Chapter 42

Nextor immediately, come towards them and hugs Lyra from behind, making her surprise. "Are you cheating on me so soon, my dear?" said Nextor.

Iyraki slightly blush and get away from his hugs while denying it, try to cover that Iyraki and Nextor is in fact a contract lover. Looking at Iyraki denial, Nextor just let out a small smile and change the topic as he shortly discuss with R.P. on the contract signing that will be held on the party later.

Once done, Nextor ask R.P. that he will be the one who bring Iyraki to the party. R.P. confuse because he was the one in charge as her leader or mentor in the Forensic Accounting Department.

Nextor explain briefly "Well, I kinda have another plan for her. So, if you are done with the onboarding may I have her for awhile? I'll return her back once the party is over". R.P. seems reluctant but, since Nextor is his boss nothing much he can say other than nod as agree.

Nextor then, offer his hand to Iyraki and say...