Nissa : Silverfurr

The day is shaping up to be scorching hot as I head over to Section Three early in the morning. The sun is barely up, but you can already feel the heat radiating off the ground.

I jog through the campus, enjoying the quiet before the usual chaos kicks in. Freshly trimmed bushes hide students buried in their books or deep in conversation.

I always prefer being early rather than late, you never know what surprises the day might throw at you. Lost in my thoughts, I head towards the lockers, mentally planning my day.

Suddenly, a hand on my shoulder snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Nissa Kartan?"

A girl with long black hair tilts her head, looking at me curiously. Her almond-shaped eyes and friendly demeanor are strangely reassuring. Those purple diamond-studded tights leave no doubt about which group she belongs to.

I take a step back cautiously, but she flashes me a reassuring smile.

"I'm Roisin Glow. Nice to meet you" .

"Can I help you with something?"

" We've got a bit of a situation in our dorms; things have been chaotic for a week. I thought maybe you could help."

"Why me?"

"Well... Rularen isn't exactly our biggest fan, so you're pretty much our last hope."

Roisin grabs my arm and drags me towards the train station like I have already agreed.

"No one is as delicate as you are for this sort of thing, you know. You have to help us!"

Seeing her uneasy, my throat tightens briefly. We both know I'm going to say no.

The railway tracks suspended by tall stone pillars always make me feel small. As we near the platform, an elderly man points to the clock above the stop.

" It shouldn't take long now, kids."

" Good morning, Mr. Heartrace."

"Oh, it's you again? Off on another early morning adventure?"

"Just showing Nissa around! A little walk before starting the day, you know?"

The stationmaster doesn't buy her story, but he doesn't argue and goes back to work.

The sound of the train startles me, and before I know it, it's our turn to board.

After climbing aboard, Roisin leans in towards the scanner at the back of the driver's cab.

A green laser scans her face, and a loud voice comes over the speaker.

"Roisin Glow, Purple. 11th Grade, Ambitious."

As students start to gather behind me, I hurry forward, keeping an eye on the light.

"Nissa Kartan, Blue. 11th Grade, Altruist."

Roisin takes my hand and grins, pointing out an empty carriage. The scent inside is spicy, and the red and brown leather seats add to its charm.

Despite its age, the gold-tinted window frames and silent doors show it isn't neglected. The train isn't gathering dust.

I sit across from Roisin, who gives me a warm look.

"You seem awfully happy for someone with a problem."

" Don't worry about it. I'm just glad to take the train and talk to someone outside my section. It's a first."

" It's like not being afraid to turn my back on a wild animal."

My comment makes her laugh, and she pulls a business card from her pocket.

" Here! It's a museum my classmates and I often visit. Next time, come along, it'd be fun."

" I don't think I'd be welcome."

"Of course, you would! I'm the 11th Grade delegate. I'll make sure no trouble will happen."

" If you say so..."

Morning dew beads the windows. I wipe it away and can see the school towering above. It feels good using the train again

" Can I bring someone with me?"

" Sure, as many as you want!"

Maybe Roisin is an exception after all.


I rarely go to that part of school, so the place doesn't feel familiar.

Purple fairy lights hang from the branches of weeping willows and the black grape vines cover the wooden walls.

It's the season, and a few students take turns picking the juicy bunches. One of them almost slips from the top of his ladder, while two girls chat at one of the windows, snacking on fruits.

But it's only when I enter the hall that I understand that the calm outside is just a facade.

A multitude of students jostle, books in hand, heading towards their classrooms. The immense staircases are completely crowded, stretching as far as the eye can see, and Roisin pushes me forward to make our way.

"It's kinda..."

" Noisy? Morning bustle isn't anyone's favorite. Boarders aren't usually... on time."

"Then why today?"

"That's why you're here; no one knows what to do! The teachers aren't in the loop, and whoever did this could get kicked out."

I took a deep breath, trying to figure out what caused the panic in sector one. There was only one possibility, and just thinking about it made my stomach flip.

After walking along a dozen corridors, we finally reach the entrance to the girls' dormitory. It seems much quieter than the ground floor when suddenly, we see a small group of people gathered near a stone beam.

One of them holds a mop, confirming my doubts.

" Roisin, you're here!"

A short girl rushes towards us, still in her pajamas

"I brought backup."

"This way," she said, passing the crowd.

Noticing the anxiety on their faces, I give them a timid smile. Roisin takes my arm and points to the open door at the end of the hallways.

" He snuck into Doeve's room in the middle of the night, he's been wandering around our building for several days. Yesterday he was still in the boys' dorm, but Ruin Grimveil chased him, here ! "

" It will be fine, don't worry, and tell your roommates to tidy up their brooms and....other weapons, "I say before tying my hair back.

Doeve hides behind Roisin as I enter the room. It opens onto a luxurious living room with mauve-colored armchairs that refresh the room. The short-pile carpet covers the entire surface without touching the fireplace.

Piles of books replace coal and soot, and the chandelier gleams with amethysts.

Then my gaze landed on the window, where thin silk curtains let me see the culpurit.

" Hey, you, get over here!"

A gray kitten ignored me, licking its paws. I moved closer, eyeing the drop.

"It's dangerous, kitty ! come here."

He gives me a look, then jumps out the window. I instinctively run to the window overlooking a large garden surrounded by black and purple tulips.

The cat jumps into a tree near Doeve's room. The long branches are within my reach. I put one foot on the railing to stand up.

" Be careful, Roisin whispers as she clings to the main door."

I crouch down, reaching out for a cluster to wave under the culprit's nose.

He meows in response. Annoyed by its slowness, a surge of adrenaline pushes me to grab it.

As I hold it in my arms, my foot slips on a leaf. My vision shifts and the cat digs its claws into my uniform, preparing for the impact.

Fortunately for me, we're only on the second floor. Although the pain is brief, the shock makes me let out a small cry. The cat licks my nose and escapes from my arms. He wears a pendant with the letters "Silverfurr".

" Nissa! You okay?"

The dorm girls have gathered near the window from which I jumped a few minutes earlier. Roisin signals me to wait, then turns her back.

" Silverfurr, you're to blame for World War Three, and I'm the first soldier down."

" Meow!"

He licked my fingers, no fight.

Suddenly, my eyes spot pairs of shiny black shoes standing in front of me.

The kitten snuggles against my chest as if sensing danger. His way of dressing is not strange to me, and when my eyes fall on the crystal cross around his neck, all my doubts dissipate.


Another boy, as tall as him, stands at his side, a cap covering his eyes preventing me from seeing his face.

Silverfurr scratches my cheek, bringing me back to reality. I stand up painfully and move aside, my head bowed.

Zander grabs a leaf stuck in his hair and waves it in front of me.

" Kael, Willowbrook's got a "monkey" course?"

My hands become sweaty as he throws the leaf in my face.

Silverfurr clings so tightly to my cardigan wool that I can feel his claws on my skin. Fear blinds me until a voice comes to save me.

" Nissa!"

I never thought I would be so relieved to hear Roisin's voice, knowing that I met her just twenty minutes ago. She rushes towards me, stopping abruptly when she sees the cat.

"Nissa, we have to go to the infirmary," Roisin insists urgently, her eyes wide with concern.

Zander turns his head slowly, a look of disdain evident on his face as he strides past without acknowledging Roisin.

"Kael, tell Mr. Rusher I'll be late, okay?" Roisin requests, her tone determined despite the situation.

Kael shrugs casually before continuing on his way.

It's only when my gaze meets her's that I realize i just stopped breathing.