85. I don't need a sharingan

(Guys! We are around 100 Powerstones only before reset for a bonus chapter! I think you guys can do it in the next 24 hours! Dattebayo!)

Ch 26- Unbelievable

The battlefield was silent, nobody made a move. Sora's last words, along with his fallen and unmoving body, and his blank eyes, were enough for people to know. Naruto was in denial, his mind refusing to accept what his eyes were telling him. The vibrant, red-headed boy who had become like a little brother to him couldn't possibly be gone.

Then, unexpectedly, Sora's remaining one-handed clone near Tsunade began to weave hand seals. It aroused the attention of all the people present on the battlefield. Even Orochimaru paused, his serpentine eyes narrowing with interest.

Sora's clone spoke, his voice tinged with fascination despite the grave situation. "Damn, I am losing control of my chakra, especially the mental energy aspect. Is it because my soul is leaving my body?" 

Even after death, Sora's intellectual curiosity seemed undiminished. Orochimaru, in particular, found himself intrigued by this development. The snake Sannin's mind was already racing with the possibilities such a phenomenon could present.

In the next instant, lines of seals originated from Sora's main dead body, streaking across the battlefield towards the reanimated Rasa. The Fourth Kazekage, bound by Orochimaru's jutsu, found himself unable to react as the seals enveloped him.

"Hehe, I have already anticipated in case I died," the clone said smugly to the indifferent Rasa. "This seal would be activated by my clone, that is me, sealing you. I win, old man." This time, there were no unexpected twists to turn the tables.

The clone then quickly weaved another set of hand seals with its single hand and summoned a scroll. "To be honest, I don't want to die," it continued, its voice carrying a hint of fear beneath the bravado. "And seeing that some jutsus exist that can bring the dead to living, I don't want to be controlled, like this old man here."

As the clone completed the seal, it enlarged, covering the entire battlefield. Soon, all the blood and the corpse of Sora were dragged by the lines of text towards the clone. It was a grotesque sight, one that made even the hardened shinobi present flinch.

"I wonder if my memories after I dispel will go to the original's soul or not... not like that it matters," Sora mused aloud. Then, to everyone's surprise, particularly Sasuke's, the clone began weaving hand seals that were extremely familiar to the Uchiha.

Sasuke's eyes widened in recognition. "That's-"

"Well, I am using this jutsu for the first time, and I don't need Sharingan to copy it," Sora's clone said, his gaze meeting Sasuke's. The clone grinned, and in the next instant, a massive fireball erupted from its mouth, engulfing Sora's blood and body in flames.

As the flames consumed what remained of Sora, the clone looked down at its own body. "This is it," it said, its voice carrying a mix of resignation and determination. "I'm not going to say the last words again. It's embarrassing, dattebayo!" 

With one final look at Naruto, the clone dispelled itself in a puff of smoke.

The finality of the act seemed to snap Naruto out of his denial. Tears began to flow freely from his eyes, quickly replaced by a look of unbridled rage. Anger at Rasa, at Kabuto, at Orochimaru... at everything. With a primal roar, Naruto lost control of the Kyuubi's chakra.

A malevolent red aura enveloped Naruto, his features becoming more feral by the second. His nails elongated into claws, his canines sharpened to fangs, and his eyes turned a burning crimson with slitted pupils. The killing intent radiating from him was palpable, causing even the experienced shinobi present to take an involuntary step back.

With a speed that belied his usual clumsy nature, Naruto rushed at Kabuto. The silver-haired medic-nin, sensing the danger, had already made a run for it. But he was no match for Naruto's Kyuubi-enhanced speed. In a flash, Naruto was upon him, his chakra-cloaked hand tearing through Kabuto's arm with terrifying ease.

Kabuto's scream of pain was cut short as Naruto's other hand closed around his throat, lifting him off the ground. The medic-nin's eyes widened in terror as he stared into Naruto's feral gaze, seeing nothing but the promise of a painful death.

Meanwhile, Sasuke was still rooted to the spot where he had witnessed Sora's final moments. His Sharingan was active, the traumatic event etched indelibly into his memory. The faint hope he had harboured when he initially saw Sora's clone not dispelling was now crushed, replaced by a familiar, suffocating sorrow.

'No, no, not again,' Sasuke thought, his mind teetering on the edge of a breakdown. The memories of the Uchiha massacre began to overlap with the scene he had just witnessed, the two traumas feeding into each other in a vicious cycle.

Sasuke's three-tomoe Sharingan began to spin furiously, the stress and emotional turmoil pushing it to its limits and beyond. Suddenly, he felt an intense, searing pain in his eyes. The pain was comparable to when Itachi had used Tsukuyomi on him, but somehow even more intense.

Time seemed to lose all meaning for Sasuke as he endured the excruciating pain. It could have been hours, days, months, or years... he couldn't tell. All he knew was the all-consuming agony that felt like it was tearing his very soul apart.

Then, as suddenly as it had begun, the pain vanished. Sasuke blinked, his vision clearing just in time to see Kabuto lunging at him with a chakra scalpel aimed at his abdomen. But before the attack could connect, a blur of orange intercepted it.

Naruto had pulled Sasuke back at the last moment, saving him from what would have been a potentially fatal blow. The blonde was no longer enveloped in the Kyuubi's chakra, having seemingly regained control of himself.

"What the hell are you daydreaming about in the middle of a battlefield?" Naruto shouted, his voice a mix of concern and frustration. Then, his expression changed to one of confusion as he looked at Sasuke more closely. "And what happened to your right eye? Why is it a whitish colour?"

Sasuke stared at Naruto, bewildered. 'Why isn't the idiot covered in the Kyuubi's chakra anymore? Why isn't he angry?' he thought. Then Naruto's words registered. 'What does he mean about my right eye?'

With a start, Sasuke realized he couldn't see out of his right eye. His thoughts began to race, faster than they ever had before. He glanced around with his left eye, and what he saw made them widen in disbelief.

There, in the middle of the battlefield, was Sora. The red-headed boy was caught in a pincer formation, with giant shuriken coming at him from the front and sand from behind. As Sasuke watched, Sora took to the sky, riding his shuriken and taunting his opponent.

'What... What in the name of the Sage of Six Paths is going on?' Sasuke's mind reeled, utterly confused by what he was seeing. Then he saw Sora getting irritated, preparing to pull the same move Naruto had used against Tsunade.

Without thinking, Sasuke yelled, his voice enhanced with chakra, "Don't pull that move!"

Sora, who had just summoned his shadow clones, quickly dispelled them. He had dropped a few meters from his shuriken but used a Gale Palm technique to launch himself upwards, sticking his back to the giant shuriken. His eyes met Sasuke's, filled with confusion.

Sasuke sighed in relief and yelled again, "His body can regenerate again and again, even if you destroy it completely. Even if you would have used Rasengan to destroy his body, he would have used his sand to crush your right hand... completely on instinct."

Everyone on the battlefield was intrigued by Sasuke's sudden outburst, but hearing his words made their eyes widen. Sora, who had initially looked confused, now had an expression of horror on his face.

Sora made a mental note to control his emotions and sent Shadow Clones to do any experimentation with unknown opponents. If not for Sasuke's reminder, he would have not only lost his hand but possibly died.

Sasuke reminded him, "Try to seal him instead."

Sora nodded, having considered that method as a backup in case the Rasengan approach failed. He took a deep breath, calming himself. 'Let's think with my brain instead of emotions,' he mentally reminded himself.

Regaining his composure, Sora looked at his clone guarding Tsunade. The clone shook its head, indicating that the ninjutsu wasn't ready yet. The clone was still creating it in its mind.

Back to the main body, Sora signalled his clone to focus first on sealing the dead body directly instead of the opponent's sand. The main body had a brilliant idea. He made the shuriken go higher in the air, towards the clouds. On the way, he created another mini-shadow clone and had it create a seal to help him breathe at higher altitudes.

As he moved away from the battlefield, flying above the forest, Sora said out loud, "Tinkering to myself with crazy ideas might not be a waste of time after all."


I have only one thing to say to all of you



Thank you to K'Hari Evans and especially Kenji Neyra for joining my Patreon.

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