57 58

Chapter 57 


Jiang Qingxi's face was calm, her eyebrows slightly drooped, seemingly calm as water, but in fact she breathed a sigh of relief, the exquisite tender hole holding the thick cock loosened slightly, and the old eunuch could also feel the fairy's two white tiger buns that almost hurt the root of his cock gradually relax, and the fairy's white and soft buttocks also slowly relaxed from the tense posture, and the two soft and elastic buttocks spread out to both sides of the old eunuch's crotch like a snowball honey cake. 

The old man and young girl who were having sex could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. 


Su Fengge, who was sitting across from the low table, did not make any comment. She was not a cultivator, so she naturally did not know how the shocking immortal would change a person's temperament. But when she saw the different charm between her daughter's eyebrows, which was a woman's instinctive reaction, her doubts increased instead of decreasing. 

Of course, Su Fengge would never have thought that when facing his calm and composed daughter, a banished fairy, she would have a thick black cock in her white tiger hole while talking to him. 

Su Fengge had doubts in her heart, but she smiled dignifiedly and immediately changed the subject: "You have been out for half a year, and it is indeed time for you to meet Fairy Mu. I wonder if you will come back this time?" 

She was somewhat worried and anxious. Her daughter had been separated from her since she was young, and now she finally got to live with her daughter, but she didn't expect that they would be separated again. Su Fengge was really worried that this separation might last for many years, and the next time she saw her daughter, it would be after many years of rain, snow and good harvests. 


Hearing this, before the fairy could answer, the old eunuch lying behind her tensed up a little bit, and the breath he had been trying to suppress suddenly gasped, and he shook his waist as if it was an instinctive reaction, startling Jiang Qingxi's seemingly relaxed body to suddenly tense up, and her whole body was motionless, except for her ivory legs and soft white round buttocks, which suddenly tensed up, and her bottomless buttocks sat firmly on the man's crotch. 

The next moment, the fairy's pink lips pursed slightly, her eyes were a little messy, her eyes moved randomly for a few times, she didn't even dare to breathe, and a low moan came out of her red lips; she only felt that the old eunuch's big glans that had passed through the cervix and directly inserted into the flower house uterus was like a mushroom head that swelled up, and the whole meat stem was also like a violent congestion. The meat stick that was already as hard as iron was now hard and hot, and the vaginal flesh of the honey hole in negative distance contact was closely attached to the blood vessels on the skin and flesh of the penis. Jiang Qingxi could even feel the blood on the blood vessels of the penis bursting out from her white tiger tender hole, and the hot blood circulated on the flesh stem with bulging veins, making the thick and long huge big meat stick even harder and hotter. 

The two people's genitals were too close to each other, and the slightest change in each other's body could be sensed by the other. Jiang Qingxi didn't know why the old eunuch tensed up when her mother asked this question...but she could feel the old man's mentality at the moment from the expansion and contraction of the blood vessels on his penis. 

He is nervous... 

What is the old eunuch so nervous about? 

Before the fairy could think of anything, she suddenly felt the big cock deep inside her pussy, which was pushing up her belly, tremble a little. 

The sudden change was something Jiang Qingxi had not expected, and the fairy who had been trying hard to suppress her moans could not help but let out a low moan from her nose, and her hairless, tender pussy meat suddenly contracted and began to suck. 


Su Fengge looked at her with a smile. She didn't understand why her daughter moaned. She just thought Jiang Qingxi was just thinking subconsciously. 

The fairy held her breath, her eyes staring at the guqin on the table and the strings of varying lengths, as if they were an erratic breeze that was hard to fathom. 

The smile on Empress Su's face gradually disappeared, and she began to feel uneasy. She asked softly, "Did mother make things difficult for you?" 

She didn't understand what happened to the immortal cultivators or what the rules were between the sects, but as a mother who had been separated from her daughter since she was young, Su Fengge couldn't bear to be separated from her eldest daughter again. 


Jiang Qingxi raised her beautiful eyes slightly, her gaze was slightly unfocused, and she seemed to be distracted. After hearing what Queen Su said, her eyes suddenly regained focus, as if she had just woken up from a dream. 

She frowned slightly, one hand was placed flat on the strings, the other hand was placed under the low table, her head was slightly lowered, as if she was thinking about something, as if she was in a difficult situation, and she remained silent for a long time. 

At least in Su Fengge's eyes, her daughter was like this, and she might be embarrassed by her question. 

In fact... 

The fairy's hand hidden under the table was tightly clenched into a fist. Her white and slender green jade fingers were pinched so hard that the joints turned blue and white. Her round buttocks pressed against the old eunuch's pelvis and hips were very tight, like two extremely round grapefruits. Her delicate ankles were tightly bent like bowstrings that were about to break. Her jade toes were tightly curled up like ten snow-white and translucent silkworms. Her toes stepped on the air like a ballet dancer stretched straight, making people worry whether her jade feet would break. 

Su Fengge didn't know that the tension between the two of them produced a huge chemical reaction. The thick cock and the extremely tight honey hole seemed to be incompatible, and neither of them gave in to the other. As a result, the fairy's narrow uterine mouth, which had been expanded to the extreme and could only be roughly squeezed aside, also subconsciously clenched and locked. Not only the tender and dripping honey pot cervix, but also all the tender flesh in the fairy's white tiger bun hole cavity of the top fairy weapon also tightly held the old man's coronal sulcus. The vaginal flesh that was tense because of tension also tightly wrapped around the remaining thick cock. In the pure uterus that was used as a cock sleeve, the extremely tender and slippery uterine wall tender flesh also wrapped around the glans at the same time and gradually tightened. 

The fairy took a deep breath, as if she had been thinking for a long time, and the trance on her pretty face gradually disappeared. She said with a hint of struggle: "My daughter... my daughter is going to announce her realm and meet the master. She will be back in a few months." 

According to the period of time that the disciples of Xuanxian Palace traveled and trained, Jiang Qingxi had heard from her master that the successor of the master's generation also traveled the world for thirty years, and the gifted master also experienced more than twenty years outside, deeply immersed in the world and finally transformed into an immortal. Although Jiang Qingxi, who had been out of the sect for less than three years, had completed the purpose of training early, it was not her turn to take on the great responsibility of the sect. She still had plenty of time to step into the world and experience all kinds of things. 

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Qingxi felt the old man, who had been tense and erect with his big cock, relax. The penis and glans that had been inserted into the fairy's vagina and invaded her delicate uterus also relaxed and no longer pressed on her. 

The fairy, whose round buttocks were tense due to the tension and whose hairless and tender pussy tightly sucked the big cock, also breathed a sigh of relief. The two petals of her meaty abalone that tightly clamped the cock's stem also gently loosened. The fairy's tight jade legs and round buttocks gradually relaxed and pressed on the old man's pelvis and hips. 

The suppressed moan in Jiang Qingxi's throat was suppressed, and her chest, which had been stagnant and heaving, began to breathe again. Her pursed pink lips also loosened, and her mouth slightly opened, with a faint breath of orchid exhaled from between her lips and teeth. 

The jade hand that was hidden under the table and released its pink fist continued to make seals. Under the cover of the low table, the fairy's two fingertips glowed with dazzling light, and she continued to use her imperceptible magic power to cast spells, using magic to wipe away the sweet sweat flowing from her beautiful eyebrows and cheeks... Her body was sweating uncontrollably during the hidden sexual intercourse, and her skin was quietly changing between pink and white, but she used her magic power to quietly wipe it away so that her mother would not notice. 

The fairy breathed a long sigh of relief without leaving any trace, and the old eunuch's shriveled chest slowly dropped along with it. 

The fairy servant, one old and one young, who were having an affair, seemed to breathe a sigh of relief at the same time. 

Jiang Qingxi suddenly realized. 

Why did the old eunuch suddenly get nervous? It turns out that the old eunuch is still particularly concerned about her "returning to the sect"... 

The old eunuch was indeed concerned. Even though he got the fairy's answer, he was still hesitant and uneasy. Now that the fairy had said this to the queen, she would surely not lie to him. It seemed that the fairy would really be back in just one month. 

The old man was happy and delighted. 

But this made the fairy feel like a spilled seasoning bottle. She felt mixed emotions and didn't know what to do. There seemed to be a hint of bitterness, but also a hint of sweetness. There was also a bit of joy, a bit of sadness, and even a bit of grievance. At this moment, there were so many emotions in her mind that she didn't know what kind of taste was lingering in her heart. 

It is hard for a young girl to guess, and even more so for an immortal. 

"That's good, that's good." 

Su Fengge didn't know what her daughter and the other person present were thinking. After she got Jiang Qingxi's reply, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief and became cheerful. She looked at her fairy daughter, whose black hair was like a waterfall, whose white clothes were whiter than snow, and whose eyes were cold, elegant and indifferent like the moon, with a bit of relief and nostalgia in her eyes: "It's time to meet Fairy Mu again. Please say thank you to her for me." 

Over the years, she has only been able to see her daughter a few times. It was Fairy Mu who raised Jiang Qingxi and accompanied her more. This person who is both a teacher and a mother naturally made Su Fengge feel complicated, but also extremely grateful. 

"In the blink of an eye, so many years have passed, and you are now as beautiful as Fairy Mu back then..." 

She looked at her daughter, her eyes full of heartache and relief. The eighteen-year-old girl had grown into a graceful young lady, with a cold and aloof look. She was no longer the timid little girl who hid behind her back then. Her noble and heroic appearance now was quite similar to that when she first met Fairy Mu. 

I remember that before the Empress married the Emperor who was still the Prince of Qi, Fairy Mu, who had just entered the mortal world, had come to visit Master Su to ask for advice; Su Fengge had met her for the first time at that time. Fairy Mu's temperament and personality were very similar to Jiang Qingxi's now, but also slightly different. 

After Fairy Mu left, Su Fengge never saw her again. He only thought that after a series of twists and turns, she also became a powerful land immortal... The next time he saw Fairy Mu was more than ten years ago when Jiang Qingxi was born. The sky was shining with mysterious light, and the moonlight was pouring down. There were strange phenomena between heaven and earth, which not only alarmed Emperor Taizu, but also many practitioners in the capital. At that time, a masked silver-haired fairy seemed to come from the moon and descended in the sky. 

This was the second time Su Fengge saw her. 

Fairy Mu came to the Prince Qi's mansion and looked at Jiang Qingxi's date of birth. She only said that this girl of the moon had a destiny with Xuanxian Palace and would come to pick her up when she was enlightened. 

But at that time, Fairy Mu became even colder. Su Fengge, who was weak after giving birth to her daughter, held the newly born Jiang Qingxi in her arms and glanced at Fairy Mu with difficulty. She felt that she was as cold as frost, making people feel cold and ruthless at first glance. The cold air emanating from her body was enough to make people shiver, as if she was lonely and cold in autumn, a peerless fairy who was proud of the snow and frost. 

"Master is very cold, and even seems a little cruel and heartless?" 

Jiang Qingxi's expression became a little strange, because in the impression of this new generation fairy of Xuanxian Palace, the master was not as cold as the others in Xuanxian Palace, and even out of tune with the entire sect, but she happened to be the current head of Xuanxian Palace and one of the righteous masters. 

Because of the immortal way and the skills, the more advanced the Xuanxian Palace disciples are, the less emotional they will become. The inner and outer sects are better, and some of the true disciples are even as cold as machines and indifferent as snow. Jiang Qingxi has seen some uncles and sisters who have cultivated themselves into a cold stone sculpture... The only exception is the master. She always looks cynical and almost completely out of tune. She is often sloppy and completely opposite to the atmosphere in the sect. When encountering the sect meeting, her disheveled and lazy appearance always makes the strict and rigid elders of the precepts tremble with anger, but they can do nothing about her. 

Especially after Jiang Qingxi grew up and became sensible, the master had more ways to tease him. Sometimes, Jiang Qingxi, who was so calm and silent, would be troubled by his master. 

Is this really the same person? 

The fairy thought silently in her heart. 

Su Fengge naturally didn't know what Fairy Mu had become after she went into seclusion. She only remembered it when she was mentioned and asked, "By the way, how has Fairy Mu been doing these years?" 

Jiang Qingxi was slightly stunned, bowing his head and pretending to look at the strings, but he felt a little embarrassed. 

The old eunuch's cock, as long as that of an animal, went straight into her belly, almost touching the fairy's breasts. Even without any thrusting, the constant throbbing of the huge penis made Jiang Qingxi feel suffocated. She adjusted her breathing with difficulty, seemingly relaxed. The fairy pretended to be calm and said, "Master has lived a good life these years..." 


She suddenly remembered that her master was always lazy and unrestrained, and was completely different from the previous masters of Xuanxian Palace in his cynical attitude. In addition to being unrestrained, he would occasionally drink alone under the moon, becoming very silent, with less indifference and laziness in his eyes, and a hint of expression that she couldn't understand, looking at the Taiyin Xuanyue in the sky, wondering what he was thinking? 

Jiang Qingxi actually now vaguely understood this feeling: because of the special feeling she had when she and Lin Feng drank together under the moon on the top of a tall building for the first time; she seemed to understand a little bit of her master's state of mind. 

What is Master missing? She looks so lonely, maybe she is missing someone or something. 

It's a memory that is hard to forget. 

Jiang Qingxi said softly: "Maybe... a little lonely." 

"No wonder." 

Su Fengge understood. 

The fairy heard the understanding in her mother's words and asked again: "Mother, do you know Master? Do you know about Master's deeds when he was young?" 

"Of course I know. When my mother was young, who in the world didn't know Fairy Mu?" Su Fengge smiled when asked, "Do you want to hear it?" 

Master's past? 

Jiang Qingxi was slightly stunned, hesitated for a moment, and finally chose to nod: "Yes." 

Unlike her daughter who had not experienced the years when Fairy Mu traveled the world, she had personally experienced that period of time. Fairy Mu's deeds had also resounded throughout the nine states. Her reputation was so loud that the Empress who was waiting to be married that year had also heard a lot about it... It was said that Fairy Mu had also set foot in the sea of ​​all races, and her skills alone overwhelmed Kunlun Yaochi. She was a woman with peerless beauty and talent, and she had many suitors. Those suitors were also famous heroes in the world, and there was no lack of talented young men who were also descendants of major clans. 

"Master, have you ever had such an experience..." 

Jiang Qingxi was so engrossed in what she heard that she almost forgot that her white, round buttocks were sitting on a man's crotch, and that a thick, dark cock was inserted into her smooth, hairless vagina. 

In the end, Fairy Mu seemed to have chosen a young man who was a wandering cultivator. It was said that he was also a world-renowned genius. For this, she even broke up with Xuanxian Palace and almost left the sect... However, such a romantic legend of a young man and a girl, which seemed like a story in a storybook, did not have a perfect ending. Later, for some reason, they did not end up together. 

The so-called vows of love and support for each other, in the end, became nothing more than a passing cloud of smoke, and they were forgotten in the world. 

Fairy Mu later returned to Xuanxian Palace and became the master of the sect. She stayed in Lingshan Palace and was not involved in the world. The young man who was looking for the dragon also disappeared by the East China Sea, just like a dragon whose head can only be seen but its tail cannot be seen. 

Except for some things related to them later, they never appeared in the world again. Talented people emerge in every generation, and each of them leads the trend for hundreds of years; but in the past twenty years, the past has become a memory of the previous generation. For young people, it is just an interesting gossip that the elders occasionally discuss. 

However, the conversation between Empress Su and the fairy fell into the ears of the invisible third person in the pavilion, which made him feel confused. How could the foolish and blind old eunuch understand these things? 

But he could only lie there motionless, hearing the two melodious tones of the fairy and the queen echoing through his eardrums. After a while, the timid old eunuch gradually calmed down and temporarily forgot his fear and panic about Queen Su. 

However, when he came to his senses, he felt more and more that the fairy's tender and soft vaginal flesh was shrinking and loosening little by little. It seemed that millions of layers of vaginal flesh were squeezing his big penis. The fairy's uterus was too tight, locking all the honey secreted from the flower chamber inside. The old man could clearly feel that he was being fucked through. The fairy's delicate and tender flower palace tightly wrapped around his glans. The originally delicate and small pure uterus, which seemed to be the size of a baby's fist, was stretched by the big glans to be comparable to a strong man's fist. 

The pink and tender uterine cavity was completely shaped like the old eunuch, and the only exit was blocked. Originally, the nectar and flower juice inside could flow out from the gap between the penis and the cunt meat. Now the two of them were motionless, and Jiang Qingxi's maiden celestial palace kept secreting lewd fluid, which accumulated in the uterus, carrying the thick sperm that had just stuck to the pink uterine wall and was not absorbed. With the posture of the woman on top, they all slid down to the soft honey pot uterine cavity, accumulating to the most sensitive coronal sulcus of the old eunuch's big cock. The sticky and slippery honey mixed with the extremely thick sperm slid into the coronal sulcus. The uterine wall sucked it hard, and the lewd fluid made his big glans feel smooth and slippery. The waves of super suction and extreme compression from the white tiger bun hole seemed to suck his giant penis, which was as thick and long as a horse's cock, deeply into it. The deep celestial flesh cunt, which was stretched to the limit by the giant penis, still sucked like greed. 

If it were an ordinary man, he probably wouldn't be able to hold on for even a second in Jiang Qingxi's tender vagina. Even without any friction, the fairy's exquisite fairy vagina could passively tighten and relax with the natural breathing of her jade body. The layers upon layers seemed endless, and the dense and countless tiny flesh membranes and vaginal flesh could massage every corner of the penis without dead ends. Not to mention the protruding blood vessels, even the smaller pores of the foreskin of the penis were taken care of meticulously, and the pleasure it could bring to the old eunuch was unparalleled. 

However, the old eunuch had already experienced the extreme pleasure brought by the rough penetration of the fairy's hairless cunt, so how could he be satisfied with just soaking his penis in the fairy's meaty vagina? 

Can't fuck... 

But now that the Queen was still here, he could only resist the urge to thrust his hips in and fuck the Fairy's tender pussy until it was dripping with lewd juice. 

The old eunuch felt itchy, and stared at the fairy's graceful back with his thieving eyes... 

The fairy was wearing a white dress. In the middle of summer, she was wearing a slim-fitting white dress. From the perspective of the old eunuch lying down, he could see her long black hair, which was as smooth and silky as a waterfall, falling down her back. Behind her, he could faintly see the fairy's exquisite earlobes and the faintly visible white jade neck. On both sides were symmetrical shoulders that looked like they were carved by a knife. Looking down, he could see Jiang Qingxi's smooth jade back with a golden ratio. The fairy's jade breasts were both tall and full. Through the silky armpits of the girl, he could vaguely see the double breasts wrapped in white clothes, which still looked quite large. The slender and graceful waist below was smooth, a little too fat and a little too thin, just so soft and slender. 

Further down was Jiang Qingxi's round, perky, full but not plump buttocks. The old eunuch's breathing became faster again. 

Unlike Su Fengge's plump and voluptuous appearance, the Queen is a ripe peach, a gorgeous mature woman, with a big chest that looks like two big water balls, a big and round buttocks that are bigger than her shoulders, and a buttocks that are easy to give birth to, a very standard gourd-shaped body, perfectly in line with the description of "big breasts and big buttocks"; Jiang Qingxi's body is even more light and graceful, the immature fairy is graceful and graceful, and also has the shadow of her mother's prototype, but more of a delicate and picturesque curve. 

If Su Fengge is a flesh gourd with big breasts and a big butt, then the fairy is a silky and elegant jade porcelain, with a slender figure like the peerless imperial porcelain fired in the official kiln, and like the blue and white porcelain dotted with lotus, with well-proportioned curves. 

And this cold fairy, who is as pale as jade and as elegant as blue and white porcelain, has a plump buttocks under her white dress, and two white buttocks that are as white as fermented dough, which are really dazzling. Sometimes the buttocks are tight into a peach shape, and sometimes they are loose like open pancakes. Sometimes the round and oval buttocks are really dazzling and overwhelming. 

Looking at this snow-white fairy's hips, feeling the amazing elasticity and softness, the old man almost couldn't help but thrust his waist and ram it hard with his crotch covered with gray pubic hair... but it was a pity that he couldn't. 

The old eunuch suddenly felt itchy and wanted to slap the snow-white, soft, round buttocks, but he was afraid of making a sound and was even more afraid of hurting the fairy... 

"Did Fairy Mu never mention this to you?" Su Fengge asked. 

The fairy shook her jade head and whispered, "Master never told me about her past, let alone such a relationship." 

"Perhaps this relationship really hurt Fairy Mu deeply." Su Fengge sighed, "Back then, I thought Fairy Mu would travel the world with that young man nicknamed Yulong Ji, and become an enviable couple." 

"Dragon Spear... huh?" 

Hearing this title, Jiang Qingxi whispered for a while, and the next second, her bright eyes widened a little. 

Su Fengge understood what her daughter was mumbling, and was surprised and somewhat enlightened. She asked curiously, "I don't understand the ways of you immortal cultivators. Who exactly is this 'Dragon-controlling Halberd'?" 

She didn't know that the reason her daughter's eyes widened was not because she guessed who the Yulong Ji was... 

Instead, in a place she couldn't see, a pair of transparent but visible palms touched the naked, plump buttocks. The thin but extremely rough fingers were pressed on the soft and tender naked buttocks, kneading the fairy's beautiful buttocks unscrupulously. The pressure was sometimes strong and sometimes weak. Sometimes, ten fingers exerted force, pressing her round buttocks into the ground. The ten old and shriveled black and yellow fingers were transparent at this moment. The two palms squeezed in were completely imprinted on the snow-white, plump and tight buttocks. Even the lines pressed down by the fingers were clear and very clear. 

This made the old eunuch playful and he pinched the fairy's beautiful buttocks into various shapes. 

The rough and rude touch made the fairy feel very ashamed. The plump buttocks that no one had ever witnessed and no one dared to desecrate were played with wantonly by the lowly old servant. The places that were touched seemed to be burned by fire. The residual touch made Jiang Qingxi, who was already very sensitive, feel even more ashamed. 

"Very strong, with few disciples passing down the teachings from generation to generation. The foundation is not as good as that of Xuanxian Palace, but it is not inferior in terms of long-standing inheritance, and has a long history... I don't know which generation of the Yulong Ji has this relationship with Master." 

Jiang Qingxi endured the extreme pleasure brought by the big cock jumping from time to time, and silently endured the old eunuch playing with her beautiful buttocks, but she did not want her mother to find out. She tried to calm herself down and thought of the cool female general who had been extremely hostile and competitive towards her since they met. She sorted out her thoughts and said, "This generation of the Yulong Ji is the eldest daughter of the Zhenbei Marquis, the current number one female general of Dahua, Gao Lianyu." 

"It was her." 

The queen's phoenix eyes narrowed slightly. She was different from her own daughter and the Xiao family's girl, who were introverted, quiet and elegant. The girl with the exotic northern style also left a deep impression on her. 

Especially this one who exposed the affairs between Raymond Lam and his beauties as soon as he arrived in Beijing, openly and honestly stated that he wanted to compete with his rivals for Raymond Lam's love. 

Then she warned: "I don't like this girl very much." 

Such a rude and bold wild girl naturally did not leave a good impression in the heart of the perfect lady of a noble family, Empress Su... In her heart, a wild woman like Gao Lianyu who was bold, unscrupulous and outspoken was probably the kind of rude wild woman who did not know the limits between men and women, who had no ethics and no sense of shame. She was probably not very self-disciplined in private, and she probably did not even set up the barriers between men and women. 

Only a woman like Qingxi who is quiet, peaceful, elegant and polite is the good girl that Su Fengge imagines. The shy girl from the Xiao family is also good. A lady in the boudoir should be more reserved and restrained. 

But Su Fengge didn't know that Gao Lianyu, who she remembered as a carefree, unruly and unrestrained female general, was still a virgin. Even though she claimed her sovereignty over Lin Feng and took the initiative to show her affection to him, she only shook hands with him and stood shoulder to shoulder with him at most. She had never even let Lin Feng kiss her on the mouth, let alone any deeper ambiguity. 

The cold, aloof, and indifferent daughter she imagined...had already had an unimaginable intimate contact with a man. Jiang Qingxi not only gave her first kiss to the old eunuch, but her breasts were also seen and rubbed. Her pure body had long been exposed to his eyes. 

Even the most important thing, the virginity that could only be given to the future husband, was completely taken away by this ugly and wretched old eunuch. He not only broke the fairy's pure virginity, but also opened her deeper, more sacred womb, which was responsible for nurturing life and shot his semen inside her, completely possessing her, and irrigated the fairy's flower palace with his low-grade, smelly and thick semen, causing the fairy to have multiple orgasms and her belly to swell like a pregnant woman. 

What Su Fengge would never think of, nor would she want to think of, is that... just a foot away from her, her daughter's dignified and elegant appearance, her lower body was completely naked, her underwear was gone, revealing a large area of ​​snow-white, plump, round buttocks, Jiang Qingxi's smooth, hairless, white tiger bun-shaped honey hole was holding the old eunuch's thick, ferocious cock, her holy uterus was broken open by the glans to become a cock sheath, and her soft, tender, wet and tender pussy was tightly holding the entire huge cock that Su Fengge could not imagine. 

"Qingxi, I'm not too worried about you. Qingli has been staying in the palace pretending to be sick recently and hiding from her mother... It's really worrying." Feeling relieved that her eldest daughter has grown up to be graceful and beautiful, Su Fengge could only sigh when she remembered that her youngest daughter had also been hiding from her recently and didn't know what she was doing in her own palace. 

"Maybe, Qingli has grown up, right?" 

Jiang Qingxi pretended to be calm and comforted him. 


Su Fengge smiled. 

However, if Su Fengge knew that one of her two precious daughters had voluntarily given her virginity to an old, ugly, wretched, bald, withered eunuch who was old enough to be her grandfather's slave, and the other was ignorant and playful, and was deceived and abducted by a greasy fat man with ill intentions, who took away the girl's purity, she would probably faint on the spot and despair. 

"Oh, by the way, speaking of that girl from the North and the girl from the Xiao family..." Su Fengge recalled the rumors that had been making rounds in the capital recently. As the saying goes, three women make a scene, not to mention that it was related to a man, which was bound to cause countless people to gossip. 

"And what about Lin Feng?" 

"Lin... hum..." 

As soon as the words fell, before the fairy could answer, she felt the rough hands kneading her beautiful buttocks pause, and the ten fingers suddenly exerted force, pressing the soft, snow-white, perky buttocks into the pit, and the buttocks flesh was squeezed out from the transparent gaps between the fingers, like a flour-filled meat bun wrapped around the dirty black and yellow fingers. 

The 40-centimeter giant penis was completely inserted into the fairy's jade body. The hairless and smooth bun-shaped fleshy vagina suddenly expanded a lot, stretching the already exaggerated white tiger bun-shaped tender vagina a little more. With the naked eye, it can be seen that Jiang Qingxi's already ridiculously stretched snow-white belly bulged a little more. 

She finally couldn't help herself and let out a clear hum from her nose. 

Chapter 58 

"Lin... hum..." 

As Jiang Qingxi was muttering, a distinct humming sound suddenly came out of her nose. 

A sweet moan escaped her breath, but she quickly hid it. She could feel that when her mother mentioned "Lin Feng", the old eunuch under her trembled all over, and stiffened from waist to hips. The two old hands that were originally caressing her plump round buttocks suddenly froze, and then pinched her plump buttocks hard, squeezing the snow-white and soft beautiful buttocks like dough. The old man under her didn't know where he got the courage. The lower body that was originally tightly pressed together was already tightly closed, and he deeply inserted into Jiang Qingxi's fairy honey path, the glans directly broke through the flower palace, and the thick and long big cock deeply occupied her most private and mysterious sex organ tender abalone. The tender core deep in the fairy's sex organ had been broken by the big glans, and the honey neck held the glans below the crown groove, just like a small mouth that sucked tightly, sucking the huge glans non-stop. 

Hearing the word Lin Feng, the old eunuch thrust upwards violently, the amplitude was not large, but at this moment, the two genitals were tightly connected, airtight, the most sensitive organs were affecting each other, the fairy's vagina and the old eunuch's penis were intertwined, even the blood flow could be felt by each other, the slightest movement was enough to make the genitals of both parties tremble, the old eunuch thrusted neither lightly nor heavily, although the fluctuation was not high, but it broke the delicate balance between the penis and the tender vagina, just like a huge rock smashed on the calm lake, setting off a huge wave. 

Especially the old man's glans was deeply inserted into the fairy's delicate and holy flower room. This little movement made the hard and thick glans scratch the extremely sensitive, soft and tender uterine membrane, which made Jiang Qingxi's jade back straight. The two slender legs hidden under the piano table were tense and tense. Before they relaxed a few times, the crystal clear white jade toes like pearls tightened and loosened, curled up again and again, and the flesh-colored sweat on the white snow-white skin was dripping, and drops of fragrant sweat flowed from the jade ankles and wrists that were outlined like crescent jade bowls, and reached the tips of the jade toes. 

However, the fairy could not help but utter a muffled groan, and her snow-white buttocks and legs suddenly tensed up, causing the old man, who had just raised a trace of courage, to lose his courage. He did not even dare to hold the fairy's beautiful buttocks with both hands, fearing that he would lose control and knead her buttocks, causing the fairy to reveal another flaw. So his whole body was stiff, and he had no place to put his hands, and he dared not move at all. 

The two people's closely connected genitals were rubbing each other, and the tense vaginal flesh of the fairy's honey path suddenly twisted and entangled the old man's big cock tightly. The thick and huge cock bulged, and the two made the genitals of the two people almost stick together, the cock and the vagina fit tightly, and not even a drop of sticky honey could flow out. 

The extremely beautiful fairy and the transparent man beneath her suddenly stood still, in a stalemate, neither of them dared to touch her any more. 


The gorgeous and graceful phoenix-robed queen on the opposite side opened her red lips and uttered a murmur-like inquiry, which made the fairy's delicate body tremble and her white jade round buttocks tremble slightly. The amplitude was not large, but it caused the crotch of the two to rub for a moment. The layers of vaginal flesh wrinkles in the fairy's flower path and honey channel suddenly shrank together. The cavity mucosal flesh wrinkles, which were thousands of times more than those of ordinary women, shrank together. The white tiger steamed bun cunt, which was expanded like a cylinder, tightly clamped the huge big cock, and clamped the whole big cock that invaded the tender hole and honey channel. Even the old eunuch's huge meat penis, which was the best in the world, was sucked and itchy. He only felt that the root of the cock held by the steamed bun honey lips was bitten tightly and the blood stagnated, which caught the old man off guard. The old and ugly face suddenly became distorted, and he felt so happy that his chest was stuffy. His facial features were abstract and distorted, and he looked even uglier and wretched. He opened his mouth silently and gasped loudly. 

"You...you are not..." 

Seeing her daughter's expression change slightly, and her tone also changed slightly, Su Fengge thought Jiang Qingxi had thought of something bad about Lin Feng. She was a little confused, but her phoenix eyes saw that her daughter's delicate and beautiful eyebrows suddenly trembled with a hint of tenderness and affection. Her light and gentle eyebrows frowned slightly, and she seemed to be a little happy and sad, which made Su Fengge lower her tone: "...Are you still angry with him?" 


Jiang Qingxi was so nervous that sweat broke out on her pink back. Su Fengge's sudden greeting startled her plump and round buttocks, which were like soft and sticky rice cakes being slapped. Her two high and straight buttocks trembled and swayed, and then fell on the old man's crotch. Without the pressure and kneading of the two salty hands, the elasticity and uprightness of her snow-white buttocks showed the vitality of the girl to the fullest, and the layers of buttocks seemed to shake out a few phantoms like waves of flesh. 

It was not until Su Fengge's slightly tentative words reached her ears that Jiang Qingxi came back to her senses as if suddenly. She responded subconsciously, and after a moment she reacted and said in surprise: "No...no..." 

However, her stuttering rebuttal confirmed Jiang Qingxi's emotional entanglement with Lin Feng in Su Fengge's eyes. The spring in her heart was vaguely exposed, and in Su Fengge's eyes, it was the shyness and feelings that a young girl should have. This made her relax a little, and she smiled at the corners of her lips. She was about to tease her daughter, but suddenly she thought of the other rumored girlfriends of Lin Feng, the playboy, in the capital. Her slender phoenix eyes turned into a trace of helplessness and anger: "I don't know how much blessing this boy had in his previous life. There are so many beautiful and outstanding women who are disturbed by him..." 

"You're angry... too!" 

Although Su Fengge had looked at Lin Feng differently when she was in the palace, and did not look down on him with arrogance, he was indeed a man with different charm, and no less charming than the emperor when he was young, but she thought that in addition to her daughter, the boy had hooked up with several other heavyweights. Not to mention Gao Lianyu who had declared war on her daughter, even the girl in Marshal Xiao's family was from a wealthy family. How come all these princesses of the dynasty, the only daughters of princes, and the granddaughters of military commanders all had a favorable impression of him... She was not an ordinary concubine who was locked up in the palace and only knew how to fight for power and profit. After leaving the Immortal Ruins, many people said that Lin Feng finally walked side by side with another woman, who was said to be a demon witch with a prominent position in the demon cult. 

Such a willful act was hard for the conservative and polite Su Fengge to accept. Although she knew from her education that women should be well-educated and not jealous, and the royal atmosphere she lived in also told her that it was not a big deal for a man to have three wives and four concubines, Su Fengge could not help but feel disappointed with Lin Feng after hearing about his unorthodox behavior... She knew that a man would never be alone, and that there were only a few infatuated people in the world, and most men were pigs, but Lin Feng's behavior did not respect his precious daughter... 

"What has Lin Feng been doing these days? What does he think of my daughter?" 

The Marshal's grandson is fine, and the Northern Marquis's only daughter is barely passable, but how come even those filthy witches in the stinking ditch magic world don't care about meat or vegetables? 

Are these people worthy of being Jiang Qingxi's love rivals? Is it because my daughter is too inferior? Is she really going to be compared with these people? 


Her daughter, Su Fengge, was the most beautiful fairy in the world. Empress Su was furious: "How outrageous!" 

Even if we don't mention that Jiang Qingxi is the most noble eldest daughter of the emperor in the royal family, she is also the first person in the world to break through to the human immortal at the age of 18. She is unique in the world. Looking at the entire history of billions of years, there are only a handful of people who can compare with her. Her cultivation is far higher than Lin Feng. It is his blessing to be able to look up to him. How can he be so ungrateful! 


It's not about this... He and I... no longer have... 

However, after recovering from lust, Jiang Qingxi's belly was still bulging from the big cock. Seeing her mother's face changing again and again, she knew she must be overthinking again. She was about to open her mouth to explain, but she saw Su Fengge's attention shifted to her and didn't notice the strangeness of her expression. She swallowed the words that were about to come out of her mouth and kept silent. 

"Okay, okay, I've said too much... Let's talk about something else! Let's not talk about this person anymore!" 

Su Fengge thought she was wrong, and didn't notice the hint of love in Jiang Qingxi's eyes. However, she was also afraid that she might have said something wrong, so she started chatting about family matters again. 

Su Fengge, who was defending her daughter, never imagined that she, the eldest daughter of the Great Hua Empire, the heir of the supreme immortal sect Xuanxian Palace, one of the ten immortals on earth, a gorgeous and beautiful exiled immortal, had her pure and flawless body defiled by a dirty, slovenly, old and wretched eunuch. 

The gap between the two was so big that it even exceeded the gap between ants and gods, reaching the distance between heaven and earth. However, Jiang Qingxi only needed a glance to kill the stinky and wretched old man. He could not only play with her delicate body at will, but also squeeze and suck her breasts at will. Her delicate and fragrant lips were kissed by the dirty and sticky big tongue again and again, and her lips were full of fragrance and swallowed the thick and smelly semen again and again. The plump, tender and juicy white tiger bun cunt was licked by the lowly and humble old eunuch with his thick black and yellow tongue again and again, tasting the sweet and delicious, fragrant and greasy honey-like lewd juice of the fairy. 

If the gods and immortals don't show up, Jiang Qingxi can be called the strongest person in the world. She only needs to use a little power to resist, and the old eunuch will be reduced to ashes, his soul and body will be destroyed, and not even a trace will be left. 

The extremely powerful and peerless fairy indulged and acquiesced to this old eunuch who was even lower than a beggar, and even lower and dirtier than a wild dog, letting him wantonly play with her noble and pure body, and even gave her most precious virginity to this humble old man who was as humble as an ant, letting this extremely thick and huge 40-centimeter penis break her pure virginity, and the old and ugly penis penetrated into her vagina, and even the holy uterus was completely occupied by the huge glans, allowing this lowly and smelly sticky and thick sperm to spray freely in the holy land that breeds life. 

Just now, her snow-white and smooth lower body was naked, revealing her hairless, fat, tender and white tiger bun cunt in front of the old eunuch, and she raised her round and smooth snow-white buttocks to cater to the old man's thrusts, and even took the initiative to hook up her legs, enduring the thick and sticky white and smelly semen that was like thick pulp washing over the inner wall of her uterus... 

Don't let your mother find out that something is wrong! 

Jiang Qingxi felt that her snow-white belly had been absorbed a lot, and it didn't bulge out a huge arc, but she could still feel her lower abdomen bulging slightly. There was still a lot of sticky semen left on the tender flesh of the holy flower chamber that was completely occupied by the big glans, which made her snow-white belly warm. She thought silently. 

"Qingli is a troublesome girl..." 

When talking about family matters, Su Fengge's face showed all kinds of sorrow, especially Jiang Qingli had reached the age of rebellion. From a little girl who always clung to her and called her "mother mother", she has now become a spoiled princess who has her own thoughts and calls her "mother, mother". She hides in the palace all day long, either in a daze or doing something unknown, hiding from everyone and not letting her and the emperor know. 

As if she had been holding back a lot of emotions and couldn't find anyone to vent to, Su Fengge started to talk endlessly once she started talking about other topics, and from her plump red lips she spilled a lot of troubles she had encountered recently. 

Whether it was Jiang Qingli's, the palace management, the thoughts of some concubines, or the gossips of the palace maids... 

This noble, dignified, cold and elegant mature face inevitably showed some joy, anger, sorrow and happiness. If other people in the palace saw her sad face, they would definitely be shocked. In their impression, the high and mighty Empress would always have that unchanging solemn and precious appearance, and those slender phoenix eyes would always be majestic without anger. Even the most favored concubine had to kowtow to this phoenix-like figure who was the mother of the country. 

After a long while, Jiang Qingxi quietly listened to Su Fengge's complaints, nodding his head occasionally, and agreeing with her from time to time, as if he was listening calmly...but he breathed a sigh of relief deep in his heart. 

Su Fengge breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Jiang Qingxi listening to her story in silence, hiding the trace of guilt in her eyes. 

It just seemed like the two of them were having a good chat, but it was hard for the old man who was used as a cushion by the fairy to hide his body. 

Although the old eunuch's entire penis had been deeply inserted into the fairy's peerless fairy vagina, Jiang Qingxi's sex organ was also rare in the ages, just like her cultivation talent. The vaginal flesh and soft membrane in the honey channel seemed endless, and the density of each inch of flesh folds was countless times more than that of ordinary women. The entire vagina was still compact and elastic after being expanded and stretched by the big cock. The countless flesh folds massaged the blue-veined penis, wrapping his entire sex organ and making it jump with pleasure. 

The vaginal flesh of the fairy's tender pussy was wriggling fast and tightly, the dense and tender flesh folds sucking the penis, enduring the extreme squeezing of the fairy's tender pussy, even if it was such a motionless natural twisting, a veteran in the flower field would probably be squeezed out in a few breaths, even the old eunuch with this transcendental big cock was sucked and squeezed to the point of having a distorted face, slanted eyes and crooked mouth, if it was him just now, he could not help but ejaculate. 

But fortunately, he had just shot two thick sperms in the holy flower palace of the fairy, and now he had no intention of shooting. After such a while, the fire of bathing was aroused by the fairy's tight and slippery fairy pussy. Jiang Qingxi's pussy was so comfortable even if it didn't move, not to mention the pleasure brought by the friction between the meat stick and the countless layers of meat granules when thrusting vigorously. 

The fairy's beautiful back was dripping with sweat, which soaked through several layers of clothing. The light white dress was tightly attached to her jade back. From the old eunuch's perspective, he could clearly see the graceful curve of the fairy's jade back, which was bent into an elegant arc like a crescent moon, and from the middle, a bow ridge that looked like a rain mark stretched out like a divine bow that shot down the stars and the moon. His eyes were burning as he looked at Jiang Qingxi's graceful jade back that was as straight as a bowstring. His eyes slowly moved down and saw that the extremely slender waist was very attractive in this situation, and the snow-white buttocks that were still a bit immature but already full and with a little sweat. 

He looked down, and the lying posture presented an alternative perspective of looking down. The scene in front of him made his eyes red. He saw that Jiang Qingxi's lower body, which was wrapped in white clothes and long skirts, was naked, revealing two plump, white and soft buttocks. At this time, Jiang Qingxi's plump, round and white buttocks sat on the shriveled crotch after being invisible, and were pressed outward by the old man's abdomen. The two soft buttocks were squeezed together to form a non-standard oval. The attractive smooth and white buttocks were like two peeled white eggs. The two white buttocks squeezed out a Y-shaped deep crotch. Just looking at the attractive shape of the two plump buttocks made the old eunuch breathe faster and his blood boil. 

Especially the long and beautiful legs that could almost kill him with one kick, which were half as long as his body. The two straight legs were now exposed to the man's eyes. He mustered up his courage, almost trembling with his hands, and gently touched the tall and straight legs that were like two white jade pillars, stroking the fairy's delicate and slender calves that were like white jade and ivory, and gently caressing the soft and smooth calf. 

His sudden action caused Jiang Qingxi's knees to jump, and she almost hit the short piano table. The fairy's beautiful eyes trembled for a moment, and then quickly adjusted. 

The old eunuch, who could not see Jiang Qingxi's expression, touched her tentatively. The fairy's calf was white and soft. A little more would be too fat, and a little less would be too thin. The calf, as delicate as ivory and jade, was the perfect golden ratio. The old eunuch could not let it go as soon as he touched it. He stroked it up and down like he was rubbing a round bead of jade. 

Seeing that the fairy did not reach out to stop him, the old man became even bolder. He continued to caress the girl's smooth calves for a while, then slowly slid upwards, holding Jiang Qingxi's two pairs of plump and soft thighs, and began to knead them wantonly. 


The old eunuch was panting, his ugly and wretched face twisted and twitching, the silky smoothness on his hands and the pleasure of his penis being clamped were so great, he took a deep breath, and began to twist his shriveled and skinny hips silently, as if he was drawing circles with his hips. 


The old man's sudden movement hurt Jiang Qingxi. As he shook his waist, the big cock that was deeply inserted into the fairy's flesh hole and fully immersed in it also moved. At this moment, she was naked under her skirt, revealing her jade legs and jade legs. Her round and smooth white buttocks were sitting on the old eunuch's rough and shriveled belly and crotch covered with gray pubic hair. Her wet and hairless white tiger mons pubis was pressed against the old man's thin belly, and her smooth and plump pussy was pressed against the old eunuch's messy crotch. The old man twisted and turned, turning the root of his cock like a plunger. The honey hole felt an incomparable pleasure from bottom to top, and her immature and perky buttocks subconsciously lifted up, wanting to stay away from the old man's crotch. 

But how could the old eunuch give up? He held Jiang Qingxi's beautiful legs tightly with both hands. Every time his waist turned under the fairy's jade buttocks, Jiang Qingxi's jade legs would tremble with this movement. The dirty old hands touching the fairy's beautiful legs could feel Jiang Qingxi's beautiful legs tightening and relaxing, and her pussy was frighteningly tight in an instant, making him gasp for air. The fairy's snow-white legs were tensed for a while, and then tremblingly loosened. The old eunuch's body hair grew between his legs and on his crotch. His skinny old legs with curled gray and old pubic hair kept rubbing against the fairy's white, smooth and straight long legs. 

The fairy's tender hairless white pussy was stung by the old man's gray and white, messy pubic hair. The old man's aging and faded pubic hair rubbed against the plump, juicy, and plump hairless bun labia. Jiang Qingxi could clearly feel the stimulation of the two genitals being close together. The pubic hair rubbed in the buttocks. The flawless bun labia slid over the old eunuch's shriveled crotch covered with pubic hair. The wrinkled rough skin rubbed against the delicate white snow-white skin. The sensitive pubic flesh sent pleasure, like an electric shock, all over the body, causing the fairy's delicate body to tremble. The deep part of her jade neck seemed to be about to moan, stimulating the fairy to tremble all over, and she couldn't calm down for a long time. 

At the same time, he had to constantly use magic to cover up the abnormalities on his face and body... 

The buttocks rubbed against the round buttocks for a long time, and the penis rubbed the fairy's tender pussy like a pestle, making it itchy and numb. The old eunuch just stopped, making Jiang Qingxi's rapid breathing slow down. 

However, before she could catch her breath, the old eunuch's rough hands that were touching her two beautiful legs gradually moved backwards, gently stroking Jiang Qingxi's two flawless, round and plump buttocks, kneading the two snow-white buttocks that were as soft, juicy, and elastic as white dough. 


After a long while, Jiang Qingxi suddenly felt that the hands that were rubbing her snow-white buttocks suddenly hugged her buttocks with ten fingers, and then grabbed and rubbed the girl's completely exposed snow-white buttocks with his palms, slightly prying the soft buttocks apart, and pinching the buttocks with his ten dry fingers like chicken claws, and suddenly prying them apart gradually. As his movements became more and more intense, the arc of the buttocks that were pried apart became more and more, and the deep and incomparable buttocks were slowly exposed to the air. The tense buttocks became more and more tense, and they clamped the buttocks in resistance, but also vaguely revealed the delicate anus petals and the plump and bulging sex organs in the buttocks. 

Then he pushed hard with his palms, and suddenly opened the fairy's white and delicate buttocks, revealing the pink and tender chrysanthemum buds that were like delicate flowers and were about to bloom. It seemed that the pink and tender chrysanthemum buds felt the old man's slightly rough movements, and the delicate chrysanthemum buds hidden in the buttocks were frightened. The pink and tender back garden flowers suddenly tightened and shrank the beautiful pink chrysanthemum buds, like a mimosa that curled up instantly when frightened, trying to hide itself completely. 

Such a beautiful scene appeared in the old eunuch's eyes, and a hint of excitement flashed across his cloudy old eyes. 

Jiang Qingxi's delicate back garden is so tender and cute, not inferior to the white tiger bun pussy like a little girl, the tender and cute anus bud flesh has no wrinkles, the anus bud that has never been discharged is as pink as a delicate flower, and there is no color, exuding a unique fragrant chrysanthemum fragrance, but the tightly contracted cute anus bud petals are hiding like an ostrich, just like Jiang Qingxi's extremely shy heart at this moment, trembling and shivering. 

The old eunuch looked at the fairy's tender anus that seemed to want to play hide-and-seek with him, and suddenly he became playful, especially when he saw the buds of the back garden that were shrinking and relaxing at that time. Naturally, he would not let her do what she wanted. He pressed the sides of the buttocks with one hand to prevent them from closing, and stretched out his index finger with the free hand, gently pressed it on the tender and juicy daisy flesh, and then the tip of his index finger tickled the fairy's pink and tender anus flesh. 

Instantly, the fairy's delicate body was struck by lightning, and her perky buttocks suddenly tensed up, and they were able to get rid of the old eunuch's fingers and open them. Then they closed together with a small but crisp "snap". The two white and soft buttocks suddenly closed together, and the index finger that was fingering the fairy's anus was suddenly clamped tightly, unable to move out. 

The sudden change made the old eunuch a little stunned, but then he felt that the fairy's buttocks were not only tense, but also the extremely attractive tight wet vagina. The flesh folds in the vagina were suddenly tighter than before, just a little looser than when the fairy climaxed. Countless mucous membranes and flesh folds clamped the big cock together. 

The old eunuch was so excited that his whole body was shaking, but his eyes showed a hint of excitement... Just when he licked the fairy's back garden, he felt the fairy's legs and buttocks suddenly tensed up... 

So, the old man struggled with his trapped fingers for a few times, and then scratched them in the tight buttocks again. The rough fingertips and fingertips rubbed the pink flesh of the anus. The fingers rubbed and rotated on the tightly closed but occasionally opened and closed, extremely sensitive anus, and poked the anus. Every time he poked or scratched it, the fairy's body would become stiff, and her buttocks would certainly clamp tightly. Sure enough, at the same time, Jiang Qingxi's tender pussy in front of her would also shrink greatly, squeezing his cock so hard that it hurt, and almost squeezed his sperm. 

It turns out that the chrysanthemum bud is also a sensitive spot of the fairy... The old eunuch was very surprised, and finally found another wonderful place on the fairy's body. 

Just as he was about to continue playing with the fairy daisy, he felt the fairy's hand, which had not stopped him just now, suddenly grabbed his wrist and stopped his audacity with action. 

The old eunuch then realized that they had not yet completely released their desires, and the noble Queen was watching them. 


Feeling that the old eunuch had stopped doing evil, Jiang Qingxi looked up at her mother who was talking endlessly and expressing her inner distress, and breathed a sigh of relief. 

However, the next second, she couldn't relax, because the old eunuch's transparent hands were placed directly on her round white buttocks. Although the old man's hands no longer harassed and violated the fairy's delicate anus, it didn't mean that he would leave the fairy's round and white buttocks alone. The old man's ten fingers still grasped and played with Jiang Qingxi's white buttocks, kneading and squeezing the girl's tender, upright, delicate and plump white buttocks into various shapes. 


Jiang Qingxi had no choice but to grit her teeth and endure the old man's invasion and play with her sweet buttocks. 

However, the fairy still underestimated the man with horny brains... 


The old eunuch could feel Jiang Qingxi's delicate cervix constantly clamping the old man's sensitive coronal sulcus, and the delicate uterus like a penis sleeve was constantly sucking his big glans. There were waves of suction coming from the honey path and the dense folds of flesh kept sucking and squirming. Layers of tender flesh and mucous membranes wrapped around the old man's penis. He couldn't help but gasp, and a burst of fire and sperm seemed to rush straight to his head. He suddenly grabbed her plump buttocks and held Jiang Qingxi's buttocks. 

Lift it up slowly! 

The fairy's perfect body quietly moved up a few inches. 

Jiang Qingxi's round white buttocks were just pressed against the old man's crotch, and her snow-white and plump buttocks were squeezed into an oval shape. The old eunuch's action lifted her buttocks up all of a sudden, and the beautiful buttocks that were pressed into an oval shape by the crotch were full of the elasticity that a young girl should have, and quickly turned into a white round shape like a full moon jade plate at a speed visible to the naked eye. 

The old man's sudden action made Jiang Qingxi's pretty face pale, and she opened her bright eyes and subconsciously looked at her mother opposite. 

"What's wrong?" 

Su Fengge just looked at her daughter who suddenly raised her beautiful eyes with a little curiosity, and asked in a somewhat strange tone. 

After all, from her perspective, her daughter just changed her sitting posture. 

"Nothing..." Seeing her mother's reaction, Jiang Qingxi lowered her beautiful eyes and returned to her calm demeanor. However, her hairless pussy squirmed nervously, sucking the thick cock so that the veins and veins bulged. "It's just an occasional feeling..." 

Su Fengge nodded, not quite understanding. After all, she didn't know much about Jiang Qingxi's realm. Granny Feng once said: Human immortals are still "humans", but they have been stained with the word "immortal". Their power can never be measured by ordinary standards. 

Jiang Qingxi, who concealed the past, looked at her mother with an evasive look. 

The Queen didn't know her daughter had deceived her, but she looked at her own shadow, and found that the shadow that was originally swaying like a candle flame had not changed at all. 

After the old eunuch made this move, he stared at the fairy's raised snow-white buttocks, and saw that Jiang Qingxi's delicate genitals and tender chrysanthemum buds were exposed in front of the old man without any cover. 

The old man's breath became rapid, and the fire made his mouth and tongue full of hot air, just like an old cow panting after plowing the field, and the breath he exhaled was hot and scalding. 

His eyes were wide open with excitement, and even bloodshot, and it was obvious that he was extremely excited.