Chapter-6 Rev [1] The Harsh Reality

From the day Rev was born he just had to say it and all that he had demanded for would be presented in front of him now that I think about it, I was really spoiled back then, hahahaha, can't do anything about it now so let's continue.


Revenya's father Vikstrom was too humble unlike the rest of his siblings thus his voice in political matters were mostly ignored but that didn't mean that he was the weak or incompetent in terms of fighting prowess no rather he was the strongest amongst his siblings but weak in terms of connections with influential people. His overly humble nature did not make it any easier either. He had a lean yet muscular physique, a moustache, short brown hair and eyes.

His mother Alisa would be the kindest and the most beautiful person he had ever met. She had flowing waist length black hair, blue eyes, a face so beautiful that men could die with just a glance and she had an air of elegance all around herself though to me she was always a caring, loving and doting mother.

They both adored Revenya to no end.

And then there were all his older cousins who stood before me like giant walls that he wanted to surpass but that didn't mean that their relationship was bad, no in fact it they loved hin and he loved them too of course. Whenever Rev was down and needed someone they would always be.They supported him at every point of his life.

Basically Revenya had this picture perfect life that he thought would never change. He was both wrong and naive. He did not have any idea about the harsh and cruel reality.

When he was five him and his parents we were going to his mother's parents' place, they were high ranking nobles in another Kingdom on our royal airship The Stellar Draconis-I.

"Mum how long till we reach their place." Rev who was sitting on her lap in a large room asked.

"Just a bit more and we will be there." She replied with the most elegant voice ever.

"Hmmm, okay."

"BOOOOOM." A loud noise echoed throughout the airship and shook it violently. Then the air ship tilte and started to free fall. Alisa held Rev tightly and shilded him but right then a stool hit him at the back of his head leaving him unconscious. The only thing he remembered before fainting was his mother's teary face.


When he woke up the first thing he noticed was the bloodied body of his mother who smiled when she saw that he had woken up.

"MMOOOOOOOOMMMM NONONONONO WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU? WHO DID THIS AND WHERE IS DAD?" Right then he took notice of his surroundings. The airship had crashed into the ocean no matter where he looked it was only debris that up in flames and dead bodies of the crew and one thousand soldiers who were on board. The sea was also dyed crimson with all the blood.

Right then because of his shouting earlier two sea serpents who are all A rank monsters rose from the sea who were already agitated because the airship earlier accidentally dropped multiple high level explosives that went off right on top of their shoal thus they used their breath attacks to teach them a lesson and now some human was slautering them completely. Both the sea serpants luged towards them but Rev stood in front of Alisa to shield her from the attack cause he was even weaker at that time. Right at that moment the sea serpents were instantly blown apart while Vikstorm who had just wiped out a full shoal of the a rank sea serpents suddenly appeared in front of Rev and Alisa.

His clothes were all tattered, multiple deep open wounds were visible on his body he was also missing his right arm yet despite all his pain flashed a smile full of love towards them and took Revenya who was crying uncontrollably in an embrace then said quietly -

"Take care of your mother and remember that I love you both very very much. Grow up to be a fine man with some backbone unlike me, okay?" Rev nodded.

As such Vikstrom Fulgur Augustus passed away while holding his son in his embrace.