Caspian : Birthday

No one hates sports as much as I do. Even if I'm not alone, having to do one lap around the endurance track gives me goosebumps. Gaining weight has always been easy for me, but losing it is another story.

I associate sports with weight loss rather than improving health.

That's why it's tough this morning to do this lap around the track. That's why this morning sucks so much.

The field stretches on forever, right next to the tennis courts. I look up at the clear sky and think this run might just kill me. I doubt I'll even make it back to the cafeteria alive.

The best news ever? Blues aren't allowed in kickboxing tournaments. Thank you, principal! The farther I am from the gym and all that sweaty stuff, the happier I am.

Our sports teacher is named Olive Lightspeed, and like most teachers at this school, he's young.

Even Mr. Yularen isn't that old for a school principal. Near the boys' locker room, I spot someone who looks a lot like Rhys.

But something's off. It looks like him, but not really.

"Hey Rhys!"

A shadow crosses his gaze, and that's when I notice how different he is.

It's not Rhys, it's his twin brother.

"Are you the new blue?"

I feel like my legs are giving out from under me.

"Y-yes, it's me..."

"Wanna do me a favor?"

He comes close, slips a super fancy phone into my pocket. Zander's so close I catch a scent of pepper and dried raspberries. It's like smelling a forbidden fruit.

That's when I understand why he's the school champion. I'm not sure if, should he lose his title, the other students would be indifferent to him.

"Tell Rhys his secret's safe with me. and consider it a birthday gift."

"It's his birthday?"

Zander smirks and heads towards the gym exit.

I pull out the phone, but it's locked. Why didn't Rhys mention today's important? Then I realize it's also his brother's birthday.


Nissa runs towards me across the track, wearing her skirt over her jogging pants.

"You're late, I thought you got lost again."

"No, I took my time on the way. Let's just say sports has never been my favorite subject."

"Don't worry, Mr. Lightspeed is nice to us, he only gives us simple exercises."

"Then why do we have to do a lap around the track? I doubt he's really nice."

Rhys taps my shoulder from behind, making me jump. Thought it was Zander again.

"He's gotta do the minimum. Sports teacher, not an art teacher."

As we head towards the starting line, I remember the events of a few minutes ago.

"Your brother came to see me."

"Rhys stops, looking worried. Nissa grabs my arms, checking me over.

"What'd he do? You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm good... it's just..."

"Don't cover for him."

"Nothing, I swear!" I sigh, pulling out what Zander gave me.

"He told me it's for Rhys and something like your secret is safe with him."

Rhys takes the phone from my hands, inspecting it first from the back and then from the front. He twists it around in all directions before powering it on.

Nissa watches him and I realize too late that it's hims.

"Did he say anything else?"

"No, thankfully not."

Rhys pockets the phone fast and hits the track without a word. While I warm up, I dig out a lollipop.

"What's going on? Is his phone broken?"

Nissa taps her sneakers, fidgeting with her shirt. She waits till Rhys is out of earshot.

"Caspian, can I tell you something?"

She discreetly pulls me near a tree, pretending to stretch her neck. I think I see a shadow among the leaves, but it might be my imagination as Nissa pinches my arm to draw my full attention.

"You know Jay, the mukbang guy on YouTube?"

"Yeah, I love his videos, it's a shame he doesn't do live streams often."

"Well... that's Zander!"

I nearly stumble over a root and my brain starts humming.

"What?!! Zander??"


Nissa glances behind me and then at Rhys.

"That's why he's always after Rhys, he knows his secret, he always wants to know everything about him, he's obsessed!"

"But Jay... he seems really nice, that's totally opposite of him!"

"It's an act, I warned you. Don't say a word and it'll be fine."

Zander, Jay?? This is the worst story I've ever heard. My dad and I still expect his thoughts on different recipes and the latest dishes people enjoy. He's passionate and detailed, while Zander... he's the complete opposite.

"Are you sure it's him?"

"Yes, without a doubt!"

Nissa pulls me towards the track and starts her run. Her red hair tickles my face as she gets closer.

"Don't be so disappointed, that's life! Influencers aren't real anyway, it's just an image."

"Yeah... I see that."

Rhys catches up to us and stands between the two of us.

"So what are we chatting about?"

I then ask the question that's been on my mind for the past ten minutes.

"Is it true that it's your birthday?"