It's now the 21st century, after the remarkable discovery of magic by one of the greatest scientists in the world, magic is now the skill and talent that everyone looks for. Those who wield magic are called magicians. Ryo Kyosuke, a 16-year-old shut-in who has no interest in modern magic, ironically finds himself studying at one of the most prestigious magic high schools in Japan as per his mother's wish. And now, he embarks on his undesired life as a magic student!
The story is quite interesting, to be honest... I like how you enter a reference for your characters to enhance your reader's imagination. There's a bit of a typo error but meh, It's still good. I'll look forward to future events, don't pressure yourself, dear author!
I loved the story so much! I hoped this story would be popular and be adapted as an anime in the future. I would be looking forward to it! 🫶💖
I wanted to like this. The author appears to be good at writing and has some creative ideas, but 1 the world just never developed.. it’s some sort of school but the teachers and school layout not only make no sense, they break the suspension of disbelief. I’m pretty sure a school, even a magic school can’t be run the way it’s written. Add to that a mysterious main char where all you get are a bunch of disjointed flashbacks to sort of give you an idea of who he is and you find a guy you just can’t relate to which was the finishing touch for me. Maybe it gets better somewhere in the thirtieth chapter or so, but I’ll never know cause I have lost all interest in looking further. I’ve often heard that you only have a paragraph or 2 to interest someone in reading your book. And a couple of chapters to get them hooked enough to read to the end. Took way to long and if this starts to be a book you need to pay to open chapters, it won’t work cause you don’t hook them before the paywall. Good luck with your next try
I find this book to have rare concept on this platform, the characters all have their unique personality, its also nice to see characters picture/art in comments of text with their introduction theres little chapters yet, and its been awhile since last update :c Hope to see more!
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