Chapter-2 The Forest of Tempest

Coming by the window Dale looked at the gigantic white owl and let out a tired sigh right then a voice came from behind him "Don't tell me that the court mage is already tired of my brother's antics".

"Kids are truly a pain to deal with especially ones as stubborn and mischievous as him".


"Those two have been inseparable ever since he brought back the owl which he named Kiko 2 years ago."

"Yeah you're right on that one 'Aegriel' but still I am too old to deal with their antics".

"The hell are you talking about you are an High Elf. You all live for 500 years at least and you are only 200 something years old so don't play the old age card here".

"SIR CORALE". Their chat was interrupted by a royal guard.

"What is it?" Asked Aegriel.

The guard instantly got down on one knee "I apologize for interrupting your talk Your Highness." Indeed Aegriel is none other than The Second Prince of Augustus Empire. Aegriel Fulgur Augustus. He had navy blue shoulder length hair, golden eyes, has a charismatic face and was no less than 10 years old.

"Get to the point already" roared Aegriel. He was fed up of people unnecessarily apologizing to them all the time.

"Yes Sir. Just an hour ago four parties of C rank adventurers went inside the forest of tempest right outside of the capital to subjugate a C rank dungeon raid for guild rank promotion exam under the supervision of a B rank party and right before going inside they ran into an A rank monster 'The Calamity Wolf'."


"Calm down Aegriel. Shouting and cursing won't solve anything."

"You don't understand Rev was also heading towards the forest of tempest along with Kiko."


"Yeah, and not only that but Kiko being a mystical owl is only a B ra- WHAT WHERE DID HE GO?"

"Um… I don't know sir."

"Forget it. What happened to the adventurers?"

"Yes, only the party leader albeit barely is stil alive an-"

"Sir Corale."

"What now? He isn't here and I already know about the calamity wolf situation."

"Yes sir but according to the party leader who just got back to his senses said that the wolf had a huge scar on it's left eye not only that but it looked bigger than normal calamity wolfs as if it were a-"

"Defeated pack leader." Said Aegriel.

"Gather all the best healers in the capital and tell them to come with me."

"YES SIR." Said the guards


'Do not get yourself in trouble kid. I am coming.' Said Dale in his mind while flying so fast that he broke the sound barrier.


Lets go back a little bit in time when Rev and Kiko were just flying away from the castle.

"That old man, does he want to kill me or something?"

"Hahahahahah" A laugh full of elegance resounded in the air.

"What's so funny Kiko." Shouted Rev who was sitting on top of her.

"Haha nothing nothing."


"Kiko lets go."

"You sure?"

*Nod* "Yeah, and who knows maybe we can take out a few monsters and save some people."

"Very well then. Now sit tight."

Kiko flew at full speed. By the time they reached there the place had become a huge crater. Tattered body parts of what looked like deceased adventurers were scattered everywhere some were bitten off some were charred or frozen by magic while others couldn't even be identified as to which part of the body it was as if that wasn't enough blood covered every inch of the ground.

"Rev this is bad."

"Yeah, lets see if anyone's alive."

Kiko flew around the crater not descending too low.

"Kiko someone's alive there." He said while pointing towards a somewhat intact body which upon taking a closer look seemed to be breathing.

They got near the man and Rev asked "Don't worry we will save you."

But the man said in a voice which was loud enough for them to hear "Run" while pointing towards the forest and died.

Both of turned towards the direction and saw a huge black wolf with a scar on it's right eye coming out of the forest while releasing his aura.

Kiko flapped her wings and flew towards the castle as fast as possible and her speed was also equal to the speed of sound still-

"Where do you think you're going?"