Chapter 27

"Wha..What is this..?! said Iyraki surprise seeing the condition stated in the agreement.

Rizky explain to Iyraki as requested by his boss, Nextor that he demand to raise her increment salary to 1million every month. Iyraki rejected it saying that if she is accepting that kind of money, it shows as if she sells her body like a whore.

Both Nextor and Rizky eyes wide open as hear she said that. Nextor smile and ask Iyraki to take the money as a gift. But, Iyraki insist to reject his offer. She is stand firm with her deal which for Nextor to protect her and become her contract boyfriend which make Nextor and Rizky become more curious of her deal.

Nextor smile again and said that he will not argue more and ask Rizky to remove that condition. Iyraki read through about the protection and contract boyfriend. When comes to the protection part, she is agree with the condition. However, when come to the part of him become her contract boyfriend, Iyraki getting blushed and embarrassed.

"Thi..This is...