Thy Will Be Done - Part 4

Before they could react, Azriel's blinding speed took them off balance, scattering them. "She's too fast!" yelled Amy, blasting at Azriel. Azriel redirected the magic to strike Dante and Bella, simultaneously countering Malachi and Liliana's attacks.

As Amy, Dante, and Bella charged against Azriel, she swiftly teleported them out of the battlefield with a single wave of her left hand. "Not today. This battle isn't yours to fight," Azriel said. Amy, Dante, and Bella materialized at the forefront of the heated battle with Peggy and the rest.

Meanwhile, on the other side, Azriel unleashed her immense speed, catching both Malachi and Liliana off guard and tossing them aside. They scattered across the rooftop but swiftly recovered from the onslaught, charging back into battle against Azriel. Their coordinated precision and fluidity were formidable as they countered her blows and magic in a fierce midair duel.

Despite their strategic prowess, Azriel unleashed a deadly, loud scream that gravely stunned them, sending them crashing to the rooftop below, which was now completely exposed. They struggled to recover and heal, but Azriel descended upon them with immense speed, crashing down with her feet firmly on top of them, shattering the building upon impact.

She seized them by their necks, lifting them towards her as her wings spread with pride. Her sharp claws pierced their necks, drawing blood. "Look at how pathetic you both are," Azriel taunted, her voice terrifying. "You think you can outsmart me without the guardian as your ally or the beta sword at your disposal? You're nothing."

As she opened her mouth wide, her slippery tongue extended to taste their bleeding necks, gradually choking the life out of them. Just as Malachi was about to pass out, he recalled Elijah's words about his purpose to reforge the beta sword. Memories of his training with Elijah flooded his mind, including how to summon the beta sword if he ever got hold of it. Relaxing himself, Malachi shut his eyes and made a connection with the sword, extending his right hand in anticipation.

On the other side, the newly formed beta sword began to respond to Malachi's call, shaking with a clinching sound. Azriel noticed and questioned what Malachi was up to, but before she could react, the beta sword landed in Malachi's right hand. Firmly gripping the sword, Malachi swung it, forcing Azriel to let go and narrowly avoid the strike. She was caught off guard by the sword's energy, which slightly cut her fingertip, causing excruciating pain and forcing her to fly away midair, shrieking.

Azriel examined the scar left by the slight cut, stunned. "How is this possible? How did you acquire another beta sword after I destroyed the first? The guardians couldn't have possibly made another, not in their current state of dismemberment," she said, fury lacing her voice.

Malachi, standing tall with the beta sword glowing in his hand, responded with determination. "The guardians' legacy cannot be destroyed so easily, Azriel. As long as there is hope and the will to fight, there will always be a way."

Liliana, recovering by his side, added, "Your reign of terror ends here, Mother. We will not let you destroy this world."

With renewed strength and resolve, Malachi and Liliana prepared for the final showdown, the beta sword in Malachi's hand shining brightly, symbolizing hope and the power to defeat Azriel once and for all.

Malachi and Liliana charged at Azriel with precision and strategic moves, countering her magical blasts with the beta sword. They passed the sword to each other with fluidity and skill, each strike weakening Azriel and neutralizing her rapid regeneration. Realizing the dire situation, Azriel had no choice but to reveal her true form and go all out, engaging in a fierce battle against Malachi and Liliana.

The battle extended to midair, with Malachi spreading his wings and Liliana flying without wings. Azriel unleashed a powerful blast that dislodged the beta sword from Malachi's hand. She swiftly caught both of them by the neck, soaring high into the sky, ready to finish them off.

"Behold the last descendant of Michael at my mercy. With your death, my vengeance will be fulfilled," Azriel declared. "And as for you, Liliana. You're a shame and a disgrace to side with the descendants. Now you die with them. Witness my new empire as you both perish by my hands."

On the verge of passing out, Malachi tried summoning the sword again, his life flashing before his eyes. The connection between him and the sword was weakening, but when Malachi's hand touched Liliana's, a surge of power and connection flowed between them. Recalling Elijah's words, "unity is better than singularity," Malachi and Liliana shared a knowing look. Together, they summoned the beta sword, their combined strength drawing it back to them.

With the sword in hand, they thrust it through Azriel's chest from midair, making direct contact with her heart. Azriel struggled to break free but was forced to the ground with impact. As her form began to fade, she uttered ancient unholy language, a final spell as a flash of light erupted from her, shooting into the atmosphere. Azriel's form disintegrated into nothingness, her reign of terror finally brought to an end.

Not long after Azriel's defeat, they noticed the dying Professor Hamilton, his body breaking apart as he struggled to speak. "The doomsday device... and the satellite... they must be destroyed," he managed to say, his voice fading.

Malachi, understanding the urgency, took the beta sword and threw it with all his might at the towering doomsday device. The sword pierced through the device, shattering it from the inside out with a single powerful thrust. As the device exploded, the beta sword continued its path into space, where it struck the satellite, causing it to shatter as well. The sword then returned to Malachi's hand, creating an impact and shockwave that was felt around the world.

Azriel's minions, witnessing their leader's defeat and the destruction of their key devices, began to retreat into the shadows. The united allies cheered in victory. With the towering doomsday device and satellite no more, the atmosphere returned to its normal state, free from global darkness. The fiery portal in the middle of the ocean, serving as a gateway to hell, began to close, taking along with it a few demons. Some demons were cut in half as they tried to escape the closing portal.

As the zombified professor finally disintegrated, his last words echoed to Liliana and Malachi. "Save... the girl," he said with his dying breath. His message was cryptic, and its full meaning was unclear to them.