Chapter-9 Rev [4] A New Enemy? or An Old one

A few days later during Vikstrom and Alisa's funeral. A large ceremony was held and they were burried in the royal cemetery which was in the northern part of the capital belonging to Gustave ducal house. The whole ceremony was broadcasted all over the Augustus Empire and even the Emperors of the other four Empires watched the broadcast.

"You good." Asked Aegriel.

"To be honest not too good." Said Rev.

'Especially after knowing that my uncle could be the reason for their death.' He thought.

"Well don't worry cause we will always be here for you." Said Aegriel trying to console his brother.

"Aaaaaannnndddd here she comes." Aegriel said and both of them jumped backwards. Right then what looked like a 9 years old boy with dark pink hair, black eyes jumped and towards where both of them were standing previously and landed head first onto the wall beside them.

"Oowwwie that hurt."


A few seconds ago. The boy who in reality was the first princess of Augustus, Olivia Fulgur Augustus. Despite being a girl she always wore boyish clothes for two main reasons the first one being her anatomy and the second was her personality.

She was strolling in the corridors when she saw both of her younger brothers walking through the corridors too so she decided to jump them, literally.


"Why did you two move!?"

"I don't know maybe we don't want to hit our head on the wall unlike you." Aegriel said in a teasing tone.

"Shut up." Olivia replied.

"You need to stop doing that you know." Rev said in a soft and caring tone.


A really old man in a lab coat with short grey hair and a beard thats coming down to his knees came out of a nearby room then said grumpily. "Why are ya all making such a commotion here in the middle of the corridor!?"

"Ah professor Ludwik." Rev said.

"Oh Rev and Aegriel, keep it down will ya." Ludwik said.

"Sorry." All three of them replied.

"Hmmm, who are ya boy? Haven't seen ya around here before." Turns out the old man forgot his glasses but he was able to know it was Aegriel and Rev through their voices.

"Pft,HAHAHAHAHAHAH are you serious, BOY, HAAAHAAAHAHAHAH." Aegriel could not controll his laughter and started to make fun of Olivia.

"Hahahahahah." After a few seconds even Rev could not controll his laughter.

"Not you too Rev." Olivia said loudly.

"Sorry, sorry but still Hahahahahah."

"You two stop teasing her." A somewhat older voice scolded Aegriel and Revenya. Even though his tone was soft both of them still obeyed.

He was none other than the first prince of Augustus, Kaine Fulgur Augustus. A 11 years old boy with orange hair, brown eyes and has this air of elegance around him.

"Rev it's good to see that you are no longer depressed anymore." Kaine said with a smile.

"Yeah, thanks." Rev was a bit awkward because kaine was his uncle's Kyrios's son.

"Hmm, you don't seem alright maybe you should go take some rest." Kaine said with concern evident in his voice.

"Yeah I will do that. See you all later." Rev said.

"Seems hitting my head on the wall was worth it. He is smiling and laughing afterall hehe." Olivia said proudly.

"Well my job is done here so I'm going back inside." Ludwik said.

After that everyone went about their own way.


In another part of the castle a man with messed up orange hair was sitting in a the corner of the room he was in. At first glance one would mistake him for a mentally ill person but he was actually Kyrios Fulgur Augustus.

"Nonononono. What have I done? What have I done? What have I done? Why did this happen to me." He said.

At moment the door opened and Kaine walked in the room and looked at his father who was completely pale at the sight of him.

"How are you father." Kaine asked with a wicked smile.

"No you are not my son so don't call me your father you feind. It's all because of you. It's because of you that I killed them both and thats not even the worst part, I ... I was happy at their death. I was happy at making my nephew practically an orphan." Kyrios said while stammering.

"Yeah and yet you could not kill Revenya who was supposed to be our utmost priority and you have the balls to argue with me." Kaine said in an inhumane voice while holding Kyrios by his neck.

"It seems I would need to make you more obedient so you don't act up again."




"You need to do better than that if you want to be the strongest Rev." Ares said.

"I know." Rev replied.

*whack" Both of their wooden swords clashed and Rev was easily overpowered.

"You're too predictable kid. Don't move in a pattern switch things up and adapt to your opponent." Ares said.

Rev took the advice and moved in through the left but changed the trajectory at the last moment but he was again blocked. Then he backed off.

"That was a good one, you might just get some of the newbies in the royal guards with that feint. Now let me show you what a real feint is." Ares said

Ares moved in from the left instead showed an attack on the right, Rev went in for the block but Ares was bheind him. Rev swung his sword around but Ares's sword was already at his neck.

"Do you get it now." Ares asked.

"Yeah, I do." Rev said.

"Ares some slave traders have been spotted near the western border by the fortress the The Gustav noble house's kid is incharge of, his majesty wants you to go there and get things in order and it seems the Arthur and Agis mercenary duo is with them." Leo approached them and said.

'Now this is good.' Ares thought. "Hey kid get ready lets get you some experience." Ares said to Rev.

"What!? You sure?" Rev asked confused.

"Yeah I want you to get experience on those salve traders. Fret not I am not asking you to kill the or anything rather I want you to watch the strategy meeting and learn some stuff." Ares said with a serious look and rev nodded.