Thy Will Be Done - Part 5

Liliana and Malachi exchanged a concerned look. "What girl?" Liliana asked, her brow furrowing in confusion.

"I don't know," Malachi replied, his mind racing. "But if it's a warning from Hamilton, we need to take it seriously."

As the remnants of the battlefield settled and the allies gathered to regroup and tend to their wounds, Liliana and Malachi knew their mission wasn't entirely over. The world had been saved from Azriel's immediate threat, but the professor's final message suggested another danger loomed on the horizon.

"We'll figure it out," Liliana said determinedly. "We've come this far, and we won't let anything else threaten our world."

"Agreed," Malachi nodded. "We'll find out who this girl is and why she's important."

With the immediate threat of Azriel gone and the world beginning to heal from the darkness, Liliana and Malachi set their minds to uncovering the mystery of the professor's warning. The journey ahead promised new challenges, but with their united strength and the beta sword by their side, they were ready to face whatever came next.

Meanwhile in the heavenly realm, two angelic beings watched over the desolated wasteland on Earth. The scene below was one of destruction and chaos, yet there was a glimmer of hope as humanity began its slow process of recovery.

"Truly, I say unto Earth, peace be with it despite its suffering and transgressions. Azriel has truly been defeated, and Earth is safe for now," said the angel Uriel, his voice calm and serene. "Though it might take centuries or even millennia for human civilization to fully repopulate, they now have allies to protect them. What do you think, Gabriel?"

Gabriel's expression was one of deep concern. He looked down upon Earth with a heavy heart, sensing something amiss. "I think something is gravely wrong," he said quietly, his gaze unwavering. "Woe unto the Earth and its inhabitants, for Azriel might rise again."

Uriel turned to him, surprised. "But Azriel has been disintegrated, her essence scattered."

Gabriel nodded, but his eyes reflected the weight of ancient knowledge. "True, but darkness such as hers has a way of seeping back into the world, finding new vessels and new means to return. Her defeat today is not necessarily her end. We must remain vigilant and ready to aid the guardians and their allies on Earth."

Uriel sighed, understanding the gravity of Gabriel's words. "Then we shall watch over them closely, guide them when we can, and prepare for the day Azriel, or another force like her, seeks to disrupt the balance once more."

Gabriel placed a hand on Uriel's shoulder, a gesture of solidarity and shared purpose. "Indeed. For now, let us celebrate their victory and the restoration of peace. But we must also prepare for the trials that lie ahead."

As they continued to watch over Earth, the angelic beings resolved to support the guardians in their ongoing mission, ensuring that light and hope would always have a fighting chance against the encroaching darkness.

But little did Uriel and Gabriel know that a third war in heaven was about to strike, a war that would decide the fate of all the angelic host. Somewhere within heaven, compromised angels, having felt Azriel's signal, devised a plot to wage war. But first, they needed an edge.

Not long after, the angel Yetarel, who was safeguarding God's slumber chamber, was tricked and killed by a compromised angel known as Kakabael. Using the Sword of the Spirit, Kakabael murdered God in His slumber. The death of God reverberated across heaven, and when the benevolent angels discovered that heaven had been compromised, a third war emerged.

Heaven was thrown into chaos. The once peaceful realm turned into a bloodbath as most higher-ranking angels were compromised. With the Sword of the Spirit in their hands, the compromised angels seemed unstoppable. However, Eleleth, the angel of light, stood in the gap. Using her powers, she managed to toss the Sword of the Spirit down to an undisclosed location on Earth, hoping to keep it out of the wrong hands.

Despite her efforts, heaven itself rejected all angels, casting them down to Earth in the form of lightning. Some died on their descent, some survived, while others lost their full angelic powers and wings, transforming into horrifying creatures. Their goal: seek dominance, retrieve the sword, and gain absolute power.

Meanwhile, in the shattered mansion of Mr. Hawthorne, where he had seemingly met his end after Amy's brutal assault, he was regenerating. Three days later, fully healed, he witnessed the great destruction around him. Horrifying creatures feasted on the dead, some hovered in midair, and random lightning strikes illuminated the chaos. Hawthorne made his way to a secret hideout where he had instructed his goons to secure Cecilia.

Upon arriving and opening the door, he was met with the lifeless bodies of his goons, brutally murdered by the possessed Cecilia. Blood stained her mouth, dress, and partially her face and hair. Seeing this, Mr. Hawthorne gracefully humbled himself, paying homage to the possessed Cecilia.

"Mother. Thy will be done," he said with reverence.

Cecilia's eyes glowed bright red as she partially revealed her left fangs, a sinister smile creeping across her face. The future was uncertain, but one thing was clear: the battle for power and survival had only just begun.