Chapter-3 The Calamity Wolf

Both of them looked up and saw that the wolf with just one leap was already on top of them.

*AAWWOOOO* Expert class spell "LIGHTNING RAY" suddenly a ray of lightning shot out of its mouth and *BOOOOM* both of them were shot towards the ground.

"Rev are you alright?"

"KIKO!!!! Nononono." It turns out just before the attack hit them Kiko was able to slightly tilt herself thus the attack just grazed Revenya but blasted Kiko in the abdomen and her breath was fading with every moment.

"Such a worthless bird couldn't even take one attack." Said the wolf, who just landed in front of them.


'This level of auric pressure that can even suppress me is coming from a kid that's less than 10 years old. This is insane. I HAVE TO KILL HIM NOW.'

Advance class spell "ICECLE SPEAR."

Rev jumped side ways and avoided the multiple spears made of ice. Then he gathered spiritual energy around his hand and leaped towards the wolf and punched him right on top of his skull in the process slamming him on the ground also giving him a concussion.

The wolf got up and shook his head violently to get rid of the concussion. He then gathered lightning around his claws and lunged towards Rev with lightning speed. Thus he was unable to dodge the next attack.

"THUNDER CLAW." The wolf used both of his claws and left a really deep X shaped wound on his body. It hurt him so much that not even a single sound came out of him.

Despite that Rev still got up and faced the wolf. They clashed and clashed without stopping but Rev was suffering way more damage compared to the wolf who suffered almost no damage.

Kiko on the other hand was lying on the ground helplessly and watching the one who gave her a new life being toyed with while she couldn't even move a muscle. Just then Rev was thrown right beside her.

"Rev." She barely got the three letters out.

"I am fine you idiot." Said Rev with a smile, his body was completely covered in open wound and blood was gushing out of them.

"Stubborn little brat JUST DIE ALREADY." "LIGHTNING RAY"


This 'Lightning Ray' was at least two times stronger than the first one and it left a huge crater but contrary to his belief neither of the two died but rather were unscathed.

Suddenly an immense amount of auric pressure slammed down on the area and even mother nature had cowered, trees were being uprooted and the ground was shattering in front of the deadly force that was none other than Dale M. Corale.

By now Rev had already blacked out because of exhaustion. Seeing this Dale was furious at himself cause he failed in his duties, cause he couldn't get here on time, cause the people he is supposed to protect and die for one of them (Rev) is on the verge of death. He was so angry that his veins were visible on his neck and the back of his hands.

By the time the spiritual pressure subsided everything within a 1km radius had become a wasteland and the wolf was constantly spitting out blood cause his organs were crushed. Dale opened a portal below Revenya and Kiko, teleporting them outside the forest where Aegriel and the most prominent healers were already waiting.

Dale was flying at a high altitude. He summoned a grimoire a book with metal covers and ancient scriptures inscribed on it. He opened the book and moved his hands upwards then chanted "THE WRATH OF TEMPEST SHALL BEND TO MY WILL AND HEED MY CALL MASTER CLASS SPELL TEMPEST OVERDRIVE" The sky that was previously clear started to get covered by pitch black clouds. The roaring of thunder and whistling of wind could clearly be heard. Then all the clouds and wind started to form a swirling patern at a single point which was directly above Dale. He suddenly brought down his hand and a humongous dragon made of lightning opened its mouth went directly towards the immobilized wolf. After that all that was heard was the sound of an explosion which obliterated half of that gigantic forest.

"This what the Empire's strongest mage and one of our Grandfather's The Emperor's aides can do, huh." Said Aegriel who watched half the forest get destroyed along with the monsters of various ranks like it was nothing.