
Amelia called out his name in a mixture of joy and trepidation. "Han Jie!" she cried out, her voice trembling.

Han Jie came into view, the creatures turned their gazes towards him, their expressions remaining stoic and indifferent.

"These… what are they?" A flicker of unease crossed Han Jie's face as he took in the sight of the creatures. He looked like he was trying to figure out what these beings were.

Amelia and Evelyn were relieved to see him, but the sight of the creatures still lingering nearby sent a chill down their spines. The creatures just stood there, watching them intently, their presence almost ominous and unnatural.

Han Jie took a deep breath, his mind racing. He knew that he needed to distract the creatures, to give them time to come up with a plan. He mustered all his courage and spoke up.

"Hey, listen," he said, his voice steady. "If you need someone, take me instead."

"Yes, take him" Amelia immediately chimed in

Han Jie's faced turned gloomy instantly

The creatures stood there, their face expressionless. Han Jie asked again and continued to ask them questions, but their replies were cryptic and unhelpful.

The creatures moved forward their eyes slowly turning dirty green, "We have our orders" 

Its skin turns a sickly shade of blue-green, translucent in places. Revealing pulsating vein

Han Jie was frustrated and hurriedly yelled, "Hold on" 

Suddenly, Zetian and Sial arrived at the scene, The trio collectively let out a sigh of relief 

The creature's eyes narrowed at the sight of Zetian. Zetian stood there, his eyes cold as he shot them a look. 

For some reason, at the sight of Zetian, Everyone could not help but notice the creature's change in expression. 

The leader spoke up, his voice strained. "We have to carry out our mission," he said, his eyes darting around nervously.

"I reject" 

The leader turned stiff, "this…" he hesitated feeling the weight of Zetian's word, but then spoke up. " Retreat," he said, his voice low and reluctant.

With that, the creatures dispersed one by one, their departure swift and silent, as if they had never been there. Zetian let out a sigh, her expression hardening a little 

Han Jie, who had been standing nearby, let out a sigh of relief, his shoulders sagging as the tension left his body. Amelia and Evelyn, who had been watching everything intently, also let out a collective sigh, their eyes wide with disbelief.

"I'm alive" Amelia chuckled in a silly manner 

As the other creatures retreated, one of them suddenly turned towards Evelyn, his eyes glowing dark green as he charged at her

Han Jie, who had been standing nearby, spotted the creature and acted quickly. He jumped forward, shielding her with his body. The creature's impact sent Han Jie sprawling onto the ground. 

Zetians eyes darkened, And the creature scared stiff, immediately disappeared 

As the creature disappeared, Han Jie remained on the floor, his body feeling the impact of the collision. He had shielded Evelyn with his body, protecting her from the attack, but the force of the hit had knocked him down. He lay there for a moment, catching his breath, "Damn, I shouldn't have cancelled my gym membership. My poor waist"

He sat up with great difficulty, The situation earlier scared the four people. Sial walked over and knelt next to him, "He is fine" 

Han Jie furrowed his brows and hollered, "And who are you?" He winced in pain as he exerted pressure to change posture, "How I'm I fine like this"

"Sial… together with Evelyn" Sial replied curtly, choosing the ignore his second statement

His second words had a deeper meaning which everyone understood except for the party concerned 

"That great, that great" Han Jie waved his hands, "Now compensate me for saving your woman" 

"How am I supposed to join the race next week" Han Jie muttered under his breath 

Evelyn's face heated up at his casual remark, "Brother Han don't spout nonsense, We're not dating. Did the creature hit you on your head?" 

Amelia gave a meaningful look at Evelyn "Sure sure" she then sighed at the sight of Han Jie, "Let's take this dork to the hospital, humph im not forking out any money" 

She was already poor to begin with, Sigh..

"What hospital, I am not going anywhere. I'm going to the reunion" 

"Fine Suit yourself" Amelia shrugged 

The latters all got into the car not sparing him any concerns again. Han Jie cursed under his breath and with much difficulty, he got into the car. "Heartless" 

They all seemed to have silently agreed not to talk about the incident. And Zetian drove the car to the School.