of this big penis that was like a beast, an ordinary woman would probably have been pierced through the body and her internal organs ruptured. 

Even if it is a common sex organ, when it encounters such a unique big cock, even if it can withstand its thickness and hardness, it cannot withstand the length of the old eunuch's big meat cock. A penis that is too long will make women feel uncomfortable. The big meat stick of livestock will force expansion, making the entire flower path become elongated and loose. If the vagina is not stretched enough, it may directly fall out of the vagina and can no longer contract normally... Not to mention swallowing it completely like Jiang Qingxi, the entire honey channel is not only not unbearable, but it is like a soft water pool that perfectly accommodates it. Only fairies can safely bear it, tightly embrace it and fit it tightly. 

The Taiyin body is the best cauldron in the world, but Jiang Qingxi's top-grade famous instrument can no longer be called a "famous instrument", but can be called a "top-grade immortal instrument". 

Jiang Qingxi's white tiger buns have a narrow vagina, and the flower path and honey channel are even more top-notch. The extremely tight vaginal flesh is like endless tender flesh. The layers of honey channel mucous membranes are thin and dense, and the delicate and tender flesh membranes are almost a thousand times more than those of ordinary women. Even because of the too dense flesh, the fairy's vaginal flesh seems nothing at first glance, after all, it is too fine and appears very smooth, but if you magnify it dozens of times, you can clearly see that each layer is stacked like the petals of a sea of ​​flowers. 

The circles of vaginal flesh seem to have their own wriggling patterns, like thousands of delicate little mouths. The exquisite vaginal flesh condom is extremely meticulous, not only sucking every corner of the big penis meticulously, but also the ups and downs of the two blue veins can be massaged by the fairy vagina flesh that seems to be everywhere, ensuring that there will be no omissions between the millimeters, and even the most sensitive part of the man's penis under the coronal sulcus can be perfectly clamped, without missing any gaps... 

The old eunuch's overlong cock stretched the fairy's white pussy, and the tight vaginal flesh that seemed endless was not loose at all. The flexibility was incredible, and the stretchability was unimaginable. The stretched pussy still perfectly endured the cock's baptism, and even pinched and sucked the thick cock in return. The cervix bit the coronal sulcus, like a juicer, squeezing out the old eunuch's smelly semen. 

Her eyes were slightly lowered, her eyelids drooped, her red lips were gently pursed, her two rows of silver teeth had already bitten her cheeks tightly, her chest, wrapped in neat clothes, rose and fell at a speed obviously faster than the speed of her nose, her jade fingers seemed to be searching for the strings of the zither, but they seemed a little aimless, her other pink fist hidden under the table had already been clenched tightly, and her two slender white legs were also tightly stretched. 

With her strength, she no longer needs to eat wind and drink dew, and can walk on flat ground even in a vacuum environment... 

The fairy bit her teeth tightly under her jade-like face, trying hard not to make any unnatural sounds in her throat, and desperately trying to adjust the imbalance between her nose and chest. 

But it was of no use. With the woman on top, she swallowed the old eunuch's huge cock completely for the first time. The huge glans not only broke her uterus, but also pushed up her snow-white belly, pressing her internal organs to move. Her deliberate breathing conflicted with her lungs that were deformed by the push. 

What was even more terrifying was the pleasure that almost penetrated her body and soul, making it impossible for Jiang Qingxi to calm down, and she could hardly maintain her calm demeanor. 

'Really... it's too thick... and too long...' 

Seeing Su Fengge preparing to sit down on the other side of the piano table and not looking at her, Jiang Qingxi shifted her gaze with some difficulty. She set her eyes slightly on her lower abdomen that only she could see. The corner of her eyes that she saw almost made her face pale. 

The huge and thick bulge seemed to pierce into her body like a beam. The fairy's back was straightened like a bow, making her full breasts more erect. The breasts did not sag at all, which indirectly revealed the obvious bulge in her lower abdomen, which was exactly where the old eunuch's glans hit. 

If you look down from a high place, you can't see it. But if your mother is sitting at eye level with you, she will definitely see it! 

Jiang Qingxi raised her head quickly, and saw her mother sitting down slowly opposite her. The queen's phoenix robe was too luxurious, magnificent and noble, so she had to be careful when walking, not to mention that Su Fengge had to kneel down at this moment, and it took some effort just to put the thick phoenix skirt in place. 

The fairy quickly relaxed her straight back, leaned forward, and deliberately moved her tall and erect breasts closer to the table, using the shadow of her breasts to cover the abnormal bulge of her belly. 

Fortunately, Jiang Qingxi's breasts were not as plump and full as Su Fengge's, heavy as if they were filled with milk, and so big that they seemed exaggerated, but they were also very firm and round, and the full breasts under the collar blocked the sunlight. 

When Queen Su sat down opposite Jiang Qingxi and looked up, she did not see the frightening bulge on her daughter's lower abdomen as Su Fengge had seen, but she was a little surprised that her demeanor seemed a little different from usual. 

However, her action made the huge cock that was stuck deep inside the fairy's body bend slightly, and the uterus that was deformed by the push also contracted. After absorbing the thick sperm, the flower palace tightly wrapped around the glans again, subconsciously squirming and sucking on the glans, as if holding a lollipop in the mouth, squeezing out the few strands of residual sperm left in the old eunuch's vas deferens and urethra. 

The thick, turbid semen still burned the fairy's palace. Although the remaining semen was not as strong as the one just now, the old eunuch's ejaculation volume was far more than that of an ordinary man. Even a few remaining sperms were several times more than that of a normal man. 

The hot feeling of the semen mixed with the white sperm flowed on the soft and elastic uterine wall, and the extreme pleasure that seemed to corrode the mind made the fairy who tried her best to control her facial expression almost groan, but she quickly clenched her teeth and used her magic power to maintain her calm face. 


The queen's red lips suddenly spoke. 

The old eunuch was so frightened that his whole body tensed up, and even the wrinkles on his shriveled body smoothed out. He dared not breathe, and dared not move at all. Only the penis under his crotch jumped, and became harder and harder, stretching the fairy's narrow and tight tender vaginal flesh into a big cylindrical hole. 

He could also feel that the fairy's already extremely tight vagina tightened a little more the moment Empress Su opened her mouth. The whole tender vagina clamped the meat cock from top to bottom, from inside to outside. The comfortable feeling brought by it made the nervous and frightened old eunuch's face reveal a bit of satisfaction. The expression of two different emotions made his old, ugly and wrinkled face look wretched and funny, which was very funny. 

Su Fengge hid her smile and looked at her daughter with gentle eyes. 

She stared at Jiang Qingxi's face for a while. Seeing her as cold and beautiful as usual, she suddenly felt something was wrong: "You look... different." 

"Mother...what...what's wrong? Am I different?" 

Jiang Qingxi's words were accompanied by a slight tremor that only lasted for a moment and was not noticed by her mother. 


The sudden tension in the whole body not only made the lines of the two buttocks more obvious, but also made the old eunuch's big cock deeply inserted into the fairy's vagina. The tight and tender vagina, which had just tightened and slightly loosened, shrank even tighter in the next second before the old eunuch could adapt, making the thick black meat cock, which was already sensitive after ejaculation, clearly feel the fairy's superb fairy device, the thin and fat vagina, contract violently, making the whole meat stem unable to move, and not a drop of water leaked out. 

'Fairy...don't hold me so tight...' 

Under normal circumstances, the intense contraction and breathing frequency of Jiang Qingxi's young pussy would bring enough pleasure to make the old eunuch scream wildly with excitement, but now the queen was in charge, and the humble old man was afraid of making any sound and being discovered by Su Fengge about the dirty things between the two. 

The two dark old hands that he held on to the fairy's pink buttocks were resting on Jiang Qingxi's plump, round, snowy buttocks, feeling the tight inner thighs and buttock grooves pressed against the pubic hairy crotch. Without being able to see the fairy's face, the old eunuch dared not move, let alone make a sound, and could only gently knead the fairy's plump buttocks, hoping to make Jiang Qingxi relax a little. 

Mother and daughter are connected by heart and blood. 

She keenly noticed that Jiang Qingxi seemed to be a little different, but she couldn't tell what was wrong. She frowned and thought for a moment, staring at the fairy's body more and more tense. In the end, she let it go and could only ask uncertainly: "It seems... to have become... mature?" 

Su Fengge felt that her daughter's body seemed to have changed, but it was not a substantial change in height or height, or weight or thinness. 

Rather, he felt that his daughter's overall temperament and demeanor had undergone subtle changes, but it was hard to put into words... If he had to say, Jiang Qingxi's demeanor and temperament used to be cold and stern, but she always had a pure and immature feeling of a young girl. Now Jiang Qingxi is still as cold as ice, and still full of girlishness. Her overall figure and temperament seem to have not changed at all, but in the details, she seems to have changed a lot. There seems to be an indescribable change between her eyebrows, a touch of maturity, which makes Su Fengge feel like déjà vu, as if she has appeared in him before. 

She was also confused by the situation, and she had never had much experience. If she were replaced by an experienced madam, she would definitely be able to see the laziness between the fairy's eyebrows from time to time, and her every frown and frown, every gesture and movement revealed a hint of mature charm. 

This is the subtle charm of a newly-worn woman. 

Yes, in fact, Su Fengge's perception was indeed correct. She had also experienced it before, that is, she changed from a pure and innocent girl to a mature young woman... just like the changes that happened during the time when she married the emperor who was still a prince, from a virgin girl to the time when she gave birth to Jiang Qingxi. 

It's just that the person she shared the bed with was the handsome King Qi, who treated her with respect and treated her with the utmost respect...while the guy who completely defiled the fairy's virginity and possessed her was a weak, old, ugly, and nauseating old eunuch. 

Su Fengge would never have thought that right under her nose, the old and ugly man was hugging her daughter's soft and perky white buttocks tightly, their genitals intertwined, and the thick and huge meat cock under his crotch was deeply inserted into the fairy's white tiger tender pussy, and the huge glans was firmly pressing against the soft and tender holy uterus, pushing up the flat and smooth snow belly. 

"Look at what my mother said." 

But Su Fengge rejected this possibility from the bottom of her heart. She suddenly smiled and said helplessly: "You are already past the age of marriage, it is inevitable that you will be more mature." 

"Perhaps my daughter has made some progress in her cultivation recently." 

Jiang Qingxi lowered his eyebrows and eyes, and answered in a calm but steady tone.