Birthday Party

Emma turned the thin contract over. They used clear, basic language.

David had always been sparing with her, so she found it hard to believe that this was from him.

The Brown Group had a great track record in the Southeast of America, operating numerous five-star hotels in addition to furniture factories, building material factories, home furnishing malls, etc.

An annual dividend of thousands of dollars could easily be generated from owning 1.2% of Brown's shares.

Grandpa enthusiastically nodded at his granddaughter, fearing Emma would reconsider and reject it.

To reassure her grandfather, Emma offered him a small smile.

Ava and her mother had repeatedly caused a ruckus with David after Ava married into the Hudson family, demanding a dowry of 0.3% of Brown's shares. David had declined and had only offered a villa, a car, and $500k in cash for the wedding.

Intrigued by the contract, Emma envisioned the dismay Ava and her mother would feel upon discovering her ownership of Brown's shares.

David tapped on the contract after noticing Emma had not spoken for a while, saying, "This contract has no unnecessary complications. I really am sincere. The only thing your aging grandfather wants is for all four generations to live under one roof. Your brother, Liam, is still single and focuses on the business of the group. Isabella, your younger sister, recently became engaged; the wedding date is still pending. The only other person who is married already is you."

David fixed his gaze on Emma. The greater the family's prominence, the more they treasured their ancestry. Emma would always be linked to the Collins family, now that she was a part of them.

Consider Emma as an example. She might be Brown's illegitimate daughter, but Grandpa had reared her all by himself.

Emma was Marcus's lawful wife, to boot. The relationship between the Brown and Collin families would become closer after they had children.

Blood ties endure forever, but feelings do not.

Emma inwardly sneered, her disdain hidden beneath a composed facade. Though David came across as a moral person, his actions were always motivated by the Collins family's needs.

The Collins family had never declared her existence, and she and Marcus were secretly married. Concerned, David wanted her to become a mother as soon as possible in order to bind the Collins family together.

The contract did not specify who the father of the child had to be; it only required Emma to give birth to a child, even though she and Marcus were divorced.

How simple!

"Okay, in a year, I'll have a child!" Emma signed her name and waved her hand grandly. She then said, "Dad, please sign in front of me too," with caution. "I'll return with the original copy."

David hesitated briefly, his hand hovering over the pen, a flicker of uncertainty crossing his face. "Marcus was absent today. Did the two of you not have a falling out?"

Emma pretended to be calm, although her heart was racing. "Obviously not, he's just working a lot."

Emma and Marcus had a stable relationship when Emma was with Marcus, and David could see how much Marcus cared for her. He did not stipulate in the contract that Marcus had to be the child's father in order to give the impression that he was only looking out for Emma and not the Collins family.

But David was uneasy because Marcus wasn't present, and he feared that Emma could exploit this clause in the contract if their relationship failed.

"Before I sign, let me edit the contract," David said, stopping his writing.

"Daddy..." At that moment, Ava burst through the door. There was a sly look on her fragile face. "This is Brother Marcus. He's trying to find you!"

"Is he here?" David's sullen expression revealed a rare pleasure.

Emma didn't really care why Marcus had come at this point. With haste, she took the pen and placed it in David's hand. "Please sign this, Dad. Keep Marcus waiting no longer than necessary downstairs."

Reluctantly, David glanced at the contract.

Ava felt uneasy. "Dad, you have so many gifts from Brother Marcus. Hurry downstairs, he's very considerate."

David furrowed his brows and signed his name. "I'm waiting on your good news, Emma."

"All right." Still agitated, Emma picked up a copy and placed it in her purse.

That was almost there!

David nearly understood.

These 1.2% shares were hers!

In any case, she had long desired a child. 1.2% of Brown's shares would allow her to live with her grandfather and provide him with the best life possible in his later years, support her child as a single mother, and annoy Ava and her mother.

Her future appeared incredibly bright all of a sudden!

David and Ava ran downstairs.

Emma didn't realize something wasn't right until then. Marcus had been told to stop coming by her after their divorce. How come he showed up at all?

"Grandpa, I'll visit you once more later." I'm heading downstairs to start by having a look."

"Go ahead, I won't be worrying." Grandpa appeared lively, but he hardly ever went outside or downstairs because his legs were no longer nimble.


Through the bustling front yard, Marcus had already entered the villa's first floor, his presence commanding attention. "Dad, I got held up at work and came late," he grinned as he watched the three of them descend.

Addressing David as "Dad," Emma felt a wave of comfort wash over her.

Marcus would thus withhold their divorce from David for the time being.

"The banquet hasn't even officially begun, so it's not late at all." David gave Marcus a gentle shoulder pat.

"Marshal Marcus, brother." Ava approached cautiously, seeming to be able to extract water from her tone.

"Me." Marcus gave a small smile in response and gave Emma the gifts he was holding. "Assist Dad in putting these away."

With a glance, Marcus saw that she was neither hot nor cold.

Marcus had texted Emma near the end of work to meet him in the company's basement garage. After a long period of time passed and he saw no one, he called her phone and got no answer, then he called Sophia again and discovered she had left.

No matter how bad of a fight a husband and wife had, Marcus believed that they could not display it in front of elders.

She never thought things through before acting.

His rage subsided slightly.

With a murderous hatred in her heart, Ava observed Marcus and Emma's intimacy, but all she could do was smile.

Emma went to store the presents. Marcus accompanied David to welcome the guests.

Marcus was elegantly attired and well-read; only wealthy families could quietly foster refinement. He was calm and relaxed.

David had invited most of his business partners, even though it was a birthday banquet.

A couple arrived to toast David and gave Marcus a questioning glance. Mr. Brown, who is this young man?

"Marcus is my daughter's close friend. He works for Starweaver Group as a junior director of marketing." David reached up and gave Marcus a wine glass. "This is Mr. and Mrs. Baxter, Marcus. Come, sip a drink with these wise men."

David was a seasoned businessman who could read situations well. He promised not to disclose any information regarding Marcus and Emma's marriage until the Collins family made the announcement; doing so would only enrage them and negatively impact their future interactions.

Marcus was virtually unknown because the Collins family was a well-known, century-old clan that never made a big deal out of themselves.

As a result, David would not disclose to third parties that Marcus was the eldest son of the Collins family or that they had recently gotten married.

Marcus held up his glass to the couple in a respectful manner. He had the demure manners of a junior, in contrast to his piercing aura at work. "Mr. and Mrs. Baxter, I really admire you after reading your interview in the Florida Economic Monthly from last month. I'm honored to have met you both today."

Observant individuals quickly deduced that, after hearing about him as the daughter's close friend and seeing him at the birthday celebration, he was probably going to be the son-in-law of the Brown family.

Marcus's remarks also perfectly stroked Mr. John's ego. Without delay, he lifted his own glass in response. "Director Marcus possesses talent and shows promise."

The couple had a courteous conversation and then departed. Then, "Collin?" came from a steady male middle-aged voice.

David pivoted around. Henry Bennett was the speaker.

Henry, who worked in real estate, had just started construction on a large complex of opulently furnished apartments, receiving bids from various suppliers for building supplies and furnishings.

Among them was Brown Group.

David immediately warmed up to everyone. "Today, Mr. Henry, please unwind. I'm sorry I didn't give you enough attention. Please be patient with me."

"Mr. Brown, you are too kind." Henry said, "You're Marcus, Collins?" with warmth, all of his focus on Marcus.

David was taken aback, glancing at them in disbelief as Marcus was recognized—a turn of events he had not anticipated.

Marcus assessed him with a puzzled expression but could not recall any details. "Are you...?" he inquired, trying to place the man.

"Is that you, really?" "I came to the Collins family for your high school graduation and college entrance celebration banquet," smiled Henry. You must not have remembered me because there were so many people that day. You ought to address me as an uncle since we are older than you are."

Henry was a distant relative of the Collins family, with a familial tie to their lineage.

Henry had his first opportunity to see the Collins family in years at Marcus's coming-of-age celebration banquet, which doubled as his college entrance banquet. The Collins family threw a lavish feast and reception.

David was accompanied by the heir to the Collins family, but at first glance, he did not recognize him.