Chapter-8 Rev [3] The Three Aides - Ares, Dale and Leo

"I am sorry that I could not arrive any sooner." Said Rexilia with a face full of sorrow.

Rev's pale and emotionless eyes started to become teary again. No matter how much he had cried prior to their arrival the tears still fell down with no sign of stopping. Ares, Dale and Leo who were still in the air descended after noticing the Imperial warships coming their way.

'It seems like Alisa had casted a pretty powerful barrier on Rev.' Thought Dale.

"Sire th-" Leo couldn't even complete his sentence before Rexilia interrupted.

"I know. I can even sense another shoal of sea serpents coming our way." Rexilia said.

"Rev I heard ya like sushi? If so then you're in for a treat." Ares said.

Rev's pain did not ease, how could it he was a 5 year old sheltered prince who did not have any idea about this cruel world just saw his parents death with his own eyes but the words of the cheerful old man Ares made him realize that he was not alone as such he said meekly "Thanks old man."

"Thats right kiddo now stop sulking and move on with your life. It will be hard but always remember you're not alone." Said Ares.

Rexilia turned around and addressed the warships and said "Retrieve all the bodies and let the whole Empire know that a shoal of fifty sea serpents attacked the royal airship claming the lives of the crew, one thousand soldiers as well as the lives of my son Vikstrom Fulgur Augustus and my daughter-in-law Alisa Vikstrom Augustus. The only one alive is my grandson Revenya Fulgur Augustus."

Everyone were shocked but one of them was almost visibly ecstatic at the news and that was Kyrios. 'Finally, finally that asshole is dead. All the work that I did to lure the sea serpents here and dropping heavy explosives on them was worth it. YES.'

Unbeknownst to Kyrios, Ares had noticed the ecstatic face he made albeit for a split second and it would be a huge understatement to say that Ares was mad cause he was practically the one who raised Vikstrom and drilled everything about fighting into him.

Ares calmed his anger and focused on the twenty or something sea serpents that were staring him down. He held his long sword with his right hand and in one swift motion cut all of them down. Everyone shuddered at this display of power.


It took a while but eventually all the dead bodies were retrieved from the ocean and all the ships except one had left. The one remaining had Rexilia, Ares, Dale, Leo and Rev.

Ares, Dale and Leo were all standing at the front of the deck. Ares finally broke the ice and said "Back then I saw Kyrios had an ecstatic expression like how a kid gets super exited when he gets what he had been asking for."

At this Dale said "A child's excitement is pure they do not wish for someone's death let alone their own brothers besides they do not even know what death is."

"You know it very well that thats not what i tried to say." Ares replied.

"I know, I know, I also noticed his expression. I never could have thought that he was such a despicable fellow even in my wildest dreams. Said Dale.

"Yeah I saw that as well. I just want to kill that swine. He is sullying the royal families name with every fiber of his being." Said the calm and collective Leo.

"And do you have any means to prove that in the court." Said Rev who had heard almost all of their conversation and was pretty shaken at this revelation as well, as if he did not have enough problems already.

""" Your Highness.""" All three said at the same time.

"What, why do you guys look so guilty? You guys did nothing wrong and I don't know but I always had this feeling about uncle Kyrios, turns out I was right. Rev spoke with a hopeless look on his face.

"Don't do anything to him at least for now cause if he is the one who caused all of this then I swear I will kill him myself. So help me get stronger, stronger than everyone." Rev said while clenching hie fists and looking at the sky.