Second Class Fae

"We can't go any faster," Evelyn said, her voice trembling. The streets were becoming narrower but the men were still on their tail. As the car moved, one of the men pointed something at them.

Before Evelyn could react, a loud bang echoed through the air, and a bullet shattered the back window. She let out a scream and instinctively ducked, while Amelia covered her face with her hands, her body trembling with fear.

"The heck, this is a civilized country!" 

Evelyn's heart hammered in her chest as she desperately tried to keep the car steady. She could hear Amelia's rapid breathing beside her, "As you can see, they don't seem to be humans lest they know the rule"

the sounds of the car engine roaring through the road could be heard. The men behind them continued to fire shots, the bullets narrowly missing the car.

Evelyn's mind was chaotic, her thoughts racing as she tried to find a way out of this terrifying situation. She spotted a sharp turn ahead and quickly manoeuvred the car into it, hoping to throw off their pursuers. But the men followed suit. 

The narrow road they were on now was lined with trees and bushes, and the car was swerving back and forth as Evelyn desperately tried to shake off their pursuers. Another bullet struck the car, this time hitting the side mirror and sending glass shattering everywhere.

The sound of the broken glass raining down on Amelia made her let out a shrill cry of terror. "We're going to die!" she said between sobs.

Evelyn fought to keep her own fear and panic at bay as she manoeuvred the car, the men behind them still hot on their tail.

Suddenly, one of the men leapt up and appeared at the front of the car. The car came to an abrupt halt as it slammed into one of the creatures. Evelyn and Amelia were stunned to see no damage on the creature's body, despite the impact. 

However, the creature's hand had a large hole in it, which quickly healed itself. 

Amelia screamed after seeing that, "We're dead" 

The creatures continued to advance towards them, 

The two girls quickly got out of the car

Amelia screamed for help, but Evelyn grabbed her and tried to negotiate with the creatures. "What do you want? I'll give it to you! Tell me" she asked, her voice trembling.

The creatures stopped in their tracks, their cold eyes fixed on the two girls. After being hit, they still look calm and clean with no sign of it. 

They replied in unison, their voices emotionless. "Our target is to bring you dead or alive," they said. 

The girls recoiled in terror, moving behind each other for protection.

Just then, a voice rang out from behind them, "Lyn, Amy! " 

Amelia recognized it immediately, and her heart filled with a mix of relief and fear.

"Han Jie! "


Back at the Mansion 

The two men who seemed to be at loggerheads with each other walked into the mansion


"No one's here" 

Zetian let out a chuckle, he walked toward the couch and settled on it "Ha! I guess she doesn't need you, except if you want to go now, what or who will you go as?"

Sial frowned, seemingly in deep thought, "How high is the wall there?" 

It's an easy feat for him to scale over a wall if he wants to. 

Zetian shot him a look, amused. He knew exactly what Sial had in mind. 

"Be my partner then" 

Sial shot him a look of disdain, his deep blue eyes staring disgustingly, "I'll make do with the wall" 

Sial picked up a key and tossed it at Zetian, "You drive, I'll catch up on my sleep" 

Last Night, he didn't sleep at all occupied with thoughts. 

Just then, A loud bang pierced through the air 

The wall seemed to have a hole in it now 

The two men glanced over, and Zetian expression changed. 

Sial frowned, "They're here for me or you?" 

Both men are prominent figures, Sial to be precise has a lot of people after their head 

"These are second-class fae" 

Sial's eyes glinted, he masked his surprise quite well "So they're after you" 

Zetian chuckled in amusement, "Not necessarily" 

"Fine, take the three on the right, I'll take the four" 

Zetian snorted, he said sarcastically, "Overconfidence is deadly, do not underestimate them, but fine let's do that" 

The creature's cold gaze skimmed through the room, and suddenly with imhumane speed they dashed out of the mansion, disappearing in mere seconds 

Sial knitted his brows in confusion, "What was that?" 

Zetian eyes turned cold, "They're not here for us, they're after the girls, precisely Evelyn, let's go"