Elowen : Let The Games Begin

Every story has a beginning, and every beginning has an end. Readers focus more on these two points, while the content takes a secondary role.

But what if this story starts in the middle because we all want to ignore its beginning?

I want to ignore the beginning of this one and its end. I want these moments to last forever.

These moments when I am Elowen Bass, from the family that has been Willowbrook's greatest sponsor for generations. My goal is to honor my parents, my grandparents, and my great-grandparents so these days remain memorable and unforgettable.

While other kids were watching cartoons, at the age of three, I could already tell the difference between major brand bags. I delivered my first speeches, and no one could refuse me anything

I don't thank Willowbrook for choosing me, Willowbrook thanks me.

The moment I set foot in this school, this heritage became a full-fledged responsibility. Bass is the symbol of dedication, hard work, and passion. Just like my section, I represent these four letters, and not the other way around.

My parents always taught me the importance of community, that the common good comes before everything else. Managing events, in the end, is not so different from organizing a shopping trip.

Today, the cosmetics salesman complimenting me is Archer Yularen, the director of Willowbrook. He wears an awful striped tie in the colors of our four sections, but he remains charismatic in this immense stadium with a fairy-tale decor.

If the campus perfectly represents this festive atmosphere, the Creed Center is on a completely different level.

At the main entrance, majestic arches adorned with artificial flowers and string lights in shades of purple welcome spectators. Each arch is illuminated by spotlights to accentuate the nuances of lavender and lilac. A long carpet welcomes the guests, guiding them from the entrance to the security gates, bordered by glass lanterns suspended in the air by transparent nets.

The stands are decorated with long silk and velvet drapes, creating cascades of purple. Banners bearing the names Zander and Ruin are hung at regular intervals, gently moving in the breeze.

At the center of the field, a large WB logo is painted in black and gold glitters , symbolizing both strength and elegance. The letters are surrounded by geometric patterns adorned with fleur-de-lis.

The magic of this place is fleeting, but knowing it gets renewed every month comforts me.

I'll never tire of Mr. Yularen's gratitude. Every speech of him , his words echo in my heart, and I'll keep honoring this uniform, just like my ancestors did.

"Dear students, faculty members, and honorable guests,

Today, we gather not only to inaugurate the first championship of the year at Willowbrook but also to celebrate what makes our school a true family.

On this day filled with promises and excitement, I am filled with immense pride in our community and in each individual who contributes to making Willowbrook so special.

First, allow me to express my deep gratitude to all those who have worked with passion and dedication to organize this spectacular event. From our fearless athletes to our dedicated staff members and our ever-present parents, your unwavering commitment is the cornerstone of our collective success.

Today, this championship represents much more than a mere competition. It embodies the spirit of solidarity that characterizes every aspect of life at Willowbrook. We are united by our commitment to excellence, our mutual respect, and our solid support for one another.

In every team, in every class, we see living examples of this community.

It is in cooperation that we find our strength, it is in the diversity of our talents that we find our richness, and it is in our differences that we find our unity.

On this day of competition and celebration, I encourage you to fully embrace the spirit of solidarity that defines our school.

May every strike, every drop of sweat, and every moment in the ring be a reminder of our ability to reach new heights when we aim for a single goal.

May this event mark the beginning of a year in which we strengthen our bonds, create lasting memories, and continue to grow together in prosperity.

Thank you to each of you for being here today and for your essential contribution to the spirit of Willowbrook. I wish all participants an exciting and respectful competition. May this day be the introduction to a year rich in collective achievements and solidarity.

Let the games begin!"

The crowd rises, and cheers erupt from the four corners of the stadium. Journalists turn their attention to the main stage.

The vibrations spread through my limbs as the director responds to his audience by raising his fist.

Aria jumps for joy, and her headband makes the letters RUIN bounce to the rhythm of the applause.

Normally, I would have stayed seated in my chair, but I decide to join her infectious scream.

This is our penultimate year, like a second chance to seize, like an unspoken word that has finally been whispered , and like an eternally hidden smile that has finally been revealed.