
"President James, you must pick a good day to marry; otherwise, it will be unlucky." Emma struggled even more.

"This is the best date for the next six months, based on what I looked at last night."

Emma: "...

That he could be vice president makes sense!

She was persuaded!

Emma was devastated to find a marriage certificate in her bag.

How ironic! The person who granted her the divorce certificate the day before yesterday was the same one who gave her the marriage certificate today.

The female coworker said, "Sister, you're awesome, changing two in three days!" with her wide eyes.

Emma believed James to be extremely cruel. Without giving her a chance to think or breathe, he took her to the police station.

She was unsure if this fake marriage had any hidden dangers.

He said she was following his lead occasionally, and the certificate was just to show to handle family matters, with no obligations on her part.

Emma still felt uneasy and distrusted. She had only known James for two days, but already she felt scared of him, as if he was always planning some evil scheme to trick her.

She bumped into someone while walking.

"What are you thinking? Ignoring your destination?" Marcus's cold voice dropped.

Emma furrowed her brows, massaging her throbbing forehead while shooting a piercing glare at the man blocking her path.

Marcus looked very sharp today in an all-black suit with a clean white shirt inside. The black and white combination perfectly complemented his haughty yet aloof demeanor.

"Is the pain still there?" Marcus gave a small sigh and reached to stroke Emma's head.

Stepping back to avoid his contact, Emma glanced at the ground. She went to the correct department; it was the advertising department. "You can locate our manager or director if you need assistance with anything related to the advertising department. I'll enter first."

Emma attempted to circumvent Marcus, but he stood in her way. "Today is Dad's birthday celebration; he requests that we return to the Brown family mansion for dinner."

After pausing, Emma said, "I'm not going back; you don't have to handle Brown's affairs anymore, and stop calling him Dad."

Her mother was not her biological mother. She was essentially forced to hide at her father David Brown's previous birthday banquets because he wouldn't allow her to attend any significant Brown family events.

Emma knew it was Marcus's fault, not his conscience waking up this time.

Emma received a certificate and had a secret wedding a year ago. After learning of the affair someplace, David Brown became enraged and demanded that she take her husband from their secret marriage right away.

However, David's perspective abruptly changed upon seeing Marcus.

Emma found out then that Marcus, the man she had been seeing for years while she was employed at Starweaver, was in fact the eldest son of the well-known Collins family.

The Collins household.

David used to talk to her incessantly about social circles, telling her that Emma was mischievous and brought shame to the Brown family, despite the Brown family being a prominent family in Florida. However, after meeting Marcus, he declared that she was destined for success and that she could marry into the well-known Brown and Collins families.

Emma had no idea about elite circles or well-known families; she just thought that Marcus's name would suffice to get David to stop meddling in her marriage, and that was a good thing.

However, since she and Marcus were no longer married, nothing was important.

Marcus: "Grandfather asked us to return; Dad didn't make that request. His recent health issues suggest that he is missing you."

"Alright, I get it," Emma said, pouting her lips. I'll return there myself and advise him not to get in touch with you ever again."

Emma spoke, then went into the office.

When Emma was too young to recall, her mother passed away. Since childhood, she has resided with her grandparents. Her grandfather's health unexpectedly declined, and her grandmother died when she was twelve.

David took his grandfather back to the Brown family mansion, so he could be looked after.

Since then, she has always lived on campus and rarely visited the Brown family.

Other than her grandfather, who reared her, she had no affection for any member of the Brown family.

She didn't want to disobey her grandfather if he asked her to return. She wanted to personally inform her grandfather about her divorce from Marcus, and it was just right.


Emma took a cab to the Brown family after work.

The Brown family lived in seclusion amidst the bustle of Florida near the West Gate Villa area.

At this point, the villa's front yard was very bustling, with waiters bringing trays of wine, sophisticated Western cuisine, and elaborate mood lighting.

Disinterested in the lively front yard, Emma headed straight to the third floor to find her grandfather. Instead, she ran straight into Ava, David's daughter.

"What are you doing here?" asked Ava, whose ostentatious evening gown betrayed a hint of contempt on her makeup-covered face.

Lost in her thoughts, Emma climbed the stairs, oblivious to Ava's words as she pondered deeply.

Normally, Ava would have erupted if Emma hadn't answered her, but this time, she just coughed and inexplicably asked, "Why is it that is only you? "Where is Brother Marcus?"

"Marcus, your brother?" Emma interrupted herself to laugh, saying, "Your tone is so loving, and you're calling him that. It's so intimate. Do you have your eye on my husband?"

"What the fu*k are you talking about? How am I going to do this?" Ava's face reddened in embarrassment the moment Emma pointed out her inner thoughts in a blunt and impolite manner.

"Don't think everyone is a slut like your mother, seducing someone else's husband!" she yelled angrily at Emma for another moment.

Emma gave a carefree laugh. "When you threw yourself at Marcus the last time in the backyard, he pushed you away. You also appeared rather sultry."

"You saw that?" Ava's face went white in an instant.

"To say I saw it isn't quite accurate; I filmed it instead." Emma arched her eyebrows slowly, made her way upstairs, and said to her fiancé, "I'll send that video of you to your fiancé the next time your mouth is disrespectful to my mother again."

Emma had already gone upstairs, but the stunned and scared Ava remained in shock.

While playing with the flowers and plants on his balcony, Old Grandpa was full of energy, despite his white hair. "Emma, you're here?" he hurriedly beckoned to his granddaughter upon seeing her arrive. Come and take a look at the peonies your grandfather recently planted. I think you'll love them."

"Grandpa, if you hadn't said it was a peony, I really wouldn't have recognized it," Emma said, sagging into the wicker chair.

"Oh, you playful one! Do you doubt my gardening skills, my dear? "Why don't you come help me plant flowers more often?" The elderly grandfather glared at her.

"I'm all thumbs; please spare me." "Grandpa, I have something to tell you," Emma said hesitantly after observing that he seemed in a good mood.

David, Emma's father, entered abruptly before she could finish, saying in a sonorous voice, "I also have something to discuss with you."

After years spent immersed in the business world, David was over fifty years old, with a steady and dignified bearing and the shrewdness of a successful businessman.

His eyes grew a little dimmer as he looked over Emma's shoulder, not noticing Marcus.

However, it took just a moment or two for David to return to his normal poise. "Today, Marcus was not present."

Emma: "I've already done it with him."

But before she could say anything more, David cut her off.

"I won't pry; never mind, he's busy with work." "First, look at this contract," David said, pulling out a document.

With a doubtful expression, Emma turned through it and raised her eyebrows a little. "Offering me 1.2% of the stock?"

"Please carefully read the prerequisite; you must give birth to the Brown family's grandchild within a year," David stated.