Something Amiss (3)

A new day was born and is now the second day, just a few more days before the actual test. At exactly 4:30 in the morning, Ryo wakes up. 

He groggily and lazily stood up and stretched out like a cat, yawning as he did. Every boy in their room was still fast asleep. Looks like he's the only early bird.

He walked towards the door like a zombie, and opened it, revealing that the main lounge of their room was still dark.

He walked through the darkness and saw that the kitchen had several lights around it open.

Is someone already awake?

He thought to himself as he slightly peeked to see who was around.

In that kitchen, Ryo spotted Kyouko wearing her casual clothes with a pink apron and making some pancakes.

She noticed his presence and glanced over in his direction.

"Good Morning, Kyosuke-san." She greeted nonchalantly.

"Not really a "good" morning, but sure, you too."

"Had nightmares?" She replied as she turned her gaze back to what she was cooking.

"My head hurts."

"Is that right? I suggest you go back to bed."

"No. I'll jog around."

"Oh, what a coincidence, I plan to have a little jog session too."

"Oh, I see. I'll wash my face first."

He proceeded to go to the bathroom to brush his teeth. He opened the door and flipped on the light switch as he entered inside.

He looked at himself in the mirror.

At home or not, I always look high. That's funny.

He lets out a sigh before washing his face and brushing his teeth. After that, he went back outside

Kyouko just finished cooking her breakfast. She removed her apron and approached the living room area. 

She firmly placed the tray of food, containing a cup of orange juice, and stacks of pancakes on the table and sat on the couch nearby, opening the TV before she did. She then proceeds to remove them from the tray, placing them on the table. 

The living room area consists of four couches, face to face with each other, with a rectangular, black-tinted glass table in the middle and a beautiful set of flowers in a floral vase. 

Ryo sat on the couch across from her.

"Want some?" Kyouko asked.

"I'll just have one."

She pushed the plate toward Ryo. He was about to get some with his hands when he sensed Kyouko's glare.

"I thought you'd give me one." He asked in confusion.

"Get a plate. Don't just pick it up with your hand." She said in a serious and ordering tone, which forced Ryo to get a plate and a fork from the kitchen.

"Go get some Maple syrup and some strawberries while you're at it." She added

"You glared at me just to get me to get the strawberries and syrup for you, didn't you?" 

"Up to you to think." 

Ryo heaved a sigh of annoyance as he proceeded to get what Kyouko wanted. he placed it all in a tray before returning to the living room. 

He gently placed them on the table and proceeded to get a piece of pancake, placing it on his plate. 

They both ate in silence, with only the sounds of cutlery clashing against the ceramic plates filling the silent room. Eventually, Kyouko decided to break this silence after taking a sip of her orange juice. 

"I have some news." She said.

"What news?"

"About the exousia stone."

Ryo diverted his attention towards Kyouko. "What is it?" He replied, albeit nonchalantly. 

"I talked to Ryujin about it, and he did some investigating around midnight. He found some lingering scent of the exousia stone in the forest area. He doesn't know if the culprit purposely left some traces, or it was some dumb mistake."

"It's probably a dumb mistake."

"Oh? What makes you say that?" 

"Who would smuggle something illegal somewhere so easy to discover? Sure, given that it's dinner time and no student would probably wander outside, but still..."

"You're right... Nevertheless, Ryujin still investigated. Upon going deeper, the traces continued, only to stop at one random point in the forest. Right now, along with another council member, he continues to investigate."

"That's a relief to hear."

"Anyway, I'm almost finished with breakfast, hurry up so I can clean your plates."

Ryo took his last bite and placed his plate on the tray.

"I'm a little sleepy, I'll go back to sleep."

"Hey, I thought you were planning to go for a jog? Don't tell me you said all that to just get a free breakfast?" 

"...Up to you to think." He replied casually, yet with a hint of smugness within. Kyouko frowned her eyes dissatisfied as she watched Ryo yawn again ever so casually as he made his way up.

"That little..." She decides to let it go and proceeds to just do the dishes. 


12:57 pm

A few hours have passed after Ryo's breakfast interaction with Kyouko. Now, everybody is already awake, and out of bed, leaving Ryo alone in the room, sleeping peacefully. 

That is until his phone rang loudly. He slowly opened his eyes, a mild headache suddenly striking him as he slowly sat up.

"Such a hassle, this headache is..."

He murmured to himself as he held his head, clenching his eyes tightly while he did.

Amidst that pain, he forced himself to pick up the phone from the side table.

"Who is this...?" He answered sluggishly in a deep, morning voice.

"Fujimoto Kyouko. Ryujin and I are currently investigating the forest and we found something."

"That so?"

"Yes. Come here. Ryujin wants you here."

"Huh? Hey now, don't tell me you broke your promise?"

"I didn't. He simply asked me to call you."

Ryo groaned in dissatisfaction and annoyance.

"Tell him I'm dead. Bye." With those sudden words, he hung up the call and proceeded to lay back down in bed.


A few moments before that call.

12:24 pm

Kyouko and Ryujin were out, investigating the incident regarding the exousia stone. And, unexpectedly, in the middle of the forest, was a girl, wearing a black tracksuit, unconscious, lying on the ground.

"Call your senpai, Kyouko. Tell her to wait for me in the clinic room. This is one hell of an incident." Ryujin ordered seriously, his cold eyes showing intense contempt towards the person responsible for this incident. 

Kyouko promptly nodded and called her Senpai.

Her hair was a light blue, turning into a dark blue as it reaches the tips.

Her face has several bruises around, showing clear signs of other injuries. He gently carried her in his arms and walked towards the council office through a secret passage to avoid any panic among the students in the hotel.

Upon arriving at the council hotel, which was behind the hotel itself, he promptly entered the elevator and pressed the third floor. Then, the familiar hallway of that floor opened upon him. He walked out and turned right and into the council clinic. 

The clinic was futuristic, filled with sleek and modern designs. In the middle was a reclining chair, with a huge, screen display behind, most probably used for displaying patient vitals. The room was also filled with other associated furniture such as a white, modern cabinet filled with first-aid tools.

Ryujin walked towards the reclining chair, and gently laid the girl down. Not long after, the senpai they called soon arrived.