Keegan : BrewLab

Study hours suck if you're actually trying to study. But if it means ditching class, they suddenly get a lot more interesting.

After picking up Kael and Zander from Sector One, Valen, Maxen, and I, head toward the garages at the back of the school.

We hop over the fence and make our way downtown. Zander stops at a convenience store and comes out with tubs of ice cream and soda cans.

We plop down on the sidewalk, drinking our sodas quietly, watching the cars parked not that far. Maxen stretches, then taps us on the back, signaling us to get moving.

The sun's still blazing for early September, and Kael adjusts his cap to shield himself.

The shops line a nearly deserted avenue, but it's still got its charm. Banners hang between the streetlights, and a kid jumps to catch one as his balloon floats away. Valen grabs the balloon and hands it back to the teary-eyed kid.

Maxen waves for us to follow him into the BrewLab, our favorite cybercafé.

The first reason is that it's where we hang out when we don't have that much things to do .

The second reason is because it's where my sister works.

"Hey, boys! What can I get you?"

"Nothing, Hazel. We grabbed drinks on the way."

She ducks behind the counter and returns with five glasses of water. The ice clinks as she sets them down.

"Your usual spots are free. Keep hydrated, champs!"

Valen grabs a glass while Zander takes the tray. Maxen heads downstairs with the rest of us trailing behind. I give Hazel a quick smile, and she nods.

An hour into gaming, Kael closes his game to browse art sites. Zander stood, gathering the empty glasses to return them to the counter, and suddenly Maxen yells, tossing his headset at me.

"I've lost three times! Are you cheating?"

"I've won three times! Are you dumb?"

Maxen turns to Kael, pulling his collar from behind.

"And you, Picasso, you're supposed to be on my team. Are you playing, or should I snatch your brushes away?"

"No." Kael doesn't even glance up. Maxen groans and slumps back into his seat.

"You guys are three against two, and you still manage to lose."

"One and a half. Kael gets bored easily , and Valen always does the strict opposite of the quest ."

Maxen drags Valen's chair to check his allegations.

Valen nudges him aside. "What are you even doing now?"

"Mukbang." Valen watches a guy with red hair eat crab on a livestream.

"Why do I have to deal with you guys?"

Zander returns with ice cream. "What's going on?"

"It's Jay! He's live."

Maxen grabs Valen's cheek, forcing him to face him.

"No one knows Jay, the red-haired crab eater. Wake up!"

"nonsense! He has a million subs, and definitely more famous than you."

I lean on Valen's chair, whispering, "Is this what you did all vacation instead of training?"

"None of your business!"

"I'll take that as a yes."

Maxen laughs. "Look, doesn't he kinda look like Zander?"

Valen rolls his eyes. "I can't hear him because of you."

"But he's not talking, he's just eating!"

The resemblance isn't clear, but Zander seems annoyed and walks away. "I'm gonna see Hazel."

Valen pushes Maxen, causing him to stumble into Kael's chair. Kael takes off his headset, glaring at them. Valen shrugs and points at Maxen.

"Kael. not me. Maxen. idiot."


Valen jumps on his feet, shoving his chair back with a bang. "You're absolutely horrible , cruel and mean Kael ! I'm not talking to you anymore!"

Valen rushes upstairs. Maxen sighs, turning off his game.

"Why'd you have to remind him? He's gonna sulk forever. Let's go, there's nothing left to do anyways ."

I glance at the screen, the stream was still playing. Jay's funny moves match his good mood. When I look up, the game room's already empty.

I head to the exit, not bothering turning off the computer.