Chapter-4 Kiko [1] The Dark Mercenaries


In a forest somewhere in the world a pair of gigantic Horned owls could be seen flying both were fully white one of them had horns that were bigger than the other one's and it was carrying what looks like a tree's branch

that had lots of fruits growing on it in its claws. A few minutes they reached a big nest where two other young white owls (but they did not have horns unlike the other two) were and dropped the branch there in the nest for them to eat then both the adult owls went and sat on a branch nearby. The mother owl was the

first to break the silence as she spoke.

"I am really scared you know the number of slave traders and the frequency of their visits have risen exponentially."

"I know Lia." Said the father.

"Then what do we do Eric, I can't and won't compromise our kids safety."

"Neither will I. Both Kia's and Mia's birthday is coming up in a couple of days lets leave this place after that. Ok?"

"Sure but where will we go?"

"Lets go to one of the five Empires."

"Wouldn't it be even more dangerous there?"

"You remember Roy?"

"Yeah, the human you had befriended when you were young."

"Yup, back then he told me that unlike other countries where laws against slave trading is just for show and slave traders almost never get punished the five Empires have strict laws and supervision on these matters. Sure it might seem like a pipe dream but its our only hope at this point. I don't want our kids to live in constant fear of being captured like how we did."

"Very well then."


2 Days later

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEETHEARTS." Said the two parents together.

"Thank you Mom and Dad." Said both Kia and Mia.

"Well then what do you two want." Asked Lia.

"I want some blueberries." Said Kia.

"I want strawberries." Said Mia.

"Ok then, lets go get them." Said Eric.

Few seconds later all four of them flapped their wings and flew towards the other end of the forests where there are blueberry trees and a strawberry farm is also located not too far from there. While on the way to their destination Eric suddenly shouted "GET BACK!!!!!!" Just then a magical arrow shot right past Eric injuring him near the joint of his wings right below the neck in the process.

"ERIIICC!!!!!!" Lia shouted.

The kids were too shocked to say anything cause its their first time encountering slave traders. Right at that moment two more arrows were shot but this time the aim was at Kia and Mia suddenly Eric came in front of

them and used an advanced spell "AERIEL SHEILD." Wind gathered in front of them

forming a shield protecting them from the arrows.

"Sheesh that's one top-notch horned owl. I bet they will fetch a lot." Said the archer.

"You three run I will stop them here."

"No we will fight with yo-"

"DON'T YOU DARE DO THAT. LIA TAKE TMEM AND GO. By the time you all are out of the forest I will be right behind you, Okay?"

"Lets go kids."

Both of them nodded and left with their mother. Now alone in front of the slave traders he steadied his nerves because if he falls too early his family won't be able to escape.


YOU LET THE OTHER THREE GET AWAY!!" A fat, bald man with a big moustache shouted

from the back while pointing at the archer.

Arthur who was wearing a ranger outfit made of leather, some light armour along with a scraf covering his mouth and a cowboy hat keeping almost all his facial features hidden released his aura at full force as he glared at the fat man and said "WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? JUST CAUSE YOU ARE PAYING ME DOESN'T MEAN I BECOME YOUR LAP DOG. GOT IT?"

The fat guy who was scared out of his wits nodded so hard that it looked like his neck would snap.

"And besides Agis already went after them. Now be quite and let me handle this."

'This guy is really dangerous not only that he even said that someone named Agis went after Lia and the kids that must mean he can keep up with their speed. I need to get to them quickly.'

Beginner class spell "Wind Screech." Suddenly wind gathered in Eric's beak right after that an ear tearing screech deafened everyone in the vicinity.

Eric flew above the forest and was about to fly towards his family but right then a barrage of flaming arrows came for Eric. He somehow avoided them and managed to get away from the archer. He then headed towards his family. All while praying that nothing happened to them.

*Tch* "Took him too lightly." Saying that Arthur ran towards him at an insane speed.