Chapter 24

Iyraki sleep earlier that night can't wait for tomorrow. Iyraki bring along her laptop to go meet him at the office. As she go out of her house, she is so surprise to see a luxurious car full of bodyguards. Then, a guy coming out from the car. Iyraki thought that maybe Nextor coming to fetch her.

Suddenly, a tall guy with brown quirk hair getting out from the car and wave his hand towards her and approaching her.

" must be Ms Iyraki Ixerius" said the guy.

"erm..a..are you going to caught me o..or something?!" Iyraki panic but try not to show it on her face so much as she is thinking about how she blackmail Nextor the CEO of the company she is working with and form a deal with him. The guy chuckle and laugh as he can see through her.

Iyraki frown and ask him not to laugh at her and just tell his purpose coming to her house. The guy eyebrow raise and smile thinking how straightforward she is.

"Well, name is..