Chapter 12

"Because, I have made many copy into the cloud. Even if you get the hardcopy, I can easily share it online or get it print out. And believe me, you can't even sue me as I know it contain many illegal activities inside the confidential documents."said Iyraki confidently.

Nextor become silent at first and a smile draw on his face. Then, he walks towards Iyraki once again and caress her cheek with his thumb. "You are not just a feisty chick are you. You may be petite but, you are quite smart I would say. So, what is the deal?" ask Nextor as he cross his arms while standing.

Iyraki thinking for a bit, but after a few seconds a cheeky & mischievous smile draw on her face. Nextor eyebrow raised up one side waiting for her response.

My deal is..