Chapter 7 – Discussion

The main hall quickly filled with the mansion's staff. Everyone murmured, trying to grasp the gravity of the situation.

The tension in the air was palpable, and every gaze was directed towards Julian, who was preparing to speak.

Julian stood in the center of the hall, with Marta by his side and Leo a bit further back, vigilantly watching the surroundings.

Clare stayed with the rest of the staff who formed a circle, still trying to process everything that had happened.

"Attention, everyone!" Julian said firmly.

"We are in a critical situation. Tonight, an assassin attempted to kidnap Clare. Thanks to Leo, the attempt was thwarted, but this has made it clear that someone is against us."

The murmuring increased in volume until Julian raised his hand, asking for silence.

"Due to this attack, we have decided to take extreme measures to secure the mansion and everyone who lives or works here. Over the next few days, some of the usual tasks will be temporarily suspended while we reinforce security."

Marta took the floor, trying to convey calm.

"We know this can be disturbing, but it is necessary. While we find more guards, we want everyone to cooperate and follow Leo's instructions; he will be in charge of the mansion's security."

This news left several people impressed, as it had only been a few days since Leo had joined the mansion. Amid all this commotion, there was a group that was not at all happy to hear this news, and that was the current security staff.

Fernando, the current head of the security guards, stepped forward and confronted Julian.

"Are you sure about this decision, sir? As far as I know, Leo is someone who has just joined the mansion, so giving him that kind of position… don't you think it's a hasty decision?" Fernando explained.

As soon as he said those words, his entire team began to support him, hoping Julian would reconsider his stance.

They certainly had a point, but during the time he and his sister were alone, she began to tell him everything she knew about Leo. From his habits, personality, but above all… his skills.

Although they both seemed to be of a similar age, unlike him, Leo was calm, cold, and from what happened in the garden, he had the courage to take someone's life while remaining calm.

This partly made him suspicious of Leo, but due to the obvious interest his sister had in him, he decided to test his abilities.

It was dangerous, but this option was better than continuing to trust this staff, who let the assassin in, and of whom Julian had never witnessed anything useful. Most of the times he had gone to see what they were doing, he was always disappointed because he found them drinking or arguing about irrelevant things without paying attention to the surroundings.

The reason he and his family never fired them was because they charged cheaply, and since the area was quiet, they saw no need to hire better service. Seeing how everyone began to doubt Leo, Fernando was confident of his victory until Julian asked him:

"Are you challenging me?"

This question wiped the smile off his face and made him serious.

The rest of the staff stopped murmuring, as they knew that when Julian got serious, he didn't hesitate to apply punishments.

"It's just a suggestion," Fernando replied in a calmer tone because he didn't want to lose his job.

"First, you called me sir when I am actually your master. Second, you couldn't do anything to prevent that assassin from entering the mansion, and third, you doubt my judgment," Julian expressed in a dry tone.

Fernando stepped back, sensing where this might be going.

"From now on, no one enters or leaves the mansion without our express authorization. Leo and I will review the background of each of you to ensure there are no infiltrators."

The atmosphere in the hall became even tenser. Julian, conscious of this, added: "We know this may seem like an extreme measure, but it is for everyone's safety. I trust that each of you understands the gravity of the situation and will cooperate."

No matter the cost, Julian was going to find out who the rat that had entered his house was and make them pay dearly.