The car stopped

The girls entered the room, Evelyn in particular seemed to be in thought, She was particularly concerned about what dress to wear for the reunion, but her thoughts were interrupted when she saw a cheeky smile on Amelia's face, "What?" 

Amelia managed a small smile, "You're thinking about what to wear," she said, "Hehe! I've got that covered,"

Evelyn was stunned. "You do?" 

Amelia smiled proudly, "Yeah, I thought we were about the same size, so I brought a couple of extra dresses just in case," 

Evelyn shot her a haughty look and snorted, "At least over the years you've learned how to be thoughtful" 

Amelia rolled her eyes, she stood up, "Humph, don't make me take back the dress" 

Evelyn chuckled and waved her hands, "No no, it's an honour to receive a gift from the Chi family heir" She also stood up, "Come on, it's late" 

With that, the two girls went about their nighttime routines, washing up and getting into comfortable clothes. Once they were settled in bed, Evelyn spoke up.

"You know," she said, shooting a disdainful look towards Amelia. "You could have just slept in the other room."

Amelia pulled the blankets tighter around her, "Tskk I won't" she said and snorted. "I'd rather not run into that guy, he really needs to learn basic manners. Moreover, You wake up earlier than me, so you can wake me up" 

Amelia wasn't going to admit that she was terrified of that guy, what would happen to her reputation over the years if they found out she was a coward too humph 

Evelyn raised a brow at Amelia's excuse "Are you sure?" 

Amelia gritted her teeth, "Dammit Lyn, I said I'm staying here so I'm staying here" With that, she flung the blanket over her head 

Ahh okay, got it

Evelyn chuckled lightly, amused by the situation. "Ohh Sure sure," 


"Come on get up," Evelyn shook Amelia awake impatiently "I think I'll leave on my own then" 

Amelia grumbled and sat up, rubbing her eyes "Fine" 

The two women quickly got ready. They put on gorgeous dresses, Evelyn's Amethyst hair giving out a gentle glow. Each of them looks stunning and elegant. 

Amelia with her hair styled, looked like a modern-day goddess. She stood in front of the mirror

"I look amazing," 

Evelyn couldn't help but roll her eyes. 

The women headed out of the room, As they made their way outside, they were met with a cool night breeze that made them shiver slightly.

"We should probably have brought a jacket," Amelia said, rubbing her arms to warm them up.

Evelyn nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I didn't think it would be this cold" 

They got into their car, thankfully there was warmth in the car. The engine rumbled to life as Evelyn turned the key. 

"Ha! I can't wait to see what everyone's been up to" Amelia exclaimed 

"Why? Do you feel you have not achieved anything, After all, you're just the Chi family's heir" Evelyn chuckled 

Amelia snorted, "Believe it or not, I'll crash this car right now," She rolled her eyes, "No wonder why you've been single for the past years, try to get a catch today"

"I'd prefer to have a sense of safety today, thank you very much," Evelyn retorted, her eyes scanning the road before them.

Amelia rolled her eyes and lifted her chin haughtily. "You're so dramatic," she said. "What could possibly happen at a reunion full of rich heirs like me"

Evelyn shrugged. "I don't know," she said. "Maybe we'll get propositioned by a group of wealthy classmates."

Amelia laughed, shaking her head. "You read too many books," she said. "Tonight is going to be nothing but a night of socializing and probably showing off" 

"I hope you're right," Evelyn said, her voice still tinged with doubt. "Last thing we need is some rich brat causing chaos

Amelia chuckled again, "Don't worry," she said, "If that happens, I'll hit them over the head with my purse."

Evelyn couldn't help but laugh at Amelia's words. "You're such a tough girl," she teased. "But I have a feeling you'd rather flirt back than hit anyone with your purse."

Amelia blushed slightly at Evelyn's words, feeling a tad flustered. "Hey, don't go there," she said, trying to sound firm. "I don't have time for those kinds of antics tonight."

"Ohh because Zetian would be there" 

Amelia's face heated up, she gritted her teeth and hollered, "Damn you!! What also going on between you and that guy" 

Evelyn burst out of laughter, "Guilty conscience much?" She held the stirring wheel tightly shaking from laughing too much, "Come on, let me focus on driving" 

Amelia was rilling with anger, "Fool" 

As they drove on, they continued their playful banter, their conversations ranging from the two men to work to fashion. The mood in the car was light and jovial, as it often was whenever they were together.

Suddenly, the sound of a car honking behind them shattered the moment. Evelyn checked the rearview mirror and moved toward the side. 

An expensive-looking black car was speeding seemingly in a hurry

Evelyn frowned, then decided to shift to the side to give the car a path to drive past them. 

But the car remained stealthily behind them, showing signs of impatience but also not driving away 

Evelyn furrowed her brows, Amelia noticed the slight change in expression and asked "What's wrong?" 

"Uh, I think we have a problem," Evelyn replied 

Amelia turned around to look out the back window, and she also furrowed her brows. 

"The car stopped" 

"Ignore, let's just drive past this place, we're almost there anyways" Evelyn suggested, she then sped up 

Amelia felt a slight unease, she glanced at the back window and saw seven burly men getting out of the car

She could not help but be curious, "What wrong with them? Is their car having a problem" 

"Mostly likely" Evelyn replied, still focused on leaving the place 

Suddenly, Amelia saw as the seven men rushed forward, with inhumane speed trailing behind them

"What the heck?" Amelia exclaimed, her voice rising with fear. "Who are those guys? And why are they following us?"

Evelyn gripped the wheel tighter, her knuckles white with the effort. "I don't know," she said, her voice strained. "But we need to lose them."

She slammed her foot on the gas pedal, pushing the car to go faster. The engine revved loudly as the car picked up speed in the quiet area, but the men behind them didn't seem to be deterred. their speed seemed to have increased. They seem on par with the car 

"Crap, how are they so fast, they're gaining on us," Amelia said in a shaky voice. "What are we going to do?"

Evelyn's mind was racing as she tried to think of a way out of this situation. She took a sharp turn, hoping to lose them, but the men followed her lead, their cars still right behind them.

"I don't know what to do," Evelyn said, her voice laced with panic. "They're not backing off."