Chapter-5 Kiko [2] The Birds Truma

Meanwhile near the exit of the forest.

"Mom will dad be alright?" Mia asked, concern and fear evident in her voice.

"Yes sweetheart he will be alright." Said Lia. 'At least I hope so.' She thought with almost teary eyes but Kia was quick to notice this though she voiced nothing.

Unlike Mia she could actually somewhat understand the situation. She knew that her father was risking his life for their sake.

"Howdy ladies, 'Assasin Knight' Agis at your service." A man suddenly appeared in front of them said while giving a polite butler bow.

All three of them halted. they were totally shocked to see the man suddenly appear in front of them. Even if he started to follow them the very moment they left the vicinity. It still would have been really hard to catch up let alone surpass them because white owls are some of the fastest C rank magical creatures.

'This guy is dangerous.' Thought both Lia and Kia but Mia aws mortified at the sight of him.

He had this eerie smile on his face which was visible through the red cloth covering his mouth, a scar on his right eye, was wearing a black ninja like body suite, short black hair, black eyes and a pair of short swords on his back.

"My my ladies, why so scared? Do you not like my face or is it this scar?" He asked while caressing his scar. He continued.

"A swordsman named Roy gave this scar to me. To be honest he was really skilled. Even with my speed I couldn't do anything against him. Well then shall we get started?"

He suddenly disapeared and appeared right behind Mia who was paralyzed with fear got immediately entangled by a rope made of anti-magic material and fell to the ground and lost consiousness.

Seeing this Kia her temperment and lunged towards him but he suddenly appeared above her with both his swords around her neck.

Just then Lia shouted Beginner class spell "EARTH BULLET." Right then five-six rock bullets shot towards Agis but he swiftly dodged them all and appeared on a nearby branch and said "Sheesh you both are trouble some. I think it's about time we truly get started." He said as he held both of his swords like daggers.

"Kia go save your sister." Lia said in a low tone and Kia did as she was told.

Advance spell "AIR SLASH." Lia flapped her wings and sent a few slashes of wind towards Agis but he deflected them easily and launched slashes of aura towards her. She avoided easily and flew past agis with insanely high speed and deeply cut through his abdomen's right side with her wings then casually sat on a nearby tree.

"FUUCCCKKKK." Agis cursed as he fell to the ground.

Both Kia who had just managed to cut the rope and Mia were shocked they never knew that their mother was so strong. Not just them but Arthur who just watched this almost lost his balance and fell from the tree. He quickly stabilized himself and aimed at them, just then-

"Oh no you don't. Now that I know my family is alright, I will also go all out." Expert spell "MYSTIC STAMPEDE." Eric released a burst of magical energy in all directions, creating a 200 meter wide crater while destroying everything within that area.

Lia had already sensed it as such flew out of the way along with both of her daughters but Arthur and Agis were caught off guard as such were severely wounded.

"Agis, we have to kill those two at least otherwise we will be killed." Said Arthur.

"Yeah, I agree with you big brother."

"Then what are ya waiting for drink the healing potions and go all out."

After healing up both of them launched their expert spells simultaneously. "SHADOW DOMAIN" and "HAWKEYE."

Agis's shadow expanded and he sinked inside of it. Suddenly he appeared on the ground behind Lia and she fell to the ground as she was decapitated.


"MOOTTHHEEEERRRRR." Both Kia and mia shouted.



She was pierced by ten fire arrows and killed on the spot.

Kia was sttuned and could not even move nor say anything. Eric on the other hand went mad but before he could do anything he was also shot with multiple fire arrows and killed as well.

Kia the only one alive at that point was captured.


In the middle of a large black market where all sorts of illigle goods were being sold stood a really big tent. In front of which appeared Agis and Arthur with Kia tied in anti-magic rope and went inside.

The inside of the tent was filled cages of different sizes containing monsters of various ranks. After walking for a bit they arrived where the rest of the guys were.


"Yes, as such we will not ask for full payment and neither do we expect you to." Said Agis.


"Yes, we won't forget." Said Agis while Arthur stayed quite the whole time.