Chapter 23

Meanwhile, in Iyraki's house..

"er..wha..what have I done..!! I..Is everything going to be alright..." Iyraki mutter to herself as she is just thinking about the consequences that might happen due to her action.

Then, she is thinking again that this might be the opportunity for her to tame the big boss of her company and not ordinary one, but a mafia. Suddenly, as she is thinking, she remember the warmth of his lips on hers, she getting a slight blush and touch her lips. Then, she smile a little.

However, she snap out of it as she shake her head and thinking that it is wrong and not a suitable time to think about that "Get it together, Iyraki..I must focus on making a deal with him for to achieve my goal" said Iyraki.

Iyraki sleep earlier that night, can't wait for tomorrow. Iyraki bring along her laptop to go meet him at the office. As she go out of her house, she is so surprise..