Chapter-7 Rev [2] The Emperor

Meanwhile back at the castle.

The Throne Room. It was a giant dome shaped room which had only one way of entering that was to use the teleportation magic etched on the door that could only be used with the Emperor's permission. On one half of the dome there was a big door with three rows of desks and chairs on both sides. On the other side was the throne on an elevated area and on top of it was a banner with a dragon arched in a crescent shape.

The atmosphere was tense, an immensely heavy aura covered the whole room and the one emitting it was none other than The Emperor of Augustus, Rexilia Fulgur Augustus. He had beard with short white hair, a large muscular build, golden eyes and a furious look on his face. He was wearing a blue coloured royal gown with gold embroideries paired with a white overcoat-like cape and he was in his early 80's.

"So you are telling me that all of this happened three to four hours ago and I am getting informed about it now, huh." The Emperor said in a heavy tone.

Everyone in the room could feel it that the eldest Kyrios Fulgur Augustus who was down on one knee was about to bear the full force of the Emperor's fury.

Despite all the pressure three people wore completely normal expression. The first one was Dale M. Corale 'the court mage' standing on the Emperor's left, the second one was a butler with white hair, in his early 70's named Leo Sukovia 'the royal butler' and 'grand viser' who also stood on the left side but not on the elevated area and then there was the old man in his late 70's named Ares Auxilus 'the crown's knight' and 'the hand of the emperor'. He had fiery red hair, red armour and had a long sword on his back.

"I trust Vikstrom and his strength though I doubt anyone else to be alive except prince Revenya and lady Alisa." Said Ares.

"I agree with you." Said Dale.

"Kyrios you are striped of your title as the commander of the costal patrol." The Emperor commanded while getting up from his throne and spoke again. "Send a ship to their location and I am going on ahead." Each and every person in the throne room had their jaws dropped. All of them had only one thought 'HOLY SHIT, the Emperor moving out himself this is crazy'.

Rexilia [The Emperor] flicked his fingers and teleported himself in the air outside the castle then flew towards the crash site at 5 times the speed of sound and arrived there within two minutes couple of seconds later Ares, Dale and Leo also arrived there.

All four of them were mortified by what they saw and no it wasn't because of all those dead bodies cause this was a rather common sight for these old mens who have seen countless wars, yes they felt sorry for lost their lives but rather what actually mortified them was the sight of Rev sitting on a large piece of wood while holding onto the bodies of both his parents Vikstrom and Alisa. Even Leo who being The Emperor's personal butler mostly kept a straight face was clutching his heart and had a sorrowful expression that was shared by all four of them.

At last Rexilia descended near Rev and put his hand on the kids head.

"What took you so long? Mom, she was alive till moments ago you know so, why did you not come sooner?" Rev said while crying and stammering a bit.

"I am sorry." It was the only thing Rexilia could say at that time.

As such Alisa Vikstrom Augustus passed away in the embrace of her son.