Prologue – The Clock

"Clare! What the hell have you done with my gold watch? I left it here, right on this table!" Mrs. Sofía shouted, dressed in her usual silk robe and her face contorted with fury.

Clare, accustomed to these kinds of unfair accusations, put down the cloth she was polishing with and turned, facing the matriarch with forced calm.

"Ma'am, I haven't moved anything," Clare replied in a soft but firm voice.

She didn't want to get into trouble, especially for something she couldn't possibly have tampered with. Besides, what would she do with a watch?

"Maybe another servant moved it and..."

"Don't lie to me, Clare," Mrs. Sofía's voice rose, vibrating with anger.

Apparently, she didn't believe her.

"If it doesn't turn up, you'll pay for this!" Mrs. Sofía declared, pointing at her.

Clare lowered her gaze, annoyed. She knew that arguing further was pointless, as it would only make Mrs. Sofía angrier to the point of punishing her.

Just when the tension seemed to reach its peak, the sound of firm, confident footsteps announced the arrival of another family member.

It was Julián, Sofía's youngest son. With just his presence, the air seemed to change, and Mrs. Sofía turned to him, her fury momentarily contained.

"Julián, thank God you're here. Clare has lost my gold watch, the one your father gave me for our anniversary."

'I didn't lose it!' Clare thought furiously to herself while faking a smile.

Julián assessed the situation with perceptive eyes, then turned to Clare with a smile.

"Calm down, mother, it will turn up sooner or later. Let's leave Clare alone so she can focus on finding your watch."

Clare nodded, and soon they left while Mrs. Sofía continued complaining about Clare to her son.

For some reason, Mrs. Sofía had been looking for any excuse to criticize, insult, and belittle Clare's work.

Despite having worked for over 10 years in this mansion, it seemed like her dismissal was getting closer.

Part of Clare wanted to quit and go explore the world, but fear held her back.

Giving herself a brief massage on her eyebrows, Clare began to mentally prepare to start looking for that watch.

Minutes began to pass, and despite checking every corner of the place, there was no trace of that watch.

'Damn...' Clare thought as she let out a sigh.

This was going to be a big problem.

Suddenly, the sound of a door opening was heard, and two people entered.

To Clare's surprise, Marta was entering accompanied by a rather handsome young man with red eyes and white hair who was wearing a butler's suit.

'More staff?'

For a moment, a vague thought came to Clare's mind.

'What if he's my replacement?'

It was a hasty conclusion, but there were too many coincidences.

Maintaining her calm, Clare continued searching for the watch even though she was sure she had already searched every corner of the room.

"As you can see, the place is quite large, but you'll get used to it over time. Are you sure you only want to be a butler? You could be something more..." Marta whispered in the young man's ear, but he remained steadfast.

'Is he watching me?' Clare wondered as she noticed the young man's gaze going towards her despite talking to Marta.

'No... it's just my imagination. Focus,' Clare told herself as she continued searching the surroundings, even though part of her was telling her it was very likely that the watch wasn't there.