
Magic. What is "Magic" exactly? Magic is a supernatural force that was brought to reality. It's now widely used all over the world, even overtaking the once-important subjects and topics in schools. Now, since magic is an important factor in life, many schools and academies have been built to teach magic. In one case, the prestigious Magic Academy of Seiei. 


*Ring* Ring*

The loud buzzing sound of the alarm fills the room of the sleeping Ryo Kyosuke, a 16 years-old unambitious shut-in who prefers to be in the dark like a vampire who's afraid of the sunlight. The irritating buzzing sound fills his ears and shoots him awake. Opening his eyes half, he smashed his hand into the alarm clock and turned it off.

Groaning as he stood up and stretched, he then made his way towards the bathroom like a zombie, half-closed eyes lifeless and his body hanging. He opened the door and looked at himself in the mirror.

"I look like someone on drugs and high,"

He said with a chuckle while staring at himself, messy black hair and huge eyebags underneath his cold eyes, and his impassive, dead face. He opened the faucet and began washing his face, then grabbed the towel hanging on the side of his mirror and wiped his face. Afterwards, he looked at the mirror once more.

"I still look high"

He puts the towel away and then proceeds to brush his teeth. After doing his normal routine he stood near the calendar and stared. Idleness began forming inside him as he stared blankly, realizing that his most hated day of the year had arrived, it was taking the entrance exam at the Magic Academy of Kohinshitsu. He threw himself at his bed, not wanting to get out. But unfortunately for him, someone knocked on the door.

"Onii-chan! Are you awake already?"

A girl's voice said from the other side. It was his sister, calling out for him. Although he doesn't want to let go of his pillows and sheets, He is forced to stand up and open the door.

"Onii-chan! The breakfast is ready! Mom said to wake you up if you're still asleep."

His 12-year-old little sister, Hanako Kyosuke said with a gleeful smile plastered on her face. Seeing this scenery in front of him, Ryo was given a slight motivation to go beyond his door.

"I'm coming."

He said in his gravelly voice. After hearing Ryo's answer, Hanako cheerfully runs off.

"H-Hey...! Be careful!"

Ignoring him, Hanako continued to run.

"Kids are a drag"

He thought to himself along with a slight chuckle as he set foot outside his room. The stairs, walls, and furniture outside his room were so unfamiliar to his eyes. For not seeing them for so long, this was a new view to him. He slowly walked on the wooden ground and made his way towards the dining table downstairs.

Upon arriving, He was greeted by her mother, carrying several food trays and placing them on the table.

"Good morning"

Her mother greeted.


He nervously replied. Not leaving his room for a long time brought foreign sight to his eyes. Everything seems as if they are all new.

"How are you?"

"I'm fine"

"You haven't left your room for decades, how are the changes?"

"Everything...looks new. It's like we just moved in into a new house"

He said, still looking around in amusement.

She chuckled at his statement.

"I see..."

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing. Anyway, breakfast is ready, you have a big day ahead of you so make sure you eat as many as you want!"

She said enthusiastically and puffed out her chest. She might be a mother but she still somehow has the energy and mind of a teen. Slowly walking towards the table while looking around, Ryo noticed something new.

"What's that sword for?"

He pointed at the sword lying on the couch. Silver grey was its color and its blade was as thin as paper.

"Oh, that will be the weapon you'll be using. Remember to use it wisely got it?"

He lets out a sigh. and slightly scratches the back of his head.

"What is it? You don't like it?"

"It's not that. You shouldn't have made the hassle of buying me one."

"Why not?"

His mother walked up to her and hugged him from behind.

"It's my only way of supporting you. You grant my wish of you going to a magic high school, this is my way of giving that favour back."

She said it differently from her cheerful personality. A voice of a mature, yet young woman whispered in Ryo's ear. He's not the one where you'd expect your feelings to be reached but with his mother saying this, it touched something inside him, giving him another reason to pursue magic.

"Got it. Thanks"

He softly returned her mother's warm hug. Feeling the warmth, He swore that he'd fulfil his mother's wish to the best of his ability. Although he can't guarantee that he'll become the top mage, he'll still try to be one.