Chapter 13

"My deal is.." Iyraki clench her fist, brave herself to say it.

"Hurry up. I don't have much time, woman" said Nextor while crossing his arm & one side of his eyebrow still raised up as he can't predict what Iyraki was thinking.

"F..For you to give me a protection a..and also become my contract boyfriend f..for 6 months" Iyraki finally said it. However, many emotions lingering inside her as she is not sure what Nextor would response.

Nextor eyes wide open as Iyraki said the deal and he end up burst out laughing until a tear escape his left eye. "Hahahahaha, you are very unpredictable Iyraki Ixerius."

"hm?.." Iyraki tilting her head, not sure why he is laughing at her deal. Seeing that, Nextor reply to her with a wide smile on his face as he find it amusing "Anyone making a deal with me normally would ask for a money, but are the first one asking for a protection and also want me as your contract boyfriend. What's with that?"

Iyraki frown and put her hands at her waist "Hey, stop laughing at my deal. Do you want to accept it or not?" Nextor stare at her still find it amusing, then he smirk and pull her chin towards him, he lean his face closer to Iyraki's face until they could even feel each other breath and said..