94. The Greatest Spy

(This chapter is Sponsered by Kenji Neyra )

As his fame spread, other villages took notice. Kumogakure, always eager for an advantage, approached him with an offer to spy for them as well. Trapped and seeing no way out, Gisou agreed, beginning the juggling act of a triple agent.

Sunagakure was next, followed shortly by Kirigakure. With each new village added to his web of lies, Gisou's legend grew, even as his actual ability to provide meaningful intelligence diminished. He became an expert at telling each village exactly what they wanted to hear, drawing on his years of overheard conversations and bits of intelligence to craft believable reports.

Ironically, it was Gisou's complete lack of loyalty to any one village that made him the perfect spy in the eyes of each. They all believed that his true allegiance was to them alone and that his other spy activities were merely deep cover.

As the years went by, Gisou's reputation took on a life of its own. Rumours began to circulate about his incredible abilities - that he could turn invisible at will, that he had mastered every known jutsu, and that he had single-handedly turned the tide of secret battles.

Gisou, for his part, neither confirmed nor denied these rumours. He simply maintained his stoic facade, letting others draw their own conclusions. His silence was taken for wisdom, his inaction for incredible self-control.

By the time he reached adulthood, the same age as Kakashi, Gisou had become something of a legend in the shinobi world. His name was whispered with awe and fear in hidden bases and secret meetings across the Five Great Nations. Enemy ninjas were said to flee at the mere mention of his name.

And through it all, Gisou himself remained as he had always been - a simple man with a talent for going unnoticed, trapped in a web of his own inadvertent making, just trying to survive in a world that had thrust greatness upon him.

As he stood on the rooftop of his modest Konoha apartment, looking out over the village he called home (and the four others he was obligated to call home as well), Gisou allowed himself a rare moment of reflection.

"How did it come to this?" he wondered, not for the first time. But as always, he pushed the thought aside. There was no changing the past, no escaping the legend he had become. All he could do was continue to play his part, to be the spy that everyone believed him to be.

And so, with a silent sigh, Gisou slipped back into the shadows, ready to face another day of accidental heroism and inadvertent espionage. The greatest spy in the history of the Five Great Nations - whether he liked it or not.

As he neared the Hokage's office, Gisou reflected on the third layer of his identity – one known only to himself. The truth was, he was just a man trying to survive in a world that had thrust greatness upon him. A man who had learned that sometimes, the best way to stay alive was to let others believe you were invincible.

Finally reaching the Hokage's office, Gisou knocked on the door, silently praying for a quick meeting. As he entered, he nodded respectfully to the Fifth Hokage, Tsunade, who returned the gesture.

"Gisou," Tsunade began, her voice carrying the authority of her position, "I'm satisfied with the results of your last mission. Your request for a few months' stay in the village has been approved."

Gisou nodded, relief washing over him. 'Thank goodness. Maybe I can use this time to figure out how to maintain all these ridiculous rumours about me.'

However, his relief was short-lived as Tsunade continued, "On that note, I have another task for you. I want you to assess the abilities of our newly appointed Chunin based on the latest exam. Review the papers from the first exam and the recordings of the second and third exams."

Gisou nodded again, accepting the mission while internally thinking, 'I'm definitely submitting this report on the last possible day. I don't want to face her again anytime soon. Her presence is more terrifying than any S-rank mission I've accidentally completed.'

After Gisou had left her office, Tsunade leaned back in her chair, her brow furrowed in thought. Something about the interaction with the legendary jounin had left her feeling... unsettled but not in the way she'd expected.

As a seasoned shinobi and one of the Legendary Sannin, Tsunade had developed a finely-tuned sense of danger. Her instincts had saved her life countless times, alerting her to threats before they even materialized. It was a skill honed through years of combat and high-stakes situations.

But with Gisou, something was different.

She replayed their meeting in her mind, analyzing every word, every gesture. Gisou had been his usual stoic self - economical with words, his face an unreadable mask. And yet...

'Why didn't I feel any danger?' Tsunade mused, tapping her fingers on the desk. 'A shinobi of his calibre should exude an aura of power, a palpable sense of threat. But there was... nothing.'

Most people would have been relieved by the absence of danger. But Tsunade wasn't like most people. To her, this absence was more alarming than any overt threat.

'Could it be...?' Her eyes widened as a thought struck her. 'Is Gisou so skilled that he can completely mask his presence, even from someone of my level?'

The more she considered this possibility, the more sense it made. After all, Gisou's reputation wasn't built on flashy jutsu or dramatic battles. His legend was one of stealth, of being in the right place at the right time intentionally, of enemies defeated before they even knew they were in danger.

'To think he can suppress his chakra and killing intent to such a degree...' Tsunade shook her head in amazement. 'No wonder he's considered one of the most dangerous shinobi in the village.'

She thought back to the rumours she'd heard about Gisou over the years. The time he allegedly made Second Tailed Beast retreat on the sight of him.

The countless S-rank missions he'd completed without a scratch. The way enemy nin were said to flee at the mere sight of him.

'I always thought those stories were exaggerated,' Tsunade reflected. 'But now... could they all be true?'

The implications were staggering. If Gisou could fool even her senses, what else was he capable of? How many times had he been in the presence of enemy shinobi, gathering intel or setting up an ambush, without them ever realizing the danger they were in?

Tsunade felt a chill run down her spine. She'd known Gisou was skilled, but this... this was on another level entirely.

'No wonder the Third kept him so close,' she thought. 'A shinobi with that level of stealth and control... he's the perfect spy, the perfect assassin.'

She thought about the mission she'd just assigned him - evaluating the new chunin, particularly the enigmatic Sora Uzumaki. At first, she'd thought it a relatively simple task, perhaps even beneath someone of Gisou's abilities. But now...

'Was I unconsciously recognizing his skills?' she wondered. 'Assigning him a task that requires keen observation and analysis, the ability to see beneath the surface?'

The more she thought about it, the more Tsunade became convinced that she'd made the right choice. If anyone could unravel the mystery of Sora Uzumaki, it would be Gisou.

'A prodigy evaluating a prodigy,' she mused. 'This should be interesting.'

As the day wore on, Tsunade found her thoughts returning again and again to Gisou. Each time, her estimation of his abilities grew. By the time evening fell, she had convinced herself that Gisou wasn't just one of Konoha's top jounin - he might very well be the most dangerous shinobi in the village, perhaps even rivalling the legendary figures of the past.

'To think, we have such a powerful asset right under our noses,' Tsunade thought as she prepared to leave her office. 'Konoha is fortunate indeed.'

She made a mental note to keep a closer eye on Gisou in the future, not out of suspicion, but out of a desire to learn. Perhaps, she mused, she could pick up a thing or two about chakra suppression and stealth from him.

As Tsunade locked up her office and headed home, she felt a renewed sense of confidence in Konoha's future. With shinobi like Gisou protecting the village, what did they have to fear?

Little did she know that the object of her admiration was at that very moment struggling to open a particularly stubborn jar of pickles in his apartment, wondering if he could pass off his inability to open it as some kind of secret training exercise if anyone walked in.


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