Chapter 28

"Thi..This is..." Iyraki getting surprise by the condition about the contract boyfriend. In the contract agreement, it was stated that Nextor will be her contract boyfriend for a year and they will need to act like an actual lovers in which they will go out for dating, attend occasion together, celebrate birthday & anniversary and many more including physical intimation if needed.

Iyraki giving Nextor a glare feels unsatisfied about what was written in the contract agreement "What are you trying to do, Mr. Nextor Pheix? Haven't we agree for you to be my contract boyfriend for 6 months ONLY, not a YEAR?! And what's with other condition act like a lovers?! This is not what we have agreed on" said Iyraki as she is thinking that Nextor seems like trying to control and manipulate the deal.

Nextor smirk as he explained that Iyraki must remember that the person she's dealing with is not any ordinary CEO of the company but, a Mafia boss. Breaking or manipulate or control a deal is one of the things he always does if he want to. He explains further that added a few more conditions into the contract agreement won't do any harm. It seems like Nextor want to use the reverse Uno card to get the upper hand. 

Iyraki clench her fist while..