Nissa : The Right time

"The WBTIMES is honored to present the opening of the 67th Willowbrook Academy Festival!

Location: Creed Center, Willowbrook Stadium.

Event: Kickboxing match between two warriors from the high school."

"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the match of the year here at Willowbrook High School! The stadium is packed to the brim, and the excitement is palpable. Students are streaming towards the ticket booths, waving banners in the ambitious colors and sparkling lights, while others head to the stands with ice creams in hand, ready to witness this phenomenal spectacle.

The atmosphere is electric, and believe me, that's an understatement. Cheers of enthusiasm echo through the air as spectators settle in. Everywhere, excited smiles and eager faces can be seen. It's a true event for the entire Willowbrook school community.

Tonight, we have an exceptional face-off between two formidable fighters.

In one corner, we've got Ruin "THE REAPER" Grimveil, known for his raw power and devastating blows.

And in the other corner, the reigning champion of Willowbrook, Zander "THE ACE" Yularen, famous for his lightning-fast speed and flawless technique.

These two arena monsters have trained relentlessly, each determined to prove their superiority.

The journalistes of the entire city are out in full force, their cameras constantly flashing to capture this historic evening.

Among them, we find Nissa, our dedicated school newspaper reporter, accompanied by Doeve. Armed with their camera, they immortalize the ecstatic spectators.

Stay with us to not miss the moment we've all been waiting for."

Large screens broadcast the WBTIMES live across the campus, and I could never have imagined the impact of hearing my name among thousands of people.

Students, accompanied by their parents and friends, rush between shooting and fishing stands.

There are archery contests, stands with a variety of food, hoop contests, and a group of artists painting children's faces.

Tonight, I'm not wearing tie. I'm just me, Nissa Kartan.

I never thought the championship would be even more impressive than in my dreams, but my eyes prove me wrong.

I take out the WBTIMES Polaroid and am about to photograph a group of students waving their purple flags when my focus stops on the projector behind the ice cream stand.

A boy with silver-gray hair appears on the screen, wearing a long satin purple boxing robe, smiling perfectly at the camera.

The Golden Boy, everyone's favorite with a true fan club like a celebrity.

Everyone goes crazy for Ruin Grimveil, apparently, as girls start gathering around his image.

Even if he doesn't hear them, they keep shouting his name while waving their banners.

"Ruin, you're known for your tenacity. How do you feel tonight, facing such a formidable opponent as Zander?"

"I'm ready. I've trained hard for this moment. Zander is an excellent fighter, but tonight, I'm the only winner. I've worked on my speed, and I'm more determined than ever."

"Ruin, many say your speed is unmatched. What's your strategy for this fight?"

"I've prepared to dodge his strikes, so sorry, Zander, but tonight, i won't be nice !"

I accidentally press the trigger, and suddenly, an image starts to emerge from the camera. I sigh, thinking I wasted a photo for nothing.

However, after a few seconds, I notice Doeve in the picture.

She stands to the side, her face lowered, inspecting her camera. Although slightly blurry, I decide to keep the photo with the others.

Doeve hasn't said a word to me since the Night Venom. Every time our eyes meet, she either runs away or pretends to look elsewhere.

It's not like I don't do the same, but I would have preferred to hear her harsh words once and for all rather than endure this silence.

So I decide to approach her.

"Are you going to hate me for a long time?"

My voice catches Doeve off guard, and I step in front of her, blocking her path.

"I'd rather you tell me if I embarrass you because of my work."

"No, not at all!"

"Then what is it? Why are you ignoring me?"

"I'm not ignoring you..."

Doeve lowers her camera and turns to a group of students walking, arm in arm, towards the Creed. They all wear headbands with ZULAREN in bold letters.

"I'm ashamed to be seen with you, but it's not because of your work. It's because of what happened that night. The Yularen brothers scare me, and I'd rather keep my distance from them. Briar wanted me to join, but I won't make that mistake again."

"I'm sorry, Doeve. I thought that..."

"It's okay, I'm the one who's sorry, much more than you think."

As we approach the stands, cameras ready, Briar's voice echoes across the campus once more.

"Meanwhile, the crowd keeps pouring into the stadium. Street vendors are even selling snacks which is a first!

Will the evening hold any more surprises for us?

Students, wearing t-shirts with their favorite fighters' images, chant their support. The atmosphere is at its peak, and we can say that tonight, Willowbrook is the place to be!"

"The cage that once stood at the center of the stadium has been removed! This imposing steel structure, symbolizing the hardness and brutality of combat, has finally given way to the ring. Powerful spotlights illuminate the arena, creating a striking contrast between intense light and threatening shadows.

If you ask me, don't go too far from the stadium in the hours to come!"

The screen shows a panoramic view of the stadium, captured by drones proudly sporting our school's initials.

Doeve snaps photos of the cheering fans while I fish out coins for some ice cream.

Four flavors are offered, each representing one of Willowbrook's colors: strawberry for red, pistachio for green, grape for purple, and blueberry for blue.

I'm not a fan of these flavors, but I have to admit it's a clever idea.

I grab an ice cream for Doeve and place it in front of her eyes as she puts away her shots.

"Grape and blueberry?"

"Like our sections!"

"The taste must be... awful, but I'm ready to make an exception."

As we continue our way, I recognize familiar faces in the crowd.

Doeve notices them too and hides her ice cream behind her back.

"Popcorn, corn dogs, ice cream, and now chicken? Are you kidding me?!"

"Oh, relax, Elowen, it's a party! You should be glad my mom decided to save 40,000 people's stomachs."

Elowen pretends to faint then sighs.

"Did you really have to tell your parents about it? Maxen and you ? "

" Who wouldn't complain about being deprived of snacks during the championships?"

"Keep it up and I'll give you a real reason to complain."

As they notice us, I see Caspian running towards us at full speed, a corn dog in hand.

"Hey! Glad you could make it after all."

"I heard there would be loads of snacks, wouldn't miss it for the world."

Valen smiles at us and starts enthusiastically talking about his victory at the duck pond, where he won a stuffed animal that he pulled out of his backpack, shaking it in every direction.

As attention is focused on him, Elowen grabs Doeve's arm, revealing her ice cream.

"You have five seconds to get rid of this nightmare, not one more, not one less!"

"I don't have much left, I'm not going to throw it away."

Elowen takes the ice cream by force and throws it to the ground, then crushes it with her Prada shoe.

"That doesn't make five seconds!"

Valen doesn't pay attention to us, absorbed in his conversation with Caspian, while he seems more interested in the food in his hand.

Suddenly, the speakers remind us where we are.

" As the moment of truth approaches, excitement is rising. The thirteen gates are slowly opening and murmurs and cheers fill the stadium. Tonight's fight will not only be a duel between two fighters, but a celebration of the passion and determination that define Willowbrook Academy.

Stay with us for an unforgettable evening where every blow, every dodge, and every move could determine if the current reigning champion truly deserves his place! "

"We better get inside if we don't want to watch the fight on the grass , " Valen said, looking at his watch.

People around us have the same idea, as the crowd compresses us slightly as we pass.

I take advantage of the slow to ask Elowen for information about the tournament's Rules.

"The first match is always about the reigning champion and one of the best fighters in his own section. If he wins this fight , he won't have to play any more games until the end of the year. In the final, his opponent will be the one who has the best results throughout the tournament."

" So we don't know his next opponents?"

" At Willowbrook, ranking is done by color. For example, Zularen knew he would face a Purple, but he didn't know who until it was announced on the scoreboard."

" And after this match, other people from the same color can oppose each other?"

" Yes, in fact, the first games are only between people from the same section. This one is more successful because it's the reigning champion, the others are less popular but always interesting."

The Creed Center pulses with anticipation, a wave of energy that makes retreat impossible.

Outside, giant posters of the two fighters adorn the walls, creating a heavy atmosphere as the stadium approaches.

I think back to my altercation with Zander a few days ago, and his words hurt me as if he just said them.

At the sight of his face, my wounds reopen raw, and I can't suppress a certain unease.

The joy of the spectators, though infectious, no longer brings me anything.

I hope every blow he takes tonight makes him pay for this.

The queue stretches from the main doors to the parking lot. Fans, dressed in t-shirts featuring their champions, passionately discuss the strategies and strengths of the two opponents.

A mix of impatience and frenzy is evident on everyone's faces.

Enthusiastic murmurs and bursts of laughter make the wait less painful, and I notice Doeve and Elowen making bets on the future winner.

The doors finally open, and the crowd begins to move slowly towards the inside of the stadium. Security checks tickets and bags, adding to the overall excitement.

Once through the checks, Valen slips ahead of us, entering a spacious and brightly lit hall first. It's filled with stands selling drinks and promotional items.

The stands are already partially filled, and every step towards our seats increases my tension.

I didn't expect the arena to be so spectacular, and it's at this moment that the crowd reminds me of Rhys's absence.

Loudspeakers pumped out pulsating music, injecting an extra surge of adrenaline into the already charged atmosphere.

A tense hush settled over the crowd, punctuated only by excited murmurs and deep drum beats echoing in the air.

As I settle into my seat, Doeve explains she'll be close to the ring to take photos of Zander and Ruin.

I hand her my camera, realizing it's up to me to capture the best shots of the stadium.

The ring, bathed in the glow of powerful spotlights at the heart of the arena, awaited the evening's stars.

The lights dim slightly, and an announcement rings out, signaling the match is about to begin.

A unfamiliar girl swiftly joined Elowen, squeezing in beside us, her words lost amidst the crowd's cheers.

My heart beats faster and faster, soon overwhelmed by an unfamiliar feeling. Zander is the first to make his entrance, screens near the stands displaying his nickname.

"The ACE."

A nervous silence settles, interrupted only by excited murmurs and deep drum beats resonating in the air.

Then, a deep voiceover wakes the supporters.

"Ladies and gentlemen, get ready to welcome the invincible, the ruthless... Zander, 'The Ace'!"

Suddenly, a purple light bursts at the center of the fighters' entrance, lighting a thick white smoke. Music fills the stadium, all eyes fixed on the new arrival.

From the swirling smoke emerges Zander, cloaked in a black hooded cape. His stride is deliberate, exuding confidence, as the entire stadium erupts in a deafening roar of his name.

Flames ignite on either side of the aisle, sending golden sparks into the air and lighting his path.

Spectators seated on their friends' shoulders wave their t-shirts in the air. Their voices blend, vibrating the walls of the Creed.

Spotlights sweep across the crowd, creating a living purple sea dancing to the music.

Zander ignores everything around him, his teammates following closely. They all wear the same tracksuit, scanning the crowd warily as if protecting their friend.

His piercing eyes gleam under his hood, fixed straight ahead with chilling determination.

Reaching the edge of the ring, he slowly raises his arms, removing his cape to reveal a tattoo on his chest.

An Ace of Spades.

He climbs into the ring with ease, his presence commanding the space. Cameras zoom in on his face, projecting his intense expression onto the arena screens. The crowd roars, their cheers hitting a peak as the music swells one last time before fading.

Zander slowly turns, his eyes scanning every corner of the stadium before locking onto his opponent's entrance.

"And now, let's welcome the man of brute strength and precision, the incomparable... Ruin 'The Reaper'!"

Lights shift again to change the mood, sparks flying around Ruin's entrance.

A figure emerges from the white mist under thunderous applause. Ruin strides forward with determination, dressed in black combat shorts and a matching violet robe.

Jumbo screens display images of his fighting highlights, unveiling his devastating blows.

Ruin high-fives students along the way, creating a direct and warm connection with his supporters. His entrance is less theatrical than Zander's, but equally impressive in its upbeat demeanor.

How can they be so calm?

In the ring, he tosses his robe to his team and then raises his arms to salute the crowd.

As they face each other, I can't help but notice the contrast between their auras.

The announcer is clearly also a high school student, yet he speaks enthusiastically into his microphone to hype the crowd, who responds eagerly to his prompts.

Elowen grips my arm, seeing my attention is focused by the center of the stadium.

"So ?"

"I didn't expect that."

"And you haven't seen anything yet!"

With that, the bell rings, and Ruin charges at Zander.

He goes all out, throwing a flurry of punches and low kicks, aiming to overwhelm Zander right from the start.

Zander stays focused, dodging one blow, then another, his eyes never leaving his opponent. His gaze flashes as he uses his legs to push Ruin back.

Spotting an opening, Zander delivers a sharp punch under Ruin's chin. The impact is loud, and blood spurts from Ruin's nose.

Ruin quickly counters the next blow and shoves Zander back to catch his breath.

The latter circles him, muttering inaudible words. This only angers Zander, who charges at him, lowering his guard.

Ruin blocks the sudden blow and reacts with such speed that my eyes struggle to keep up.

A left hook slices through the air; Zander barely dodges it, feeling the punch's wind brush his cheek. Ruin follows up with a right straight, and this time Zander isn't quick enough to counter it. Ruin's glove strikes his cheek.

The champion staggers from the impact but quickly gets back into a defensive position, matching his opponent's pace.

I hold my breath, no longer hearing the crowd's screams and cheers. Every movement, every blow resonates in the arena like a symphony of violence.

The referee stands between them, ensuring the rules are respected despite the fury in their eyes.

Then, as he steps aside, Zander pushes his opponent and delivers a spinning kick that strikes Ruin square in the jaw.

Ruin wavers to the edge of the ring but manages to keep his footing. A trickle of blood drips into his eye, giving him a pained look.

The crowd chants 'Grimveil' to support him, and Elowen's friend waves her banner while jumping.

"Go Ruin!!"

I lift my camera, aiming at the faces around me, and as I sweep through the purple-tinted shadows, my lens focuses on the base of the stands towards the pit.

My breath seems to stop as a shiver of excitement and joy runs down my spine.

A boy stands behind an expensive spotlight.

His hands are in his pockets, and he's chewing gum. His black hair is hidden by the hood of his sweatshirt, and I notice his eyes shining, almost mesmerized by the ring.

Now I can truly enjoy this evening as it should be, because he's here, he came.
