Maxen : Not My Girlfriend

The view from the penthouse offers an incredible panorama of my hometown. With few skyscrapers, you can distinguish every detail of the inhabitants' lives.

From afar, you can even spot the Creed Center, and I wonder if, at this distance, it's possible to see the BrewLab. Red, green, and purple cups are scattered all over the apartment.

The modern design from a few hours ago has given way to complete chaos. The sound system is blasting, and a crowd of students in the living room are dancing, playing foosball and cards, while others are completely wasted.

Girls gather around a grand piano on the terrace, all eyes on Kael as he takes pleasure in serenading them. Laughter and soft whispers fill the air as his fingers glide over the keys.

Paper lanterns surround the jacuzzi, creating a calm and soothing atmosphere. The pool is a colorful chaos of inflatables and confetti, with boys racing along its length, their shouts echoing in the night.

Near the barbecue, seniors are showing off their culinary skills by grilling sausages. The smell of sizzling meat mingles with the summer breeze, adding to the festive vibe.

On the terrace, others imitate Willowbrook teachers, drawing laughs from the crowd. Meanwhile, I'm ready to take my fifth shot on the circular couch with my best friends.

The summer sky sparkles above us, filled with stars that make us feel tiny. I don't often tell them, but that's what they mean to me. It's not just because we've known each other since kindergarten, even if I'd met them later, they'd still hold this place in my heart.

Everyone is wearing casual clothes, and for one night, no one cares about our sections. It's a double-edged sword, but it's what makes the parties more fun.

Because tonight, academy rules are forgotten, and the joy of reunion sweeps everything away.

"Here, this is for you! It's as white as snow, see?"

" oh my god , Annwyn, the best gift I've ever got!" shouts Valen, waving a bag with a trapped butterfly inside.

"Its lifespan is already short, and you want to make it suffer and torture it?"

"Nonsense, I'll be gentle!"

"That's not the point," Keegan grumbles, lighting a cigarette before passing it to Zander.

"Mind your own business. Who gives you gifts anyway ? No one!"

"Stupid gifts aren't going to make me champ this year."

Valen casually pulls out a white powder from his sleeve, pops open the capsule, and discreetly snorts it.

"Does that mean you're planning to beat me?" Zander asks with a small smile. It's rare to see him in such a good mood, almost worrying. Except for Hazel, few of us get to see him like this.

Keegan notices it too, pouring more alcohol into his glass as if to heighten his friend's mood.

"Of course, no mercy."

Then his gaze drops, fixated on something unfamiliar in Zander's hand.

" you have a new phone?"

He's been spinning it for a few minutes to the music's rythm.


"You stole it!" Valen shouts, throwing a pillow at him.

"I'm going to return it to its owner."

"That doesn't change the fact that it's theft. Thief! "

"Stop me if you dare."

Valen bursts into laughter, knocking back his drink in one go. He grabs his trapped butterfly and starts juggling it, sending it soaring high into the sky.

Annwyn leans closer to me, her thigh pressed against mine. The vodka starts to hit me, and everything around me begins to blur.

"Someone got stuck in the sauna after training ," Keegan announces, tossing his watch onto the table.

"By someone, you mean yourself?"

"Nope, I busted the door open, and my watch got broken."

"Who was in there?" I ask, wrapping my arm around Annwyn's shoulders.

He turns to Zander, pouring another shot for him.

"Any idea?"

Zander shrugs, crushing his cigarette in the ashtray on the armrest.

"Kael's voice? Poor thing, she got herself locked up in the cold sauna again."

A wave of laughter fills the atmosphere, but Keegan doesn't even smile.

"I didn't say it was cold."

Valen swallows, glancing at the overheated barbecue at the other end of the terrace. Zander's face gradually becomes more blank until his good mood completely disappears.


"I didn't say it was cold in the sauna."

After an awkward silence, Keegan takes his bottle, pours the remaining contents into a cup, and hands it to Valen.

"Want to play?" he says, taking a small sip.


"Never Have I Ever."

I sigh, giving him a too-light kick to stop him from talking.

"Come on, Maxen, unless you have something to hide."

"I'm in," says Zander, putting his legs on the coffee table.

Valen sits cross-legged, making grand gestures to show his excitement.

"Never have I ever started a forest fire."

"That's cheating!" I shout, throwing chips at him.

"Oh, don't be a wimp just drink it up."

Keegan lounges back comfortably, shooting Annwyn a teasing grin.

"Never have I ever kissed someone at this table."

She smirks and takes a sip, prompting a wide-eyed reaction from Valen.

"Whoa, spill ! Was it Maxen?" he blurts out eagerly.

Zander shoots him a look as he finishes his tequila.

"Absolutely not!!! No way! "

"Relax, Val. It's my turn now," I say, passing him my drink.

"Never have I ever lied to stay home and... um, to have some 'alone time all night ? '"

Valen rolls his eyes and gulps down his drink, causing a bit of a coughing fit. I pat his back, trying not to laugh too hard.

"I had to audio record that mess . He kept shouting 'Ruin' for like an hour. I almost had to tell him, 'Hey man, I'm here .'"

"Ruin Grimveil?"

"Shut up! It was middle school, and who didn't have a crush on him back then!"

"everyone " Keegan chuckles.

Annwyn joins in, adding to the easygoing mood with a laugh.

"Never have I ever slept with someone who was already in a relationship."

Zander pops open a new bottle with his teeth and takes a few hearty gulps.

"That's insane! Where did it happen?" Valen exclaims, tears of laughter in his eyes.

"One truth at a time,"

"I'm loving this game actually ," Keegan interjects, swiping the drink from his friend's hand and clearing his throat.

"Never have I ever texted someone just to say I miss them."

Zander shoots him a playful shove.

"Hey, it was my turn!"

"Are you drinking or not?"

To everyone's surprise, I finish my drink. To preempt any comments, I speak up.

"Never have I ever stolen a phone."

Zander abruptly stands up, tossing his leather jacket on me.

"Screw you all."

Valen's contagious laughter quickly spreads.

"Never have I ever had my heart broken," I say, moving away from Annwyn.

Keegan takes his cup and fills it himself. Zander watches him as he sits back down.

"I don't know who it is, but that person isn't worth it."

"I know."

And that's when my brain starts glitching out, mixing up sounds and letters. All I can grasp is a hand slipping into mine.

There are shouts, lights swirling in the living room, and suddenly lips on mine. The room with glass walls glows from the city lights, someone's soft skin against mine, and laughter in my ear.

If I knew the next day would turn into a disaster, I wouldn't have touched a drop of alcohol.

Morning breaks, and I wake up with a weird taste in my mouth and an itch all over. The bed feels lumpy, nothing like last night. My phone blares, and a hand reaches out my face thinking shuting off the alarm.

I think it's my hand until I feel hair tickling my nose. I push it away and see a face beside me.




She's wearing absolutely nothing, and panic overwhelms me as I shake her to wake up.

No, this is neither a dream nor a nightmare. It's a sleep paralysis demon !

Annwyn opens her eyes slowly, yawning.

"Good morning, my love! Did you sleep well?"

Without thinking, I grab her by the throat and scream right in her face.